Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 688: School field

?Wu Hao was lying on the stretcher, squinting his eyes to look at the white-haired man holding the fat cat on the stage of the school.

Golden Core Period!

Feeling the breath around him, Wu Hao made a judgment instantly.

Then he turned his face slightly and looked at the void not far from the man.

There is still one hidden here, which is also a golden era.

At this time, the man hidden in the shadow looked towards Wu Hao if he felt it.

Wu Hao moved in his heart, his eyes became blank, and he glanced left and right a few times calmly, looking confused.

He could feel that the gaze in the shadows has been hovering nearby, making people look back. It lasted for a time close to a stick of incense, and the feeling slowly dissipated.

Hearing the emergency drums of the Taoyuan, and the teachers of the Taoyuan running around urging. Liu Yunyun, Li Meng and others did not delay too much time, and all the teachers from the Taoist Academy came to the school to gather here.

But because these few days are during the examination period, all the disciples in the lower school years have already been on vacation. So most of the people gathered here are disciples who have just passed the examination.

These disciples were surprised to find that big people such as the chief instructor or the deputy dean who used to yell in front of them, now they are like well-behaved little rabbits, and the stars are surrounded by the white hair like a moon. man.

Could it be that he is a distinguished guest?

The disciples in the school field talked a lot, and there have been such things as big people appearing in the Taoist Academy at the time of the examination. That usually happens when there are extraordinary geniuses in the assessment. Someone in the sect will hear the news and come over in advance to receive it.

Could there be any geniuses in this year's assessment? I don't know which expert from the sect is here?

Seeing the chaos below, the white-haired cat man frowned slightly, and asked the senior officials of the Taoist Academy who watched him carefully not far away: "Are the disciples of your Taoist Academy all here?"

The senior officials of the Taoist Academy looked at each other for a while, and finally the highest-ranking deputy dean stood up and said: "Sir, everything that can be called is really called..."

"Oh?" The white-haired man raised his head slightly: "So there are still others that haven't arrived?"

The vice president was full of grievances: "Sir, it's during the holiday now, and many disciples can't even notice..."

The white-haired man smiled: "Guess what the fate of the poor in our Blood Soul Sect is?"

"Venerable, Venerable... Listen to my explanation..." The vice-president hurriedly begged for mercy, but stopped abruptly in the middle of the speech.

Because a piece of the sword tip had been poked out of his chest, the red blood dripped ticking down, forming a blood line.

The sudden change shocked several other senior officials of the Taoist Academy. Only at this time they realized that some people in white clothes with blood-colored soul pictures were constantly surrounding them, and they were about to be surrounded.

Several people looked at each other and fled in all directions.

While escaping, they created chaos, shouting: "All the teachers and disciples listened to orders. These are all demons and demon men. Everyone can kill them. There are those who cut down the head of the demons, and the teaching position is promoted to three levels. The disciple recommends three cases!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar among the Daoyuan disciples.

Some people are really eager to try, but more people are full of horror. Some students and teachers also rushed to the outside of the school grounds along with those high-level students.

It has only been twenty years since Xing Na Luo Tu poisoned the world, not to mention the students of the Taoist Academy, even the teachers of the Taoist Academy have become disillusioned. After all, there are only a few people who can have the courage to make a move, and most people are thinking about how to escape.

But soon they discovered that a group of people in white were patrolling from the outside and locked them inside.

These people in white did not say a word, but as long as they saw those who were trying to leave the school, they would go up with a sharp sword.

The **** soul characters behind them and the blood on their weapons complemented each other, looking extremely hideous.

Under the massacre, no matter it was a teacher or a disciple, they never dared to go outside again.

Wu Hao's heart moved slightly. He felt that some emotions such as unwillingness and resentment before he died were gathering towards him and slowly blending into his body.

As these emotions converged, Wu Hao's spirit felt a burst of relief, and the spirit that had been hurt by the devil's confusing heart was gradually recovering.

Wu Hao didn't feel happy, but was full of doubts in his heart.

This doesn't seem right?

Because of the characteristics of the gods and souls of the gods, when the surrounding emotions are strong, he can indeed absorb the emotions of others to restore the power of the gods and souls.

But the production of those emotions must have a causal relationship with him.

The emotions that had nothing to do with him, no matter how strong they were, could not be used by Wu Hao.

The strong emotions these people have now are naturally due to the slaughter.

"It's their business that they were killed. What does this have to do with me?"

Wu Hao looked innocent, he didn't want to recite this inexplicable pot.

But no matter how he washes himself in his heart, this emotion continues to flow into his body, making Wu Hao disgusted for a while.

Suddenly, he felt a warmth in his hand, and a soft, slippery hand unknowingly grabbed his big hand.

Liu Yunyun!

Wu Hao could feel Liu Yunyun's hands shaking slightly. The whole person also looked nervous.

After all, she was still a little girl, and it was normal to be afraid when she suddenly saw such killing scenes.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao couldn't help but squeezed her tightly, giving her a little comfort.

Hmm... By the way, I opened the star picker.

I suck!

The star diamond on the Akrypton panel again began to jump "+200, +200" for a while, jumping more than ten times before stopping, a total of about three thousand star diamonds were added to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao was extremely satisfied.

He clearly remembered that while entangled Liu Yunyun to explain before, he had already sucked up the star diamond on Liu Yunyun, but he didn't expect to have it again now.

It seems that his conjecture is correct, it is really sustainable income.

Sure enough, she is the protagonist of heaven and earth, the winner of life, and the will of the world continues to give her pocket money.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wu Hao suddenly saw a senior of the Taoist Academy rushing to this side in a panic, and behind him there were several masters wearing **** soul suits chasing after him.

At this time, this high-level executive didn't have the intention of caring about the disciples of the surrounding Daoyuan.

But Liu Yunyun's position is just in the way of this high-level.

Seeing that high-level stab at Liu Yunyun, Wu Hao sighed in his heart: "Please, you are the protagonist of heaven and earth, wouldn't you be so unlucky? Is this all the training the world has given to the protagonist?"

He complained but his movements were not slow, and he was ready to pull Liu Yunyun out of the range covered by the blade with a fierce pull.

However, he is fast, and there are others who are faster than him.

The sword light flashed in the void, and a large amount of blood was sprayed from the neck of the high-level man like a spring. And his six-sun leader had already rolled down gruntingly.

Liu Yunyun was pulled into her arms by Wu Hao, just to meet the unwilling, unbelief, and dissatisfied gaze of the head rolling on the ground...

She rolled her eyes and fainted utterly.

At this moment, Wu Hao felt a few scrutinizing eyes looking at him.

He immediately made a panicked expression, holding Liu Yunyun trembling.

Huh? How did he suddenly feel that this kind of inquiring gaze has become more?

Is his acting skills still inadequate? ./10_10112/

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