Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 823: Delivered

"It's fighting!"

Through the Star Sword Domain, Wu Hao felt that a battle was taking place in Baihong Valley, and Wu Hao's spirits rose.

Unexpectedly, someone would send pillows to sleep. Originally, he had planned how to provoke a war between Baihonggu and other forces. Who would have thought that he would not have to pick it at all, and they would come first by themselves.

In the past, his star-absorbing sword domain was at a small scale, whether it was absorbing the kendo insights or the remaining points after absorbing other people's true energy.

Because the elders of the Divine Realm in Baihong Valley have basically never tried to learn from each other, and more often they are pointing the disciples of the lower generations.

Wu Hao analyzed it, and only if there was a large-scale war with other forces, would these elders have the possibility to attack together.

Sure enough, the outside Baihonggu offensive and defensive battle had just begun, and Wu Hao had obvious gains here.

The coupons filled the entire coupon interface of Akrypton like flying snow, and at the same time countless kendo insights swarmed into Wu Hao's mind.

These insights are not the superficial understanding of the disciples of Baihonggu, but the tens of hundreds of years of intensive research on kendo by elders.

There are dozens of elders in the gods. Some of their swordsmanship are masculine, some feminine, some open and close, some are delicate and delicate, some go straight, some are changeable, some are fierce and bursting, and some are like closed. ...

All kinds of kendo perceptions are good, and even some perceptions are contradictory to each other, and the true and the false are inseparable.

If ordinary people get so many kendo insights at the same time, I am afraid that not only will they not make progress, but also because of the differences in various concepts, their sword intent will be impure, and kendo cultivation will decline instead of increasing.

But Wu Hao had no effect at all, because he was now practising the Sun Luo Wanxiang Sword.

The Sun Luo Wanxiang sword is all-inclusive. The various sword intents will not cancel each other out due to differences in points, but under the guidance of the Sum Luo Wanxiang Sword Master Program, they will be transformed into Wu Hao's kendo cultivation skills.

Dozens of elders went into battle together, and Wu Hao's kendo cultivation base made rapid progress.

Especially after Director Bai Honggu started to use his hands in his whole life, Wu Hao's kendo insights from him were simply higher than all the elders combined.

At this moment, it was equivalent to the effect of the embryonic talent awakening on Wu Hao's body, plus Ren Ping's nearly a hundred years of kendo accumulation.

Just when Ren Pingsheng made a move, Wu Hao's kendo cultivation reached a critical point.

Accompanied by the excited buzzing of Bai Hongjian in his dantian, Wu Hao's kendo training began to change. Countless kinds of swordsmanship and sword skills that Wu Hao had learned appeared in his mind one by one, and finally merged into one and turned into a sword of nothingness in the sea of ​​spirit.

This is that Wu Hao's sword intent has evolved to another level, sword soul!

Sword Soul is a realm that even the White Rainbow Valley Master has never grasped.

After the martial artist's golden core ranks nine, if he wants to continue his promotion, he must understand his own path and cultivate a corresponding martial soul.

Sword Soul is a martial soul that specializes in sword repair, and is known for its powerful attacks. Wu Hao now masters the Soul of Sword Realm, which means that he only needs to accumulate enough in the Golden Core Stage. If he chooses the path of sword repair, he can enter the Soul of Martial Stage without any bottleneck.

After cultivating the Soul of Sword, Wu Hao, who was excellent in swords and whips, had far surpassed the other two in swordsmanship.

Wu Hao has gained a lot from the war for only a short while.

However, there was no fluctuation in his heart, because he had become accustomed to relying on the level of the cultivation technique and the bloodline physique to crush, and the slight progress in the realm of skills seemed so inconspicuous.

What Wu Hao really valued was the potential of the Star Sword Domain.

Hao Cang Realm is a small world after all, and their highest level of kendo here is at this level.

But Wu Hao knew that behind the sword soul realm, there was the sword heart realm, and behind the sword heart there was the sword **** realm.

