Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 799: Entry fee

After practicing Jiuge froze for a long time, he said every word: "Aren't you arguing about joining the sect a few days ago?"

Wu Hao nodded: "But didn't you say you want to wait for next year?"

Practicing Jiuge immediately relieved: "Don't you have to wait?"

Wu Hao shook his head again: "I have paid my rent and food for one year. If I don't wait...Isn't paying for it in vain?"

Lian Jiuge frowned: "When is the time, you still care about the little money. Do you know how honorable it is for the Lord Gu to preside over the entrance ceremony in person?"

Wu Hao sighed: "Elder Lian, you brought me here. Let me tell you the truth. I dream of joining the sect to learn advanced inheritance. But Bai Hongjian won't let me in? If I just want to Guxin, the fit with the magic weapon will drop!"

"How is it possible?" Lian Jiuge can't talk: "Baihong Sword is originally the guardian soldier of the sect, how can it prevent the sword master from joining the sect?"

Wu Hao slowly said: "Maybe it feels that it hurts its face like this to call the sword master to come and go, right?"

Practicing Jiuge was suddenly embarrassed: "We didn't mean it! Before that I wanted to hone you..."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "I understand, I understand! I have explained to Bai Hongjian many times, but he doesn't listen! What do you say that you would rather bend than bend? A good horse doesn't eat the grass and the like..."

Seeing Lian Jiuge's expression twitching, Wu Hao knew that the preparation was almost complete, so he hurriedly reclaimed it: "After all, they are magic soldiers...Let's give him a face. Give him a way to get started in line with his worth?"

Lian Jiuge looked at Wu Hao straightforwardly: "Zongmen personally hosted...Isn't it enough?"

Wu Hao clapped his hands: "What the **** is going to do, I'm not counting that. Let Bai Hongjian speak for himself?"

At this time, the elder woman in white couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but interject: "However, the sword spirit can only communicate with the sword master! How do we know what its true will is?"

Wu Hao put Bai Hongjian on the table: "It can't talk to you, but it can write!"

As soon as his voice fell, Bai Hongjian stood up and carved three large characters on the table.

"Entry fee?" Lian Jiuge and the elder woman in white said incredulously.

"What does it mean?"

Wu Haoyan smiled: "Probably... literally, right?"

Lian Jiuge and the elder woman in white looked at each other for a while, and decided to report the matter to the owner of the valley.


Soon after, the Lord Baihonggu rushed over and looked at Wu Hao in a deep voice and asked, "I heard that you entered my Baihonggu, and would you like an entry fee?"

Wu Hao was full of innocence: "Enlighten the Valley Master, I really don't want it, it is it!"

As he said, he pointed at Bai Hongjian.

Bai Hongjian nodded frantically beside him.

Gu Zhu's eyelids jumped, and he forcibly resisted the desire to throw the table and calmly said: "The sword master is closely related to the gods and we share the same honor and disgrace. No matter whose idea you are, the effect is the same."

As he said, he turned his gaze to practice Jiuge Dao, who was frowning all the time: "Juge, since this matter is your negligence, you should pay for the entry fee out of your pocket, right? What do you think?"

Seeing Lian Jiuge's expression like eating an unknown substance, the owner of Gu hurriedly gave him a wink and said: "Promise, no matter how much you spend, Zongmen will fill it up for you. Now you have a relationship with Xia Xia. The best, I hope he will look at your face and don't cut it too hard!"

Before Lian Jiuge could reply, he heard a voice transmission inserted next to Gu Zhu’s Divine Soul Transmission: "I said, Gu Zhu, Elder Lian. Even if you are plotting something, don’t be in the Baihong Sword Region. Is it okay to swagger like this? Bai Hongjian feels that his IQ has been insulted, and it is now in a frenzy!"

Before Wu Hao's voice fell, Bai Hongjian made a violent buzzing sound, as if he was really angry.

Then it flew slowly, and carved two more crooked characters on the table.



After some intense negotiations, Wu Hao finally became the first disciple of Bai Honggu to join the sect with a high entry fee.

But at the moment when the agreement was reached, the Valley Lord Buddha walked away, and the matter of presiding over the entrance ceremony for him was also stale.

Changed to practice Jiuge elders to preside over him.

On this day, Wu Hao dressed up and came to Zushiya.

He will hold the most important part of the entrance ceremony, paying homage to Zu Shi Ya.

"This is Zushiya?"

Wu Hao looked up, and was immediately dizzy by the dense QR code.

On the entire Zushi Cliff, there are rows of QR codes.

Hundreds of two-dimensional codes were floating on the cliff, but Wu Hao's heart did not fluctuate.

After seeing a lot, Wu Hao also summed up some rules for QR codes.

They are roughly divided into three categories.

One is the most common recharge QR code.

The other is the inheritance QR code such as cheats or jade slips.

There is also a two-dimensional code for the space channel.

Although these two-dimensional codes look similar, there are subtle differences if you look closely.

After Wu Hao cultivated the gods and souls of the heavenly demons in the star realm, he was able to distinguish their categories only through the QR code.

Because if you use the spirit to perceive, a small "hole square" pattern will appear in the central area of ​​the recharged QR code. Inheritance QR codes will have a "book" pattern, while space channel QR codes will have a "gateway" pattern.

Now Wu Hao sees clearly that all the QR codes here are inherited QR codes.

After the heavenly demon came to the world, Wu Hao ran out of the last chance of the heavenly demon to confuse his mind. He could no longer be able to separate his soul from the body. Naturally, there is no way to use Shenhun to observe the QR code on the Patriarch Cliff.

But Wu Hao can borrow the vision of "White Rainbow Sword".

The sword spirit is just like the companion spirit of the "polar waste water" he once contracted, and in some respects it can also replace the spirit of the gods.

Especially in the Baihong Sword Region, its perception ability even far exceeds the Jin Dan stage spirit. That's why Wu Hao was able to know the divine sound transmission of Gu Zhu and Lian Jiuge, and cut into the spoiler.

Because of this, he can clearly distinguish the types of QR codes here.

Even if it is not clear, after listening to the explanation of Zu Shiya by the people in Baihonggu, he also knows what it is doing here.

However, Wu Hao didn't show much interest in the inheritance that was regarded as a treasure by the people of Baihonggu.

In addition to categories, QR codes are also divided into levels.

Generally speaking, the level of the two-dimensional code can be distinguished from the brightness, the darker the lower the level, and the brighter the higher the level.

Not only is it graded, but it also appears in different colors according to the attributes of the things represented by the QR code.

Wu Hao feels that he has passed the age when he can't wait to scan the QR code when he sees it. Now he will first analyze what the QR code represents after seeing it.

There are many QR codes on Zushiya, but judging from the brightness of the QR code Most of the inheritance here is Huangjie and Xuanjie martial arts. Even the bright golden rays of light on the top and the top should only reach the level of the earth.

There is no inheritance of the heavenly ranks, how can this arouse Wu Hao's interest.

But inheritance is rare after all, and at least Wu Hao's database can be enriched here. Maybe something that is not high in its own level, but it has some good potential. After Akrypton upgrade, it can also play a power far beyond imagination.

Even if Wu Hao can't use it, bringing back this heritage can add some insight to the Red Lotus Sect. He certainly won't let it go.

It reflects that he has prepared the money for learning these inheritances.

Um, using other people's money to learn other people's exercises...It's really happy!

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