Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 803: inquire about

? Wu Hao heard that there was something wrong with the place where the Blood Soul Sect was cultivating new disciples, and where he dared to delay, he quickly disappeared into the void, and there was a hurricane towards the outside of the valley.

Now the stealth technique he uses is of course no longer the shadow transformation secret technique, but the little magical power Void Shadow Escape. This was an excellent concealment technique that only Baihonggu Master could master, but it was easily used by Wu Hao.

With the assistance of sword spirit and sword spirit power, the realm can no longer limit Wu Hao. Through krypton gold, he can easily learn the secrets of Baihonggu to the highest level, until he has mastered the little magical powers.

Therefore, even if the elder woman in white turned over Baihonggu afterwards, he could not find Wu Hao.

He had already come out of the valley, and along the route he had long been familiar with, flying towards the position of the blood soul sect's resident Yujian.

The methods of cultivating disciples between the Blood Soul Sect and Bai Honggu are different. Baihonggu pursues an elite education method. However, the Blood Soul Sect casts a net widely, and then through constant competition, the disciples decide the most ferocious and powerful disciple, and become the core disciple of the Blood Soul Sect.

The new disciples they recruited didn't even have the qualifications to go to the headquarters of the Blood Soul Sect.

These disciples still need to conduct several rounds of brutal competition in the branch of the blood soul sect, before they can decide the disciples that the blood soul sect really wants.

This time lasts about a year or so. In this stage, they will be given the blood soul sect's basic exercises, and then use various competitive methods to test their practice effects.

Of course, even those eliminated in the competition. The Blood Soul Sect will not easily kill as cruelly as it was when it first screened. Because the manpower of the magic door is not very sufficient.

These losers usually become servants or slaves of the winners.

Of course, the competition in the magic gate is still cruel. Although there is no intentional killing, killing is not forbidden in competition. In the magic gate, it is not necessary to be able to practice well if you have a good aptitude for practice, but also to be able to adapt to the law of the jungle here.

Wu Hao believed that if Liu Yunyun really had the protagonist's life. The little competition among the blood soul sect's entry-level disciples would definitely not trouble her, but would only make her stronger.

But he couldn't sit still when he heard the Zhengdao Sect besieging the blood soul sect's resident.

Even if she has the protagonist's aura, it is difficult to encounter life-threatening danger. But in this chaotic situation, if Liu Yunyun is lost, where will he find it?

So he must go to the station to protect her.

Can you give your swordsmanship to the legendary level? I still count on others!

The flying speed of Wu Hao's sword is naturally different from when he first crossed the Grey Fiend Zone.

Especially the speed of Bai Hongjian as a magic weapon is extremely fast. Even if some flying gray monsters wanted to intercept, they couldn't keep up with his agile speed.

When Wu Hao rushed to the blood soul sect resident, the place was already in chaos.

There was blood and fire everywhere, and there were people fighting in the sky and on the ground.

Fortunately, both the people in the White Rainbow Valley and the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect have a high degree of recognition in clothing, so Wu Hao can still easily distinguish between enemies and friends.

He took a general observation first, and the situation did not seem to be optimistic.

In the Jin Dan stage that was fighting in the sky, the number of people in the right way seemed to be far more than the number of blood soul sect and the white rainbow valley who came to support.

However, none of these Jin Dan stage masters in the right way really did hands-on battles, most of them stood in the sky concentratingly, constantly scanning the surrounding void.

They are on alert, guarding against Baihonggu's assassination methods.

Wu Hao could clearly see that not all the people in Baihonggu who came to support were involved in the battle.

There are some people hiding in the dark.

For example, the Lord Baihonggu didn't make any moves from beginning to end.

Because Wu Hao had cultivated the Baihonggu technique, Wu Hao knew the people lurking in the void very well. In addition, the valley master will also have four or five masters of the gods.

However, these people have constrained the existence of more than 20 Righteous Path Golden Core Stages.

Sure enough, when the sword is not out of the sheath, the threat is the greatest.

Wu Hao ignored the situation outside, he was going to sneak in first to find Liu Yunyun's trace.

Under this chaotic situation, Wu Hao sneaked in and proceeded smoothly.

In the blood and flames, Wu Hao could also observe some scenes of the daily practice and life of the new disciples of the Blood Soul Sect.

Now these new disciples are completely out of order, hiding everywhere in the east. Because there are many righteous disciples below the gods who are hunting and killing them.

Looking at the cruel look of those righteous disciples when they were killing, Wu Hao didn't think they were any better than those in the Demon Sect.

"Demon thief, everyone gets punishable!"

Suddenly, with a wave of a golden core master in the sky, a large blade of knives violently slashed down, cutting off several fleeing disciples not far in front of Wu Hao.

The other disciples of the Demon Sect hurriedly sought shelter to hide, not daring to be exposed in the open area.

Wu Hao shook his head, these disciples didn't know, for the golden core expert who possessed the soul. The effect of whether they have cover or not is the same.

In this case, their best way to survive is to dig deep holes like Qian Baoer. Because the earth has a natural magnetic field, it has a certain function of blocking spiritual consciousness. If it goes deeper than three meters, it will be difficult to penetrate with the power of the Golden Core Stage.

Of course, if it were Qian Baoer's way of thinking, that righteous Jindan expert would not be very wise.

When the gun was shot at the head, he just did it with big bullying, and he had to roar. Isn't this showing you want to pretend to be a comparison?

We must know that this is a battlefield with fierce soldiers and wars. Is it a place to be compared?

Sure enough, a bright ray of light suddenly flashed behind this Jindan expert, and it attracted everyone's attention in an instant.

Bai Hong Guan Ri!

The Jindan expert barely struggled, he was passed through his heart and fell from the sky.

But at the same time he fell, several attacks directed at the elder Bai Honggu who appeared to be in shape.

However, the elder Baihonggu was an experienced assassin, and he naturally understood how to deal with this situation.

He clings to the corpse of the golden core elder, using him as a physical shield to block the first wave of attacks, and then the figure flashes into the righteous middleman who hunts and kills the demon disciple below.

When the righteous masters threw the rat avoidance device, the elder disappeared in the crowd after a few flashes among the righteous disciples, and no trace was found.

This was a standard assassination, which opened Wu Hao's vision.

But he did not forget his business, and quickly searched for Liu Yunyun's whereabouts among the disciples who were hiding in Tibet.

But the situation here is too messy, Wu Hao searched for a long time but did not find Liu Yunyun.

Finally, he saw a guy who was a little familiar.

That was a fat man, and I really don't remember what Wu Hao was called. All I know is that when the disciples were gathered in the Daoyuan, this guy was beating the drum.

Now this guy looks a little lying in a pile of dead bodies and pretending to be dead, many righteous disciples stepped on him again and again, and he resisted moving.

Wu Hao hid behind him, and whispered in front of him: "Hey, fat brother, ask me something!"

Cheng Guang didn't move.

"Fat brother, fat brother..." Wu Hao shouted again.

Cheng Guang still didn't move.

"I won't answer and report you again!" Wu Hao threatened.

Cheng Guang shuddered slightly, and finally spoke in a grievance: " report a position to me anyway! I can't find you, I don't know where to go!"

His voice was like a mosquito: "Speaking like this is very dangerous!"

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