Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 813: Reincarnation

? How can a man give birth to a child?

This is a worldwide problem, which involves high-end knowledge of biology, genetics and ethics.

Such a problem was placed in front of Wu Hao at once, and Wu Hao was at a loss for a while.

You don't even have a uterus, so you have a fart!

After thinking for a while and having no clue, Wu Hao wanted to ask Akrypton for help.

Now he doesn't directly ask Akrypton questions like before, because he knows that he won't get Akrypton's response.

But he has a way to test whether Akrypton can solve this problem.

For example, if he wants to deduce a kind of exercise or physique that can make a man give birth to a child, Akrypton's panel will show the star diamonds needed to achieve this effect.

Soon, the number of star diamonds on Akrypton was displayed.

Seeing the series of zeros in the results displayed on the panel, Wu Hao curled his lips: "Cut, so much money, just to have a baby. Am I sick?"

"We're a sharpshooter, we have a lot of shots, we don't need children at all, okay! Where can I have children?"

"Then Baihong Ugly Lord's mind is greatly broken. Why do you want to trick me into having a baby? There is a kind of you give me one to see?"

When Wu Hao was indignant, he suddenly heard a weak voice: " supreme, great, sacred and invincible master, if you really want to have children, there is no way!"

Hearing the voice of the other party, Wu Hao knew who he was communicating with. Naturally his sword spirit is the white rainbow sword.

When who asked him to sign the contract, he set Bai Hongjian with the "dog licking" attribute, or the kind of kneeling licking.

Now Bai Hongjian's way of communicating with him is just a routine operation.

Wu Hao already had his own routine to deal with the Bai Hongjian kneeling and licking like this.

That is, you must never get used to it, you should be beaten or scolded, the more you do this, the happier the other party will be.

At this time, hearing Bai Hongjian's reaction, Wu Hao said angrily: "Come on, I'm still having a baby. Why should I give birth to you?"

Bai Hongjian's voice suddenly rose: "The answer is completely correct, Master, your wisdom shines on the heavens and the world!"

"Damn!" Wu Hao suddenly became vigilant. His wisdom hadn't been able to illuminate the heavens and the realms, so he had to figure out what this guy meant.

What does it mean that the answer is completely correct?

Are they really born?

Wu Hao suddenly had the urge to untie.

He whizzed out Bai Hongjian, kicked it away with disgust, Wu Hao said viciously: "If you don't explain to me clearly what's going on today, I will format you immediately, believe it or not?"

Although Jian Ling didn't understand the meaning of formatting, he could hear the threat in Wu Hao's tone.

"The supreme and invincible great master Rong Ji..."

Immediately, it did not dare to neglect, and said its own plan for childbirth.

As I listened, Wu Hao's brows stretched out. It turned out to be completely different from the situation in which he imagined the madness and molestation of his master.

With the spirituality that the Baihong Sword Spirit can freely communicate with its owner, it is now almost a high-end spiritual weapon.

If it goes one step further and is promoted to the peak spirit weapon, it will be able to touch the threshold of the spirit treasure.

The promotion of a spirit tool to a spirit treasure is simply an earth-shaking change, because every spirit treasure has the possibility of unlimited growth.

This infinite growth is not the same as when the magical or spiritual tool is promoted, which requires the owner to invest a lot of resources to improve, but the spiritual treasure can practice independently like a practitioner, and even can feed back to the master.

Every Lingbao is worth a lifetime. The legend that a diaosi cultivator accidentally obtained an incomplete spiritual treasure, from then on counterattack to the pinnacle of his life, is occasionally circulated in the spiritual world.

According to Bai Hongjian's introduction, as long as Wu Hao has a way to raise it to a level close to Lingbao, it can really help Wu Hao to give birth to a child.

Because of the key link in the promotion of Lingbao, Lingbao's spirit will have a chance to reincarnate.

It can be reincarnated as a person, experience the unique happiness, anger, sorrow and joy of a person, and fill up the last shortcoming in the spirituality of the tool.

After all, Qi Ling is Qi Ling. Their perception of the world and their perspective on understanding the world are still different from human beings.

