Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 810: news

? It's quiet in the middle of the night.

In the deepest part of Baihong Valley, the most aura in the valley, there is a garden-like cave.

This is the residence of the Lord Baihong Valley.

It's just that now the Valley Lord has important things that are not in the cave, and there are other people living in the cave.

Squeak, the door of the cave house quietly opened a gap, and Wu Hao squeezed out from the gap.

It is Wu Hao who lives in Guzhu Dongfu now!

During the day, he was found by the people of Baihonggu.

Because Elder Li was seriously injured, he was sent to the medical hall of Baihong Valley for treatment as soon as he returned to Guzhong.

The first thing Wu Hao had to do when he returned to Guzhong was of course to **** Liu Yunyun, but before he started to act, he was caught here by the Lord Baihonggu.

Said that he went out of the valley without permission, and punished him to think behind closed doors here.

He is banned!

Because there were still outsiders from the Blood Soul Sect at the time, Wu Hao didn't refute Gu Master's face on the spot. So obediently followed him here.

Fortunately, the environment here is good, with housekeepers, cooks, servants and maids all available. Wu Hao can basically stretch out his hands with clothes and open his mouth with meals.

And here is a lot of spiritual energy, very suitable for cultivation, Wu Hao honestly practiced for most of the day.

As the evening approached, Wu Hao inquired about when the Lord Gu could come back. The response from the steward was that the Lord Gu lived in Fengjian Village most of the time, and rarely came back to live here. This cave mansion here is generally used to arrange guests.

Wu Hao felt relieved that he knew that the Lord Gu would not be back at night.

Forbidden, it doesn't exist!

It's exciting to steal incense and jade at night.

Didn’t others say it, it’s better to steal than to steal!

Wu Hao already has a general understanding of Baihonggu's shadow escape level. When he escaped into the void, no one except the White Rainbow Valley Master could find out.

Therefore, after he sensed that there was no one outside, he concealed into the void, and after recognizing the direction, he was ready to sneak towards the place where the Blood Soul Sect guests were placed in the valley.

However, just two steps after he left the door, an alarm bell on the top of the door rang.

The sound immediately spread throughout the surrounding areas of the cave. In the next moment, a spirit of the gods rose in the cave and shot towards Wu Hao's position.

Wu Hao secretly let out a bad breath, knowing that this was because it had touched a secret formation.

He still alarmed the jailer here!

It is no one else who is in charge of taking care of him, but the female elder in white in Baihong Valley.

She was held accountable for letting Wu Hao escape from the valley before, so she was arranged to commit crimes here.

Wu Hao didn't panic when this happened.

He had tried it before, and the white-clothed elders couldn't see through his means of retreat.

Even if she knew that she had escaped, and then reported to him, and then found him, it would take a lot of time.

This time is enough time for him to find Liu Yunyun and **** it up.

After experiencing the daytime events, Wu Hao can be regarded as understanding the attitude of the Baihong Valley Lord. He knew that he was a baby bump in Baihong Valley now. No matter how many wrong things are done, there will be no substantive punishment.

So he has no scruples at all. No matter what, let's run away first.

Sure enough, after the white-clothed elder came out, she frowned and observed outside for most of the day, but she did not find Wu Hao.

Just as Wu Hao was delighted, she suddenly took out a handful of shiny powder, like pearl powder.

She sprinkled the powder into the air, and then shot out the sword in an instant.

Gale Swordsmanship!

Swish Swish Sword wind swept across, and immediately blow the fluorescent powder everywhere, but Wu Hao was caught by the powder together with the white-robed elder.

In an instant, a bright and fuzzy outline appeared in the location where he shadowed.

"I've found you, no need to hide!"

Wu Hao shrugged, showing helplessly.

"What is this?"

The elder woman in white did not mean to answer Wu Hao's question, but said coldly: "It's so late, where are you going in summer?"

Wu Hao smiled: "I suddenly remembered that I forgot to bring some necessary things for practice. I want to get it!"

The elder woman in white clapped his hands, and suddenly two disciples of Baihonggu flashed out in the void, fell in front of her and said, "Elder!"

The female elder nodded, and then said to Wu Hao: "The two of them are your queen's errands. Just let them do what you need to do. Please follow the orders of the valley master and not take a step out of this cave. "

The two disciples suddenly came to Wu Hao, bowed and said, "Senior Brother Xia, please!"

They didn't seem to be unwilling at all, because the rewards for such a simple task of running errands were amazing, and they wished for such a good thing every day.

Wu Hao glanced at them lazily, then asked the female elder: "If I want them to help tie a girl back, can they do it for me too?"

The elder woman in white did not answer him, but shot a sword light towards the upper void.

Jianming bursts, spreading far away.

Wu Hao's expression changed slightly: "What is the elder doing?"

The female elder's complexion didn't change and said: "The Valley Lord has ordered, all your requirements, if they are not excessive, let us try our best to satisfy them."

"But, if it's too much... then let us call for support, and he will come and take care of you himself!"

Wu Hao: "..."

It didn't take long before the so-called support came.

It was not the Gu Zhu who came here, but Wu Hao's acquaintances to practice Jiuge and Elder.

"Why are you? Where's the Valley Lord?" The white-clothed elder woman asked in surprise.

Lian Jiuge said solemnly: "The gray beasts controlled by the Yin Sha sect are spying on the outskirts of Baihong Valley. The owner of the valley took them to clear their eyes and ears. What's wrong here?"

The elder woman in white whispered her voice and described what had happened just now.

"Humph!" Lian Jiuge snorted coldly, and pulled Wu Hao to the side and whispered: "It's all time, can you let the valley master save dim sum? Do you know your current situation is very dangerous? !"

"Danger?" Wu Hao asked a little puzzled: "What danger do I have?"

Lian Jiuge sighed lightly, looked around but said nothing, but signaled Wu Hao to go back to the cave with him.

They waited until they returned to the safe environment of the Dongfu, before practicing Jiuge said in a deep voice, "In fact, the Lord Gu placed you here to protect you..."

Afterwards, he briefly introduced to him what he knew about Wu Hao's current situation.

The rough meaning is that the Yin Sha Sect wants to open the Devil Emperor's treasure, and needs five divine weapons to cooperate, and now they have obtained four in the Demon Sect, and they have started to play the white rainbow sword.

This is not the point. The point is that the sect of Wanhualou is also involved in Baihonggu is good at assassination, but Wanhualou is good at lurking camouflage. Even the Baihong Valley Master doesn't know if there is an undercover agent in Wanhualou in their valley.

Therefore, even if Wu Hao stays in Baihong Valley, it is not necessarily safe. Only by placing him in the Sect Master’s Dong Mansion and sending his confidants to protect him, can the White Rainbow Valley Master be able to rest assured.

Lian Jiuge explained with a solemn expression, but suddenly saw that Wu Hao's expression was a little wrong. Why did he hear that he was in danger and his eyes were beaming? What else did he think?

When Lian Jiuge was about to ask, he heard Wu Hao speak first.

"Well, Elder Lian, is the thing about the Devil's Treasure true? Is the treasure really as amazing as you said?"

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