Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 856: Protagonist halo

   Xiaotao looked at Liu Yunyun and Xing Naluo's whispering communication over there, with an unusually solemn expression.

   "I didn't expect that the body of Xing Naluo that used to cross the Hao Cang realm turned out to be a magic weapon clutch and sharp spear. I have also carefully studied Xing Naluo's life experience. Sure enough, historical legends and so on are all deceptive!"

Jiang Han sneered when he heard the words: "It turns out that it has a body of magical soldiers, no wonder you can't kill it no matter how you kill it! Hmph, unknown enemies are the most terrible. Now that you know their details, it's easy. Let me seal them all. , Add a few magic soldiers to Huanglian Dao!"

   said, he directed the ancestral corpse to step up the offensive.

   He doesn't believe that two magic soldiers can threaten the ancestral corpse!

   Seeing Jiang Han's arrogance, Xiaotao couldn't help but persuade: "Don't take it lightly, I can feel that the danger is getting closer and closer to us..."

   Jiang Han raised his eyebrows slightly, although his expression was still nonchalant. But his eyes became more serious than ever.

   He knew that Xiaotao, as a Taoist practitioner, would definitely not be arrogant, she must have found something. There are too many dreams in the night, Jiang Han not only urges the ancestral corpse to step up the offensive, but also personally takes action, blessing the secret technique of Huanglian Dao to increase the corpse state one by one on the ancestral corpse.

   The lion fights the rabbit, also with all its strength! In an instant, he took out twelve points of seriousness.

   The ancestor's corpse roared, attacking Liu Yunyun and Xing Naluo at a speed completely disproportionate to their size, with a million-junks of power in every blow. Even Xing Naluo and Liu Yunyun's current genius body didn't dare to insist on it.

   Liu Yunyun dodged the attack awkwardly from left to right, and asked quickly: "Xing...that, brother! What's the matter with you? Why is this big guy chasing me so desperately?"

"They are outsiders, invaders, and they are a great hindrance to our plan!" Xingnaruo explained briefly, and then solemnly said: "Second sister, hiding like this is not a way, we must fight back. !"

   "How to counterattack?" Liu Yunyun said helplessly: "It is as hard as a mountain. Lingbao's attack can't be moved. Is counterattack useful?"

"Don't worry, I was prepared!" Xing Naluo glanced at the position of the sealed island above, and then said: "This arrangement was originally used to help me get out of the ban, but I didn't expect it to be used. Come to deal with foreign enemies. Please also help me with my second sister!"

   Xing Na Luo had a second hand on the Sealed Demon Island, but this arrangement was not something he could spur on him alone. He also needs Liu Yunyun to help him provide some vitality.

   They share the same source, and they have already been promoted to Lingbao. They can communicate with each other completely, and use some magical secret techniques that cannot be used alone.

   The two quickly shifted their positions, and Liu Yunyun soon came to the back of Xing Naluo, with a palm on Xing Na Luo's back, and the whole body's vitality rolled towards Xing Na Luo.

   Xing Na Luohaha gave a long smile and shouted: "Happily," and he started the arrangement without hesitation.

   He formed a set of complicated seals, which was condensed into an earth-yellow talisman, and he struck in the direction of sealing the magic island above.

   Jiang Han frowned slightly when he looked at the method he showed.

   This is very similar to their Huangliandao method of controlling the corpse, but it is somewhat paradoxical.

   He pondered slightly, and he woke up to the realization that the evil Yin Sect, who was born in the Hao Cang Realm, had similarities between the methods used and Huanglian Dao.

   It's just why he suddenly used the corpse control technique? Could it be that there is still his corpse refining on the lake of blood? Or was it just made by him when he was fighting above?

   While Jiang Han was thinking this way, Feng Devil Island trembled crazily.

   "It has appeared, it has is the source of the great omen!" Xiao Tao muttered to explain.

   Wu Hao watched the changes above intently. Layers of mountains and soil fell from Fengmo Island, gradually revealing the true face of Fengmo Island.

   strong muscles, fine scales, huge volume, supreme coercion...

