Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 794: This spy is predestined with me

? Baihonggu looks very ordinary, not at all like a well-known killer training base.

Entering it seems to have entered a rural village, but the aura environment is quite good, far surpassing the Qinglan Taoist Temple where I stayed in the summer. Almost able to reach the level of Wu Hao's hometown Luoyun City.

Wu Hao and the three other disciples who passed the entrance examination entered Baihong Valley behind Lian Jiuge. From time to time, they could see the old man fishing by the river and the girl washing clothes.

You can still vaguely see the smoky smoke from some people's homes, and even smell a tempting fragrance of rice.

This place is a bit like a legendary paradise, it looks quiet and peaceful.

While walking, practicing Jiuge while explaining to them.

"This is Fengjian Village, the outermost part of Baihong Valley. The use of force is strictly prohibited in the village. It is best for you to maintain respect for the senior sects who live in seclusion in the village."

"This is the place where my Baihonggu sects dispel their murderous aura and cleanse their souls. According to the rules of my Baihonggu sect, every time I return from a mission, I must live in Fengjian Village for more than a week before allowing free activities.

"I am no exception!"

"Why is there such a door rule? Doesn't it mean that practice should be brave and diligent, right day and night?" A cold voice suddenly sounded nearby.

Wu Hao turned his head and saw that the question was raised by a female disciple not far from him.

This is also one of the disciples who passed the entrance test.

Wu Hao and the others all passed the entrance test within seven days, and they had the best qualifications among the disciples of this session of Baihonggu.

That's why they enjoyed the treatment of the elder Baihonggu taking them into the valley.

The female disciple who spoke just now, Wu Hao called it a "cold beauty" for the time being.

This cold beauty is not inferior to Liu Yunyun, but her eyes are full of evil, and her face is cold, as if no stranger should enter. Wu Hao had no interest in getting close to her at all.

But compared to the other two guys who passed the test, Wu Hao felt that he and Leng Meiren were normal.

Another guy was a pale-faced teenager who was actually in a wheelchair and was rolling the wheelchair behind them.

Wu Hao could see that this wheelchair should be quite extraordinary, and it is likely to be a powerful magic weapon. I just don't know if this boy is really lame or false.

Let's call it "the cripple" for the time being.

As for the last person, even Wu Hao couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman.

Because this person was covered in night clothes, and was covered with a black cloth veil. He was so tightly veiled that only one pair of eyes was exposed outside.

In the entire White Rainbow Valley, this one looks the most like a killer.

Wu Hao stared at this person's chest for a long time, but was unable to determine the person's gender.

Because this man seemed to be the youngest of them, he could only reach Wu Hao's chest.

Wu Hao gave this person the code name "Men in Black".

Listening to the "cold beauty" question, Lian Jiuge explained with a smile: "You will understand this question after you learn Baihonggu's exercises. I will tell you briefly."

"Everyone knows that my strongest way to assassinate Baihongguan is Baihongguanri, but they don't know that the essence of Baihongguanri is not to kill, but not to kill!"

"This sword is a sword that does not kill!"

"So the disciples who have used Baihong Guanri need to live a peaceful life in Fengjian Village and curb their killing intent. In order to prevent losing their minds in the killing."

"Moreover, the key to the way of the assassin is not the moment of the shot. It is the preparations before the shot. The shadow transformation is not the strongest concealment technique. Real concealment is like a drop of water into the sea, like that. Invisible and invisible. To be an assassin, you must learn how to become ordinary."

"Living the life of an ordinary person is also a practice!"

As he said, he tilted his head and glanced at a few people, thinking that this disciple still has a long way to go to achieve this.

Leng Mei nodded her head as if she didn't understand, turned her head suddenly, and twitched her mouth at Wu Hao.

It can be seen that she is trying to make herself ordinary.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded in response, but lamented in his heart: "Don't laugh if you don't laugh! Forcing yourself to do it will only make people feel so stupid!"

Passing through Fengjian Village, Lian Jiuge led them into a large-scale manor located at the foot of the mountain.

The name of the manor is "Tingjian Villa", and it is said that it is a place where the disciples of the Baihong Valley below the Qi refining period practice.

Entering Tingjian Villa, Wu Hao and others saw a martial arts field, where all kinds of weapons, such as stone locks, sandbags, and plum blossom piles, were also very complete.

These equipments are very suitable for the daily practice of martial artists in the forging period.

In the martial arts field, there are now seven or eight disciples practicing.

With such a large-scale martial arts field, with so few people using it, obviously the rumor that the number of Baihonggu disciples is small is not false.

Lian Jiuge handed Wu Hao and others to the deacon of Tingjian Villa and left.

They need to settle here first, and wait for the disciples who passed the test later to arrive before arranging for them to enter the sect.

During this period, all the corresponding facilities in the martial arts field can be used at will, which is not boring.

Since then, every one or two days, new disciples will be arranged to enter the Tingjian Villa, and until ten days later, their number has reached twelve.

At this time, Lian Jiuge appeared again.

He called these new disciples to the martial arts field and announced that the introductory test had ended. The twelve of them are all the disciples who passed the test this year.

"Huh?" Wu Hao couldn't help but exclaimed.

Among these twelve people, there is no such tyrant brother!

Because the star diamond was drawn from him and almost mistaken him for the protagonist, Wu Hao paid much attention to this local tyrant. Now he has not been able to successfully complete the introductory test, which surprised Wu Hao.

Ordinarily, this kind of local tyrant shouldn't lack life-saving talisman tools and the like, how could it not even pass such a bit of gray land?

Is he the kind of paranoid nouveau riche, and the poor only have money?

"Summer, what's the matter with you?" Lian Jiuge asked, frowning.

Wu Hao looked sad: "If I go back to the elders, I really didn't expect... one of my best friends could not pass the test. I was sad in my heart, so I lost my temper!"

Then he eagerly said: "Please also ask the elders to give me a half-day holiday. I want to go outside the valley to search for his traces. I want to see people when I live, and the corpses when I die... If you have a relationship, I must let him go into the soil for peace ?"

Lian Jiuge's brow furrowed deeper: "Why didn't I know that there is a close friend of yours among the test disciples?"

"The little friends who pee and mud together back then, I didn’t expect that this encounter would be an eternal decision! The road to practice is so bumpy and the luck is not enough. This can’t blame Bai Honggu... but please elders to fulfill me and give this friend one to me The most basic decent."

Lian Jiuge sighed softly, "Fine, I'll run with you later. What's your friend's name?"

"This question can't help me!" Wu Hao secretly said in his heart: "Fortunately, this Sao Bao introduced himself during his speech."

Then with a sad aftertaste on his face, he said the name of the local tyrant in a deep voice.

"What?" Lian Jiuge's face suddenly looked a little ugly.

"Is there any problem?" Wu Hao asked blankly.

At this time, the void behind Lian Jiuge flashed slightly, and a woman in white appeared silently there.

As soon as the woman raised her hand, a black object was thrown at Wu Hao.

This thing grumbled all the way to Wu Hao's feet...

Surprisingly, it is the head of the local tyrant brother Xiang Shang!

At the same time the cold voice of the woman reached Wu Hao's ears.

"This new disciple, are you sure this Xuantianzong spy is your best friend?"

"Then... come with me!"

Wu Hao's sad expression suddenly stopped.

He spread his hands helplessly.

"Well, I confess... I just coveted this person's possessions!"

"Elder Lian can testify, I don't even know this person!"

Practice Jiuge: "..."

He left without saying a word.

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