To experience the seven emotions and six desires that belong to the living beings is a shortcut to the spiritual consummation.

Once the merits are completed, and the reincarnated body and the spirit weapon are once again integrated into one, it can be completely transformed into a spirit treasure, and its power is enough to allow the Golden Core Stage to have a combat power comparable to the Yuanshen Stage.

It's just that when the spirit treasure is reincarnated, it usually takes its owner as the carrier. So in terms of effect, it's as if the master bred its reincarnation.

It's like having a baby.

Therefore, when Bai Hongjian felt that Wu Hao seemed to have a need to have children, he hurriedly offered suggestions.

In addition to flattery, it still has some small selfishness.

Because once the supreme, bright and stalwart master agrees to its proposal, it means that the master will fully train it to assist it in its promotion. It still has hope of being promoted to Lingbao in its lifetime!

"It's kind of interesting..." Wu Hao raised his eyebrows and said after hearing Bai Hongjian's introduction.

Of course, he didn't have the idea of ​​letting the Lingbao tool Ling reincarnate from him, but the power of Lingbao did make him very heartbeat.

The key is Lingbao's auxiliary cultivation function, which is almost like an official plug-in, and it can immediately divide the practitioners into two classes.

There are treasure households and no treasure households!

Moreover, Wu Hao suspected that Akrypton's predecessor, the so-called system of the heavens and ten thousand realms, was also an extremely powerful spirit treasure, even a higher-level thing.

If you can get a Lingbao and study it carefully, it will be helpful to analyze Akrypton for him and even find out the roots and feet of the system of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Now, Wu Hao really has a way to improve Bai Hongjian.

He had carefully observed the Baihongjian. The spirituality of the Baihongjian had basically reached the requirements for promotion, and what was lacking was only its material.

The material inherently limits its final grade.

According to Bai Hongjian's introduction, most of the **** soldiers in the Hao Cang Realm are in this situation. They are more than spiritual, but lack of natural materials.

There is also a unique method in Hao Cang Realm to train magical soldiers.

In the remains of the gods and demons in the Hao Cang Realm, there is a species that is more difficult to deal with than the gray beasts, and practitioners call it gods.

The blood of God's evil is the treasure to cleanse God's soldiers.

Immerse the magic weapon with the blood of evil spirits, which can slowly improve the texture of the magic weapon.

It's just that this process needs to be completed within the incense stick of the death of the gods, and if it is too late, the blood of the gods will lose its vitality.

Therefore, hunting the evil in the relics of the gods and demons is the main method for the soldiers to train the gods.

Of course, this was only Hao Cangjie's method, not Wu Hao's.

If Wu Hao wants to improve the texture of the magic weapon, there is a shortcut. That is the five-color stone strengthening technique he learned from the public loser family.

To some extent, the five-color stone strengthening technique is simply a refining technique against the sky. Because what he can improve is the material foundation of magical and spiritual weapons.

According to Bai Hongjian's description, the effect of hunting down the gods and purifying the gods is very small. It takes months of accumulation and perseverance.

However, the five-color stone enhancement technique only needs to be ding ding ding and it is over.

Thinking that he might really be able to cultivate Lingbao quickly, Wu Hao couldn't wait to give it a try.

But before trying, some questions still need to be clarified with Jian Ling.

"Sword spirit, sword spirit, the reincarnation of the weapon spirit at the time of promotion can only be carried out on the owner, can it be on other people?"

"Great, noble, supreme..."

"Shut up, UU reading said the point!" Wu Hao coldly interrupted Jian Ling's opening remarks.

"Yes, Master. Yes!" Jian Ling said concisely.

"That's it!" Wu Hao nodded, and carefully questioned the specific process of Qi Ling's reincarnation.

"Lord Baihong Valley Lord Baihong Valley! Why do you want me to have a baby?"

"But on the other hand, if I want you to have a baby, you can't do it if you don't!"

"This is the legendary stare who is pregnant..."

"Let you restrain me, make you embarrass me... I can't scare you!"./10_10112/

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