  Where is the Sealed Demon Island, it is clearly an entrenched behemoth.

   As this behemoth stretched its body in the lake of blood, Wu Hao finally saw its full picture.


   Wu Hao looked at the monster with nine heads in the snake body, and couldn't help but named the monster.

"No, that is Xiang Liu!" Xiao Tao explained: "To be precise, it is Xiang Liu's evil spirit. It turned out that it could not survive the erosion of the years after all. It was already dead. But I didn't expect it to be refined by Naluo Made a corpse... a strong corpse!"

   Xiaotao recognized the identity of this **** at a glance, after all, she had read the information countless times before coming to this world. This is exactly the "super **** evil" that caused the five-color **** cult to lose so much in the Hao Cang realm that reached the virtual realm a thousand years ago!

   came here to open the treasure, Xiao Tao has actually been worried that this super **** is not dead, and will suddenly jump out and kill them all in seconds.

   Don't worry now, the super **** has indeed returned to the west. But the corpse was discovered by Xing Naluo, and it took twenty years to refine it into a super corpse!

   Even though Xing Naluo's body is the Lihuoshen, he has been in Yin Shajiao for many years after all. He basically mastered all the techniques of Yin Sha Sect's inheritance.

   Regarding the method of refining and driving the gray beast, Xing Na Luo is naturally also clear.

When    was trapped on the Sealed Demon Island, he painstakingly worked alone, refined it, and finally got the results he has today.

   This is almost the mighty power of Guan Juehao Cangjie!

   Xiaotao can see that the super goddess of corpse refining must not reach the strength of the virtual realm when he is alive. But even if they only retain one or two percent of their strength, they can't handle it.

   The one who was able to deal with this super godless evil was the only ancestor corpse carried by Jiang Han.

   Obviously, Jiang Han also understood this. When the super goddess was directed by Xing Naluo to rush over, he greeted the ancestor's corpse to greet him.

   Super God Nie is good at protecting water, and he is his home court in the lake of blood. The nine heads roared, set off a huge wave, and soon collided with the ancestral corpse.

  The ancestor corpse was also a character who fought the sky and the earth before his death, and Huanglian Dao had a stronger and more perfect corpse refining and imperial corpse method. It confronted the super goddess, and didn't let the wind fall in the slightest.

   These two super zombie refining are just the match between the opponents and Liangcai, and the moment of contact, the battle has become fierce. The blood lake gurgled frantically, as if the entire blood lake was boiling.

   A scream and roar resounded through the bottom of the blood lake.

   Jiang Han looked a little ugly at the fighting over there, silently remembering the time. He clearly remembered that the ancestral corpse could use at most one hour. If they can't figure it out in one hour, they might be cold.

   "What's wrong?" Jiang Han suddenly reacted, "Didn't it mean that this world can't have combat power above the Martial Spirit stage? Are they cheating?"

  Wu Hao curled his lips slightly when he heard the secretly said: "You are the one who cheated. This is called the protagonist's halo!"

   Both Wu Hao and the clone of Blood God have found out. From the moment Liu Yunyun merged with Xueyindao, the origin of her world began to explode!

   almost began to overflow, not only in her body, but even began to affect people in the same camp.

  Lian Jiuge, Zhao Guangming, Xing Naluo, Wu Hao blood **** clones, and even the super **** evil, began to show the original aura.

  Especially Liu Yunyun, in Wu Hao's eyes, it was almost like a light, in the star-sucking sword domain, the escaped star diamond was +999, and the +999 kept going on.

   It's not just the blood **** clone who is using the Star-Sucking Sword Domain to **** the scraps. Wu Hao also seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The star picker using mystery and little supernatural powers sucked frantically.

   three-dimensional crossover stars!

   He has a hunch that after passing this village, there will be no more shop!

  Wu Hao was caught in the joy of the star diamond balance skyrocketing, but he didn't notice that Xiaotao's body beside him suddenly became stiff.

   She stayed away from Wu Hao calmly, and quickly put away the Universe Maitreya bag and hid it.

   did not even continue to collect the treasures of the Sky City Secret Treasury!



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