Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 681: Moon dance

? Three poles in the day.

Deyuelou is the most leisure time at this time, and most of the girls are making up their sleep and coping with the evening activities with nourishing energy.

There are only some old women in the building cleaning up, and occasionally a complaint like "Too many dishes and bowls need to be cleaned today" can be heard from the kitchen.

But her mother, Aunt Sang Xue, didn't sleep. She hadn't come out for a long time since she entered Yuewu Girl's room.

At this time, Aunt Xue stood solemnly under the moon dance girl with her hand down, her face full of respect. It was as if she was not the mother Sang in the moon tower, but the old mother who came to clean the moon dance **** weekdays.

In fact, Yuewu Girl's room is very special, she has never used the old mother to clean it. There were also strict orders in the Deyue Tower, and no one was allowed to step into the moon dance girl’s room without greeting.

There used to be a quack who didn't know the heights of the sky, it is said that he has become a master of qi refiners, who claimed to be a "sword smashing the sky", relying on his own artistic skills to break into the moon dance girl's room. At that time, she was kindly persuaded by Yuewu Girl to go out.

However, starting from the next day, there was no more news of "A sword shaking the sky" in the Tiannan martial arts.

In Deyuelou, Xiaoxiao and Yimeng had a hard time getting along with each other, but no one dared to lead the fire to Girl Yuewu.

The Moon Dance girl has a transcendent position in the Deyue Tower.

It is said that she has a background in the spiritual world.

At this time, Girl Yuewu's slender Suzheng was constantly playing with a roll of rice paper, which was densely covered with tiny small letters.

If Wu Hao sees the content recorded on the rice paper, he will be surprised.

It was the life of summer. From birth, to growing up, to entering the Taoist Academy, everything is fine, more detailed than Wu Hao himself knows.

While playing, Yue Wu muttered to herself: "My parents died early and lived in the house of my uncle and aunt. They were treated harshly and flee in anger. I strayed into the forest, saved by the old hunter, and depended on each other until the hunter died... Hmm, does it look normal?"

"Excellent character and academic, both civil and military, and a certain ability to survive in the wild. Loved the wealthy Liu family daughter in Ding'an City. She once went to the mountains to collect red smoke and fruit, and was seriously injured. Missed the Taoyuan examination and literary examination, eh... I didn’t take part in the martial arts test either! There seems to be nothing surprising?"

Afterwards, she gently rubbed her eyebrows, and sighed: "It's possible to be able to write handed down poems, this may be an occasional skill. But suddenly becoming so's too abnormal!"

Throwing the rice paper on the table, she asked her mother, Sang, who was next to her, "Aunt Xue, under what circumstances do you say people become particularly edible?"

"When you are hungry?" Aunt Xue replied wittily.

"How much did he eat last night?" Yue Wu continued to ask, dumbfounded.

"The accounts have not been counted yet..." Aunt Xue grabbed her hair and said, "But according to my guess, there are 10,000 or 20,000 catties!"

"Twenty thousand catties?" Yue Wu murmured as she knocked on the table, "That's almost the weight of an elephant!"

"Can you eat an elephant when you are hungry?" Yue Wu picked up the rice paper again and found a Chinese ink brush to draw on it.

"If something is abnormal, there must be a demon! Check it out for me to find out all the abnormal conditions around him. I want to see how a big living person ate an elephant overnight!"

Mother Sang took the rice paper carefully, and some of the key information on it has been highlighted by Zhubi.

For example, information such as "parents", "old hunters", "liu family daughter", "serious injuries", and "old doctors" are all things Yuewu Girl thinks may be suspicious and need to be checked by the people below.

After receiving the rice paper, she did not act immediately. Instead, she persuaded the Yuewu girl: "Lord Yuexiang, since neither the literary test nor the martial arts test took part in this summer, it is destined to fail this year. Even if it can be repeated, it will be difficult to achieve success. Is it really necessary for us to spend so much manpower and material resources to investigate his affairs?"

"Failed?" Girl Yuewu sneered: "They just use this kind of children's house-like stuff to decide a person's fate. When did you get infected by them?"

"Six hundred years ago, it was a student who had fallen out of the rankings who had entangled a few friends who had been fighting with each other on weekdays. He created a powerful and powerful dynasty that defeated the so-called sect force to the north!"

"Three hundred years ago, some people were framed and failed the ranking. He was angry and gave up his original goal, the Sky Profound Sect, and devoted himself to the Demon Dao Yin Sect. Surely you should have heard the name of the failed student, right?"

"The Devil Emperor Xingnaruo..."

Mother Sang said the name almost groaning, the expression on her face was extremely complicated.

With almost fanatical worship, and hidden fear.

Seeing her mother Sang deeply touched, Miss Yuewu continued: "Do you know why the Demon Sect can only be strong for a while, but the so-called righteous way can survive for a long time?"

"It's education!"

"It is these Taoist schools all over the world that continuously instill their ideas into the bones of the martial arts practitioners in the world. The people of the world have a right mind, and the righteous way will last forever!

Mother Sang wanted to say something but stopped, she wanted to refute but she didn't know what to say.

The Moon Dance girl also realized that she was building up other people's ambitions and destroying her own prestige. So the conversation turned around and said: "Hey, the righteous way is what will last forever, not the so-called righteous people. There must be a shadow if there is light, and there must be a demon if there is righteousness. As long as there is injustice in the world, the way will never die !"

Then she seemed to lose her interest and waved to let her mother Sang go to work.

When Yue Wu was the only one left in the house, she took out another piece of rice paper and opened it carefully.

"Hanchan is sad, late to Changting..." On the rice paper is the Yu Linling written by Wu Hao.

If it's something that the guest privately rewarded, it usually belongs to the sister of the brothel. However, the rewards obtained in the public activities of the brothel were obtained by the brothel, and it was only necessary to share some profit for the sisters and children.

The things in the brothel are naturally the things of the moon dance.

It is reasonable for her to collect this poem, and no one can say anything.

Yue Wu faintly looked at the writing on it and muttered to herself: "Seeing words is like seeing people... But what is going on with this deep-seated tremor?"

At this moment, she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, so she hurriedly put away the rice paper on the table and made a seemingly nonchalant appearance.

Seeing that it was her mother, Sang, who had arranged to go to work, Yuewu was a little dissatisfied: "Huh? What else?"

Mother Sang's expression is a little strange: "Lord I just got news, besides us, there are others who will ask about this son of Xia!"

"Oh?" Yuewu raised her brows: "Have you found what kind of person it is?"

"I found it with no effort! It was the smiling girl in our building who instigated it!"

"Laughing?" Yue Wu laughed out loud as if thinking of something funny, "hehehe": "Isn't she trying to get it back before dinner? How about you try to persuade her, in fact, this wave She won't lose!"

"No!" Mama Sang shook her head: "Lord Xiang, you have never experienced the dust, and you don't understand the thoughts of these sisters."

"Smile is anxious, I want to cook mature rice with that Xia Gongzi as soon as possible!"

"She has invested so much. If the cooked duck flies, it will be a big loss!"

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