Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 836: Anyway she is the protagonist

Wu Hao compared his refining methods with Liu Yunyun, and finally understood where he was slow.

He is carefully roasting and chewing slowly, and people are slurping the skin alive. It's weird that he can pass others quickly.

It's a pity that after the heavenly demon came into the world and cast it, his heavenly demon soul was completely integrated into this body. Without the gods and souls of the gods, he doesn't have such a good mouth, he can absorb the violent will in the blood of gods coldly.

Liu Yunyun's current performance is a bit inhuman.

As if she were a **** soldier, she also had the ability to purify the blood of gods.

Wu Hao felt a little dissatisfied, but now he really has no good solutions for a while.

Unless he can be promoted to the congenital stage, the number of bright acupoints has reached the complete range of heaven and earth, and he has reached the conditions for re-training the gods and souls of the gods.

Although Liu Yunyun's speed in refining the blood of the gods is faster than him, in terms of the final effect, the progress of the two is about the same.

Because the hunting speed of these elders simply cannot provide for the refining speed of the two of them.

You must know that if these two were opened up and absorbed, they would consume more than ten gods every day. And because of the problem of the activity of the blood of the gods, they must also deal with it immediately after hunting and absorbing and refining it.

Soon, the gods in the safe hunting area marked by the Zhao Family and Baihonggu were hunted clean by them. They had to venture into some unexplored areas.

These unexplored areas are more dangerous than the safe areas they have explored before. It is very likely that there will be powerful gods or prehistoric prohibitions.

These elders can still easily deal with a small amount of human forms and evil spirits. But if the human form and **** evil reaches a certain number, even these gods elders must avoid their sharp edges.

These humanoid gods generally rarely appear alone, mostly with small brothers in groups, forming a nest of gods.

Moreover, these humanoid gods are very sensitive to sounds and smells, and they are easily attracted by the smell of blood or fighting. In the process of their hunting, it often happens that this wave of battle has not ended, but another wave of gods and evil groups come to their door.

In the process of hunting, they even encountered the danger of being surrounded by a group of gods led by many humanoid gods twice.

But perhaps it is the daughter of the Devil Emperor who has her own blessing. Every time they encounter such a dangerous situation, the elders of Baihonggu will often play for a long time, erupting with amazing sword intent, leading them to blaze a trail.

Their adventures were not in vain. With the conscientious hunting of these elders, Wu Hao and Liu Yunyun's spiritual realm improved rapidly.

In just over a month, Wu Hao was promoted to the congenital stage.

So, he started the following plan.

This "summer" body, because there is no special blood, Wu Hao is not going to practice the power of the three phases. He intends to balance with the power of two phases and cultivate both soul and true essence.

In Wu Hao's original plan, this body actually only needs to raise the real energy level. After his celestial demon descends into the world and finally merges, the improvement of the true Qi realm will be quickly reflected on the soul and flesh under the action of the power of the three phases.

The reason why I decided to concurrently cultivate God and Soul is because of the quick means of refining the blood of God's evil. He can raise his infurience quickly. If there is a balance of two-phase power at this time, his spirit can also grow rapidly.

And once he was promoted to the Golden Core Stage, the effect of the blood of the gods would begin to decay drastically. At this time, it should be the rapid growth of the gods and souls of the heavenly devil, and at the same time, the increase in true energy.

Of course, Wu Hao wanted to cultivate the gods and souls of the gods so much, but also to deal with the violent will in the blood of gods.

It is said that if this violent will is handled carelessly, it will be angry into the brain, illusions will grow, and even arouse demons.

During Wu Hao's Qi refining period, he once tried to inhale a little bit of residual will into his body. As a result, his star-absorbing sword domain almost ran away, attacking everyone in the area covered by the sword domain indiscriminately.

Fortunately, Wu Hao reacted quickly and quickly used karma to deal with this trace of will, so that he could not cause more trouble.

This made Wu Hao realize that he could do nothing during the Qi Refining Period, even if it was the remnant of the purified will in the blood of God's evil. Therefore, he has always carefully used the red lotus karma torch to burn the remaining will.

But he did not give up on it. Why is the so-called magic weapon okay? Liu Yunyun is okay, but he can’t?

Even the remnant will after purification can't be dealt with, how can it be the attention of the blood lake in the center of the ruins of the gods and demons!

Wu Hao placed his hopes on the demon soul.

The gods and souls of the gods who treat the heart demon as a snack will definitely be okay to deal with the residual will, right?

After Wu Hao reached the congenital stage, he immediately put into use part of the massive coupons he obtained through the sword domain, and completed all the bright points of Tiangang and Disha.

In this way, he practiced the legendary exercise "Tian Mo Jing" and there was no obstacle.

One is raw and the other is cooked. In just one night, Wu Hao once again cultivated the Heavenly Demon Soul.

At this time, Liu Yunyun hasn't even broken through to the congenital, even if she absorbs the blood of gods faster than Wu Hao, so what? In terms of breaking through the bottleneck of cultivation, how could she compare to an old driver like Wu Hao.

Wu Hao also inadvertently pointed Liu Yunyun a few words, making Zhao Guangming of the Blood Soul Sect look at him with admiration. I only hate that I had eyes but no beads at the beginning, so I sold Wu Hao to Bai Honggu in order to make a small profit!

Under the joint guidance of Wu Hao and Zhao Guangming, Liu Yunyun quickly broke through the congenital bottleneck.

Upon hearing this news, Wu Hao smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Now that Liu Yunyun has reached innateness, his next plan can be implemented.

After cultivating the Heavenly Demon Soul, Wu Hao tried. Sure enough, the gods and souls of the gods can swallow the remaining will of the purified blood of the gods.

After being swallowed, the Heavenly Demon Soul also increased slightly. However, this increase was minimal, and it was not as obvious as the devouring demons rose.

So Wu Hao started to fight the idea of ​​the blood of the gods that had not passed the essence of the gods. It's such an original absorption... The violent will contained in it should be strong enough, right?

However, because of the failed attempt during the refining period, Wu Hao was more cautious about this abnormal will.

Practicing the legendary exercises, practicing the gods and souls of the gods, opened one hundred and eight bright acupoints, plus the spirit treasure. Once Wu Hao had a problem, the elders present might not be enough for him to cut.

For the sake of everyone's safety, Wu Hao felt that he should be more cautious.

It would be best if someone could **** the blood of the original evil spirit first, let him see the effect, and explore the way for him...that would be the best.

Is there anything more suitable than Liu Yunyun?

Anyway, she is the protagonist!

You can rest assured that you can't die.


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