Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 796: Sword comes

   In the past few days, when Wu Hao was practising, he was wandering around in the public area in Baihong Valley where he was allowed to haunt him, and by the way, he was inquiring about what kind of baby there is in Baihong Valley.


   Baihong Valley Zushiya is a treasure, and it is said that it is the holy land of Baihong Valley for cultivation.

   Those disciples who are new to beginners, when they held the initiation ceremony, once went to the Zushiya to pay a respect.

   Zu Shiya is also the inheritance origin of Baihonggu.

   There are secretly puffy sword marks on the cliff of the ancestors, which are said to be traces left by gods and demons practicing their swords.

   The disciples of Baihonggu in the past practised under the cliff of the ancestor, and they realized a series of swordsmanship.

   It is said that the "Baihong Guanri" of the Megatron World was also enlightened in the Patriarch Cliff.

   The first ancestor of Baihong Valley discovered the Patriarch Cliff in the remains of the gods and demons, and it took great pains to transfer it to the Baihong Valley, where he established a sect.

   The so-called relics of gods and demons refer to the most evil place in the center of the Hao Cang world. It is said that there was the main battlefield of the prehistoric Hao Cang realm gods and demons battle. There are still some traces of prehistoric gods and demons.

  Because there is no support from the upper realm, the inheritance of the four demon sects is mostly obtained from the remains of the gods and demons.

   It is a place where crisis and opportunity coexist.

   In addition to inheritance, it is possible to obtain something that the practitioners of the Hao Cang Realm dream of in the remains of the gods and demons, that is, the gods!

   God soldiers are weapons used by prehistoric gods and demons. They can survive prehistoric wars. After tens of thousands of years of nourishment and refinement by the relics of gods and demons, they have already possessed amazing spirituality.

   Once such a magic weapon meets the right person, he can immediately compose a legend in the world of cultivation.

   Hao Cang Realm is the world of magic weapons, and practitioners with magic weapons and those without magic weapons are simply different.

   They even created a level outside the training system specifically for the contractors of the magic weapon, that is, the soldier master level.

  The magic weapon has magical power. Even if it is a refining period, once the contract is signed by the magic weapon, it will immediately be able to compete with the strong Jindan period.

   And in the Hao Cang Realm, the realm of a cultivator has an upper limit. Once the strength of the Shattered Void is reached, the catastrophe will come immediately.

   If a practitioner doesn't want to turn to ashes under the catastrophe, he can only fly through the air and walk.

   However, there is almost no upper limit for the development of Shenbing. Therefore, the characters who can really stir the situation in the Hao Cang Realm are all soldiers at the master level.

   For example, the warlord Punisher Naro in the magic gate.

   In Wu Hao's understanding, this so-called magic weapon should be similar to the legendary companion spirit in the shadow world of "Tushan clan vs. Rong clan" he experienced.

   Once you have it, you will become a big brother.

   There are also magical soldiers in Baihong Valley!

  The **** soldier is called the Baihongjian, which was obtained by the three generations of the valley masters of the Baihong Valley in the remains of the gods and demons. It is a pity that in the entire history of Baihong Valley, only three and nine generations of Valley Masters have been recognized by Baihong Sword. Most of the time, the Baihong Sword was enshrined as a mascot on the sword stand.

   The selection of the master of the gods is a very complicated process. It not only requires the cultivator's qualifications, but also affects the character, character, and even appearance to a certain extent.

   In the final analysis, it is recklessness!

  The key to the spirit of the magical soldiers is to let people see them right.

   is like the Baihong Sword of Baihonggu. It would rather be bent than bend, and it would not be recognized by it. Even a character close to the Broken Void would not be able to refine it with strength.

   This generation of Baihong Valley Master has been passed down to the nineteenth generation. Not only the Valley Master, none of the elders, deacons, and disciples can be recognized by Bai Hongjian.

   They have tried countless times, but no matter how they influenced and talked, Bai Hongjian never responded.

