Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 817: Star-sucking sword domain

?Wu Hao didn't know how powerful the swordsmanship talent the White Rainbow Sword Spirit, which he abandoned like a shoe, brought to the White Rainbow Valley Master.

If you let him know, he might not abandon it so happily, but stay in his hands for a price.

From the very beginning, Wu Hao was not prepared to use the Baihong Sword to fuse the reincarnated sword spirit again.

Even after Wu Hao formatted it many times, Wu Hao still had scruples about this so-called spirit.

The bad feeling about Qi Ling in his heart has not disappeared.

Since this is the case, Wu Hao felt that he should simply abandon the sword spirit.

Let it be reincarnated!

Once you go, don't ever come back.

Of course, before reincarnation, Wu Hao had taken away 80% of the purest spiritual origin of the sword spirit, so as not to lose too many grades of the Baihong Sword because of the loss of the sword spirit.

These spiritual origins do not have consciousness, and can only mechanically help Wu Hao to control the Bai Hongjian, just like a set of unintelligent artificial systems.

After sending the sword spirit to reincarnation, Wu Hao felt that the white rainbow sword at this time was the purest white rainbow sword.

If on this basis, it can be promoted to Lingbao, this is the treasure that most meets Wu Hao's requirements.

White paper is the only way to paint. Wu Hao wants to clear up all the interference from other factors and create a white rainbow sword that fits his personal style.

Originally, before the sword spirit went to reincarnation, Bai Hongjian had reached the edge of promotion, but because of the loss of the sword spirit, it was a little short of being promoted.

Wu Hao was prepared for this, and he still hadn't used the fifth reinforcement.

Five-fold enhancement, as the ultimate enhancement of five-color stone enhancement, it has a more powerful effect than the previous four-fold enhancement combined.

Of course, it is much more difficult than the previous four reinforcements, and the success rate is so low that it prohibits people from the public losing family.

But it's not difficult for Wu Hao who opened the hanger, even though he opened a krypton gold hanger.

Accompanied by the sound of "ding", there was a melodious clear chirping sound on the Baihong sword. This is not that it produces spirituality, but its instinctive reaction after being reborn.

Who said that he could not be promoted to the Lingbao without experiencing the reincarnation of the spirit of the spirit, Wu Hao relied on the five-color petrification to become magical and forcibly did it.

However, the magical powers of the current White Rainbow Sword and Lingbao were a little worse than expected, but it was harder than them.

In order to make its Lingbao worthy of its name, Wu Hao also needs to perform another operation on it, possessing spirits!

Spirit attachment is a high-end refining technique of the public transport family. It was developed by the public transport class to compensate for the lack of spirituality of the spirit weapons refined by the public transport family’s refining techniques.

Because of the influence of the undeserved saint, the public transport class dropped out of school and left the Kunlun Academy early, so he did not learn the traditional high-end refining skills of the spiritual world.

However, this also allowed him to break away from the predecessors, out of his own path, and become a master of artifacts.

In Wu Hao's view, this kind of refining method that values ​​the artifacts and is light-spirited is more in line with his own appetite.

Back then, the undercover family lost the family and brought him more help than he had imagined.

The so-called enchantment is to engrave the magical magic array pattern on the artifacts of the material level, give it new characteristics, enhance its power, and make it comparable to the spirit artifacts refined by the Mohist refining technique.

Strengthening first, and then attaching the spirit, is the refining routine of the public loser family.

Generally speaking, a material that has reached the level of a spiritual weapon can be equipped with spiritual characteristics comparable to small magical powers.

As for Wu Hao's current white rainbow sword, the material is not inferior to the spirit treasure, and it can be properly equipped with spiritual powers!

As a refiner, when attaching spiritual powers to spiritual tools, you do not necessarily need to master the corresponding magical powers, but at least you have to be familiar with the abnormal structure of the runes related to the magical powers.

To master magical powers, you need the corresponding skills, aptitudes, spirits, physique, and the number of bright points to meet the requirements. But it doesn't need to be the case when the refiner attaches spirits, he only needs to have complete control over the theory of supernatural powers, and whether he has mastered supernatural powers is not important.

But then again, unless the kind of full-time spirit refiner, who else would a cultivator study the magical secret arts that he didn't have the conditions to master?

Even a full-time spiritual master does not necessarily have so much time and experience to study multiple magical secret arts. Therefore, the magical secret arts that general spiritualists can attach to spirits are very single, and they are limited to the few that they control. kind.

Like Wu Hao now, what he can possess spirits is limited to the magical powers or small magical powers and secret arts he understands.

For Wu Hao, if any supernatural power can be used as his natal supernatural power, it must be a star-picking supernatural power.

Now that the Baihong Sword has reached the stage of spiritual treasure, the supernatural power of enchanting spirit is none other than it.

Compared to stone refining and strengthening, Wu Hao's spirit level is said to be average, and that is to uphold him. But he couldn't help but have the Krypton Gold Link of the Qiyun Valve, even if the success rate is low, he can still be forcibly attached to the spirit to succeed.

Fortunately, although this body has not yet reached the level of learning supernatural powers, he himself has mastered the theory of star-picking supernatural powers very well.

After all, interest is the best teacher.

The process of possessing spirits is without any surprises, but the balance on the Akrypton panel has bottomed out.

In order to build the current White Rainbow Sword, Wu Hao not only squandered all the money that he had sucked Liu Yunyun and Baihonggu in the Hao Cang Realm, he had also taken in the remaining part of the previous absorption of the Heavenly Tribulation.

If Bai Hongjian can't achieve the effect he wants, his trip to the Hao Cang Realm will be in vain.

However, after mastering the Vientiane Senluo Sword, Wu Hao now has a profound understanding of the sword, and he is 90% sure that he can achieve his expectations.

Here is the moment to witness the miracle!

After the enchantment was completed, the white rainbow sword shone brilliantly, and the body of the sword began to change. The body of the sword that was originally bright white was now shining with light blue stars.

Its temperament is also greatly changed. It is no longer full of vigor and sharpness, but more treacherous and erratic.

Now even if Wu Hao placed the Bai Hong Sword in front of the people in Bai Honggu, they probably wouldn't believe it was the Bai Hong Sword.

Wu Hao didn't care about the changes in Bai Hongjian's appearance, he was more concerned about the connotation.

Wu Hao did not want Bai Hong Sword to possess the ability to perform this kind of magical power this time. Because of this magical power, he will naturally master it once the realm is reached, there is no need for Lingbao to do this kind of repetition.

His plan was to merge this magical power with the sword domain of the Baihong Sword to create a star-absorbing field, just like his Shura force field.

For this reason, he even changed the runes of the supernatural powers of the stars, merged into some of the concealment skills of the White Rainbow Valley ~ ~ the newly learned Vientiane Sun Luo sword, also provided him with a lot of ideas.

He built this star-absorbing field in the form of a sword field, expanding its range as much as possible, and enhancing its concealment ability. Now it’s time to test the results!

Wu Hao's heart moved, and Bai Hongjian swished into his dantian. At the same time, an invisible sword domain madly expanded from him, continuously extending towards the distance.

"Lingbao is equipped with magical powers, it is really extraordinary, and the sword domain can actually cover the entire Baihong Valley!"

As the star-absorbing sword domain enveloped the White Rainbow Valley, Wu Hao was also able to perceive everything covered by the sword domain through the sword domain.

After he adjusted to the perspective of the sword domain for a while, he must begin to look for Liu Yunyun's whereabouts.

"Hey, let you ban me. I stay at home, I can't **** it!"

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