Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 686: Eye margin


A fierce slap was on the handsome face of WorldCom, leaving four red palm prints on the face of the pampered Second Young Master of the City Lord's Mansion.

The second son of Yu turned his eyes slightly, fell to the ground and rolled twice.

When he raised his head again, his hair was scattered and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he looked embarrassed.

"Naughty animal!"

City Lord Yu roared. He wanted to give his son a bow from left to right, but when he saw his embarrassed appearance, he couldn't help but withdraw his hands.

He stood there and asked sternly: "Who gave you the power to call Deacon Cheng to do things for you privately?"

While reprimanding his son in a stern voice, Yu Chengzhu glanced at the distinguished guest sitting in the hall from the corner of his eye, wanting to see his face and decide whether to continue beating the child.

He is familiar with people's hearts after long sitting as the city lord. Knowing that the harder he is teaching now, the more embarrassed this sect leader will be for a while, and the punishment he will fight.

Having worked for the sect for so many years, he is confident that he is still somewhat thin in the sect. Although it is out of the basket at the moment, as long as we actively remedy it, it will naturally be able to reduce the major issues and the trivial issues.

The Zongmen who was sitting above looked very young, but he was about 20 or 30 years old.

But the city lord Yu didn't dare to judge this man's age by this, not to mention the fact that he still had silver hair, like frost and snow.

The silver-haired young man didn't mean to raise his head in the slightest. He sat in the same position and bowed his head, busy with his own affairs.

He is playing cats.

A cumbersome orange fat cat lay lazily in his arms, squinting at the farce in the parlor. It seems that it is the master who decides everything.

Otherwise, how could the most dignified person present here wait on it carefully?

Seeing this, Yu Chengzhu understood that the envoy was not satisfied.

So he began to implement another plan to find a scapegoat for the envoy who could vent his anger.

"Deacon Cheng!" Yu Chengzhu directly clicked on the name of the "blood hand" Cheng Guang who bowed his head like a quail, and said sharply: "WorldCom is not sensible, are you not sensible?"

"I invited you here to teach WorldCom skills, but not to let you go out and show off your prestige. You did it without permission, and attracted attention. Now Wanhualou has been eyeing us. It has alarmed the envoys of the sect. What can you say?"

Cheng Guang was fat and fat, and looked fierce. However, he was trembling at this time, almost trembling to defend himself: "City Lord, I have been wronged. I have been cautious and have never done anything!"

"Huh! Others have missed the assessment by the serious injuries you calculated, dare you still say that you haven't done it?" Yu Chengzhu coldly snorted: "Do you know that this kind of thing is the most sensitive during the annual assessment!"

"I haven't done anything before?" Deacon Cheng scratched his head frantically, "He met the monster himself and didn't know how to do it. What's up with me? Is it possible that I have to save him?"

"Okay! Alright!" The white-haired man with the cat couldn't listen anymore, and while continuing to slap the cat, he said, "What's the point of worrying about this now?"

"Then Wanhualou has traced the vines and found that lady... Do you know what the consequences will be if her life experience is exposed?"

Upon hearing the words, the city master changed his eyes.

He naturally knew who the lady was referring to. Zongmen had arranged him to become the city lord of Ding'an by various means since twenty years ago, in order to secretly protect the safety of that lady.

At the beginning, he was completely in the dark.

He was not informed by the sect until the lady appeared in Ding'an City 16 years ago.

He didn't know the identity of that lady, but from the protection specifications, he could feel that that lady must have an amazing life experience.

He believed that it was the illegitimate daughter of their Blood Soul Sect Master.

Because of this, after his second child showed the mind of the one he wanted to pursue, he didn't stop it. It's just that he has been severely warned that he must not use any secretive methods against Ms. Liu.

As for whether or not to use methods on anyone other than Ms. Liu, it is not within his scope of consideration.

But I didn't expect something happened after all. They not only alarmed the Wanhua Tower, but also attracted the blame from the envoy of the sect.

From this point, Yu Chengzhu could see that the position of Miss Liu Yunyun in the sect was probably higher than imagined.

Thinking of this, he finally couldn't help but ask a long-term doubt: "Dare to ask the envoy, what is this Miss Liu..."

The envoy stood up suddenly, staring at the city lord and slowly said, "Do you still remember your mission?"

"Naturally remember!" Chengzhu Yu responded: "Secretly protect Miss Liu's safety. But I have been guarding the Zongmen silently for twenty years. Zongmen has to give me an explanation, right? This Miss Liu, she Where is it sacred?"

"Do you really want to know?" Admiral approached the city lord, looking at him playfully and said.

Yu Chengzhu smiled stiffly, but he reluctantly nodded his head.

"Very good!" The envoy said solemnly: "I finally know why you poke the basket. Because you are always thinking about things you shouldn't be thinking about."

After speaking, he turned his back and said coldly: "Do it!"

A figure flashed out of thin air in the shadow, because a sword penetrated from the back of his heart before the city lord had reacted, until it reached the handle.

"You..." City Lord Yu spit out a big mouthful of blood foam, and couldn't say: "Bai... Rainbow... Guan..."

He fell to the sky with a puff, twitched slightly, and stopped moving.


The killer who jumped out of the shadow coldly added a sentence for him, drew his short sword casually, and disappeared into the shadow again in a flash.

"Father!" Suddenly, the second son didn't care about pretending to be injured, and fell on the city lord, crying: "What's wrong with you, dad?"

Then he hissed loudly: "Come on, come on, there are assassins! There are assassins!"

However, no matter how he called, no one came in for rescue.

Yu Shitong finally realized something was wrong, and ran out desperately.

As soon as he arrived in the yard, he was stunned.

Entering the goal is a mess, and what I hear is bloody.

Countless people in white clothes are being slaughtered in the city lord's mansion, and the guards of the city lord's mansion with good skills can't fight back in front of them.

Yu Shitong's pupils were enlarged to the extreme, and the blood-red "soul" logo behind these white-clothed people reflected in the pupils.

Like a blooming blood flower!

The white-haired ambassador turned his head again, looking at the fleshy **** hand Cheng Guang smiled and said, "Is that Deacon Cheng? Give you a chance to make meritorious deeds..."

When Cheng Guang heard the words, he was suddenly excited.

Like a huge ape, he rushed to Yu Shitong who had just run out in a few steps, held his head and twisted his head vigorously.

Then he dragged Yu Shitong's body back to the reception room, and said cautiously: " the subordinate has taken the culprit down! The envoy...please believe me, the subordinate really No..."

"That's not important!" The admiral waved his hand, and then asked, "Do you know the best way to cover up a message?"

Cheng Guang looked blank.

"Just make a bigger one!" The admiral said while pointing at the city lord, and said: "Go, pack this head of the city lord, and accompany me to give gifts!"

Cheng Guang was trembling and went to work there.

The white-haired ambassador looked at him cumbersome, hehe smiled and opened his mouth: "Do you know why I sanctioned the father and son entrusted by the negative sect, but left you alone?"

Cheng Guang shuddered: "The subordinates don't know..."

The envoy again slapped the orange cat on his hand, making it snoring.


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