  As time passed, the high-level people's desire for Bai Hongjian's approval also faded. Enshrine the Baihong Sword on the Inquiring Sword Platform, and let the disciples go to communicate, hoping to find someone who is destined for the Baihong Sword, and create a glorious future for Baihong Valley for hundreds of years.

   In fact, this is not only the case of Baihonggu, the three sects on the right way, and the four demon sects. Most of these sects with magical weapons deal with it in this way, allowing the magical weapons to choose their masters.

   But it is not easy to choose the master of the gods, and there is not a single case in thousands of years. It's already very rare for two gods and soldiers to appear in the same period like Xuantianzong.

   This is because of the great cause of the Xuantian Zong family, which enshrines a total of four divine soldiers.

   Baihong Sword, as the only seedling in Baihong Valley, is naturally what everyone in Baihong Valley dreams of. Those old disciples were already discouraged. But these new disciples are full of enthusiasm. They ran to ask the sword stand twice in three days, exhausting their best efforts, trying to get Bai Hongjian's favor.

   Some people go to talk about their ambitions, some go to win over feelings, some go to practice exercises to show their talents. Some people go there to sing and compose poems.

   Some people even heard that the three generations of ancestors had good cooking skills, so they started from this aspect, made good dishes and asked them to be tempted on the sword stage.

   The masked man in black who passed the trial with Wu Hao, who has never seen his true face, had even more thoughts. He wanted to rush to hold the Bai Hongjian and ran away!

   As a result, she was violently bounced back by the magic weapon's own sword domain, and Jian Qi cut her masked camouflage into pieces.

   Fortunately, the magic weapon is alive, but he was punished for a while, and it didn't really hurt her.

   This also allowed the onlookers to see that the guy who had been masked turned out to be a little loli.

   It's a pity that Wu Hao just heard about it, and didn't see what Lori looks like.

  Because he is still a non-staff, everyone can go to the prostitute and ask the sword stand, but he is not allowed to go up.

   This year, there is such a big gap between what is being edited and what is not being edited!

  Wu Hao can only look up at the square below the Wenjian Stand, looking up at Bai Hongjian on the high platform, which is admired by thousands of people.

   In fact, at this distance, he could only faintly see a small spot of light, and he could perceive the amazing spirituality of Bai Hongjian. He couldn't even see what Bai Hongjian looked like.

   But this does not hinder his idea of ​​playing Bai Hongjian.

  Through the legend of the gods in the Hao Cang world, Wu Hao felt that the gods of this world were faintly beyond the scope of the spirit weapons, and the spirits of the gods were able to communicate freely with the owner, almost reaching the level of the legendary spirit treasure.

  Wu Hao grew up so big, he hadn’t seen Lingbao yet.

   Even in the public loser family, I haven't heard about Lingbao.

   The pursuit of refining tools by the public loser family is not to give the magic tools more spirituality, but...hard, harder, harder!

   That's why the quality is well-known and has countless repeat customers.

   It seems that the rumored Mohist only mastered the technique of refining Lingbao.

   Even if you have the technology, refining Lingbao is not that simple. The resource consumption in it is simply not something a lower realm sect like Baihonggu can afford.

   So, what is the most precious thing in Baihonggu is self-evident.

  Wu Hao spent two days paying respects on the sword platform, and gradually made up his mind.

   He wants to make a bold attempt.

   He didn't use "Heavenly Devil Confused Heart" once again. Is there a more cost-effective way to use "Heavenly Devil Confused Heart" to seduce Bai Hongjian?

   On this day, when there were few people on the side of Wenjiantai, he came to the underside of Wenjiantai, looking at Bai Hongjian from a distance, opening the devil's mind.

   "The sword is coming!" Wu Hao suddenly yelled at the direction of the Jiantai.

   The two disciples passing by here looked at Wu Hao as if they were seeing a neurosis.

   But immediately they opened their eyes wide, and looked in the direction of Wenjiantai in disbelief.

   There was a white rainbow soaring into the sky, bursting into the air with a flash like light and electricity, floating in the sky in front of Wu Hao.

   The two disciples were dumbfounded at the same place for a long time before they moaned like a dream.

   "White...white...white...rainbow sword!"


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