After the realm of Sword God, there is an even more endless unknown realm.

The description of the realm of kendo comes from the mouth of the sword **** Li Yu. There is a clear record in the classics of the Red Lotus Sect.

This kind of profound and profound realm perception, even Akrypton can't directly give it to Krypton.

And now that with the Star-sucking sword domain, Wu Hao can pay more attention to the swordsman masters in the star realm, or the sacred grounds of swordsmanship, and wait for an opportunity to absorb their kendo insights, and learn from the strengths of the people, and he may not be able to reach the sword **** Li in the future. Yu Na and other kendo realm.

Of course, if there is a chance to breathe in the sword **** Li Yu's kendo perception, it would be better. Wouldn't it be a direct recommendation to the sword god?

While Wu Hao was making plans, a new visitor came to the cave where he was forbidden.

Practicing Jiuge was the first to lead the way, followed by the blood soul sect elder Zhao Guangming and Liu Yunyun following step by step to the door of the cave.

Baihong Valley was attacked, but Lian Jiuge did not immediately join the battle, but accepted the command from the Sect Master to deal with the important matters in Gu Zhong.

The first one to deal with was the hidden danger of the Valley Lord, the ghost face elder who was taken care of by them.

Since the other party had already started the attack, there was no need for them to politely put under house arrest for the ghost face elders. They directly sealed the cultivation base and went to the iron prison in the Baihong Valley. When will the result come out here, and when will he be dealt with.

This is to free up the manpower to take care of him to join the battle, and also to prevent him from making trouble at critical moments.

In addition to the ghost face elders, there are also refugees from the Blood Soul Sect.

Since there were blood soul rebels among those attacking Baihonggu, these people who came to take refuge should join the battle and contribute. However, the identity of Liu Yunyun among these people is too sensitive, and Bai Honggu not only cannot let her participate in the war, but must be closely protected.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, and they are ready to withdraw after the formation is broken.

Used to being surrounded and suppressed by the people in the right way, the people in Baihong Valley have long had a perfect plan for retreating. There are two secret passages in the valley, which are specially used for evacuation.

One is at Zushi Ya, and the other is at the side of the Valley Lord's Mansion in the depths of Baihong Valley.

For an important person like Liu Yunyun, the best way to deal with it now is to find a safe and convenient place to evacuate to protect it, and the Guzhu Mansion is undoubtedly the best location.

Of course, in the eyes of Bai Honggu, Bai Hong Sword Master also has the same protection specifications.

In this kind of crisis, they have no time to worry about whether the meeting between Sword Master Bai Hong and Liu Yunyun will have a bad effect. Life is threatened, who can care about those things?

The person who sensed Baihonggu from the sword domain sent Liu Yunyun over, and Wu Hao was slightly surprised.

But regardless of him, if they dare to send it, Wu Hao dare to **** it!

Wu Hao wasn't too anxious. When they came to the cave mansion, he didn't even leave the room, sensing everything secretly.

He didn't have to act, and they were sent to the door. This proves that Liu Yunyun's origins are closely related to him, so why should he rush for a while.

Lian Jiuge and Zhao Guangming did not stay here for a long They handed Liu Yunyun and the injured fat cat to the elder woman in white and went to the front for support.

At the moment of crisis in Baihonggu, every combat power is precious, and most of the elders guarding the cave mansion have also gone there to support, and only the female elders in white are ordered to stay to protect Wu Hao.

Now in the cave, there are only the white-clothed female elders, Liu Yunyun, Wu Hao, and the cat, four of them.

This female elder in white actually had her surname Bai.

When Wu Hao changed into clean clothes and walked out, he was hearing Liu Yunyun discussing the war outside with her.

Liu Yunyun's tone was full of worry: "Elder Bai, do you think Bai Honggu can hold it?"

Elder Bai did not answer yet, Wu Hao stepped out one step at a time, rushing to answer: "Definitely can hold it!"

"According to my analysis, this is a protracted battle."


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