Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 860: father? mom?

   Seeing the mess here, Ren Ping's heart was refreshed.

   This is what a swordsman should look like, this is the real happy life.

   Compared to the comfort at this moment, what is the discomfort of the mere pregnancy reaction?

   It's a pity, but handsome in three seconds.

   After Liang Xiao also fainted completely, when the Baihonggu people began to cheer for victory, Ren Pingsheng suddenly felt a stir in his abdomen.

   The pain this time came so violently and suddenly, it made him feel a little unbearable for his iron-blooded tough guy. He hurriedly asked for help: "Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao..."

   Elder Yao also discovered his fault, and hurriedly ran over to help him, and checked his pulse.

"False contractions!" Elder Yao gave Ren Ping a sullied look, and murmured: "Let you do less, do less, and you have to listen. You actually used a big trick! Now you are stupid, you have all moved. Fetal gas!"

   Ren Pingsheng had no choice but to laugh, and the bursts of colic in his abdomen made him grin.

   He asked nervously, "Will I be about to give birth?"

   Elder Yao also became a little nervous.

   It's only eight or nine months since Ren Ping was pregnant with his first child. If he gave birth to a premature baby. What's more, the latter ones came even later.

   While she was examining her condition carefully, Liu Ruxu slowly walked up and asked, "Is he okay? I have the anti-fetal medicine here. Would you like to try it."

   Liu Ruxu's eyes were dull at this time, and his breath was uncertain. This was once again controlled by Xun Ying.

   Elder Yao didn't notice her anomaly, but he ignored her either.

   The two parties are now just a cooperative relationship, far from the foundation of trust, how could she accept the so-called "anti-fetal medicine".

   She glanced, and was about to refuse casually, but she couldn't speak.

   Elder Yao swallowed, wiped his eyes in disbelief, and exclaimed: "What...what is this?"

   It was a bright red pill, and Elder Yao felt the tremendous vitality from it.

   That kind of vitality just blinded her. It felt like everyone was talking well, but the other party suddenly dropped a hundred million with a bang!

Liu Ruxu explained mechanically: "I call it the Azure Dragon Pill. It is made from a third drop of the blood of the blue dragon and the blood lake essence from the remains of the gods and demons from the upper realm. It has the flesh and bones of life and death. The most important thing is that it is especially symptomatic for Lord Ren Gu."

   At this time, Ren Pingsheng also saw this Azure Dragon Pill, he saw this thing. There was an endless impulse in his heart, and his sword intent could not suppress his desire to grab this pill and swallow it.

   Liu Ruxu said again at this time: "This is not for you, but the Demon Emperor asked me to bring it to you. You can check that this pill is absolutely only good, not the slightest harm."

  Of course they have to check.

   Elder Yao tried his best, and even licked it several times, finally determined that this is indeed a wonderful panacea that will never be seen in a million years. Seeing Ren Ping's increasing pain at this time, she finally made up her mind to feed the Qinglong Pill to Master Ren Gu.

  Unexpectedly, after the feeding, Lord Ren's abdominal pain not only did not relieve, but worsened.

Elder Yao was just looking for Liu Ruxu to settle accounts, and suddenly heard Lord Ren Gu shouting: "They are growing up...oh no...too fast, too fast, to give birth, to give birth... I rely on me, I Where do you use it?"

   Elder Yao hurried to investigate and found that his belly was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if a balloon was blowing. With a sudden pop, a small fleshy head came out of his abdomen.

   The weird thing is that obviously the child came out of his stomach, but Ren Pingsheng did not have any wounds on his body. It felt as if the melon was ripe and fell from the vine.

   One by one, the little babies lined up to get out of Ren Pingsheng’s stomach. This scene made Elder Yao look silly.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Ruxu smiled.

   This green dragon pill is carefully refined by Xunying, specially used to mature the spirit of reincarnation. Now she finally got what she wanted.

   You must know that although their nine brothers and sisters are of the same mind, they are also divided into primary and secondary. She is just to be the remaining six small instructors and trainers. With nine votes, she has seven-ninths of the right to speak, and the dominance has been stabilized!

   Just as Xunying was making a wishful thinking, it suddenly moved in its heart, controlling Liu Ruxu's gaze to look in the direction of the ruins of the gods and demons.

   She felt a call from that direction, and the feeling became stronger and stronger.

  At this time, the six newly-born little guys also looked in that direction at the same time. They looked at each other, then swished into streamers and went away.

  Ren Pingsheng, who had just finished production, was shocked by this and hurriedly chased Yujian.

   Xun Ying was also surprised, but he didn't expect the little guys to be able to fly freely so quickly.

   But it immediately realized that this was its contribution, because they were all ripened by it. Regardless of their appearances, they are still milky babies, but they have already met the requirements to be promoted to Lingbao by merging with the gods.

   However, the breaking effect of this complete drop of Azure Dragon's blood has been used by Xun Ying. Therefore, its ripening Qinglong Pill cannot help the little guys unlock the memory of Xiangliu, they are still keeping the instinct of the reincarnation spirit.

   This is also the result Xun Ying wants to see.

   White paper is good for painting. Only by starting with ignorant dolls can you ensure their loyalty and train them into your own team.

   But now there was an inexplicable call from there, and the team was abducted.

   How can Xun Ying bear this? It immediately gave up the manipulation of Liu Ruxu, turned into the body of the Swift Shadow Sword, and hurriedly chased in the direction where Liu Xiaofei was flying.

   Soon it flew into the remains of the gods and demons, crossed the blood lake, and came to the center of the blood lake.

   Then it saw the most conspicuous figure here.

   That is the super **** evil under the control of Xing Naluo and Liu Yunyun.

   At this time, the super **** evil had already stopped fighting, but was patrolling the law protector on the side. Xun Ying could tell at a glance that the signal calling them was from Xing Naluo.

   At this time Xun Ying saw them, and her heart throbbed strongly. That is, I can't help but want to become one with them.

   At this time, Xunying suddenly felt stunned. It turned out that when their nine siblings were born together, they would have the instinct of fusion together, even if they were separated by tens of thousands of miles, they would eventually embark on a destined path.

   At this time, Xun Ying felt that the instinct was beyond imagination and completely controlled its actions. It made it involuntarily approaching in the direction of the two of them, and then approaching...

   Xun Ying could not describe the feeling in her heart at this moment, but she was expecting and unwilling.

   It would be nice if I could merge later. Haven't left an impression on Liu Xiao yet? In this way, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts?

   By the way, where is the sixth elementary school?

   Xun Ying looked around and found a scene that made it The Sixth Element didn't come to fusion in the first place, and actually ran in the direction of others!

   It's not just that Xun Ying didn't react, but everyone present didn't react.

   The six little guys were heading straight towards Xingnaruo, and Xingnaruo and Liu Yunyun had already opened their arms to meet them. But they suddenly changed their direction, and suddenly they plunged towards Wu Hao!

   Xingnaruo couldn't help it anymore, and shouted: "Brother, sister, wrong, wrong, brother is here!"

   As a result, the six little guys gave him a bewildered look, and huffed Wu Hao around Tuantuan. Rake rake, rake rake cries non-stop.

   "Get up, get up, where's the wild boy, who is your dad?"

   Seeing the surprised eyes of everyone present, Wu Hao yelled in an angry tone.

   "I'm their dad!" The owner of Bai Honggu hurriedly did not recognize Wu Hao's appearance after PS. He grabbed the children over, staring at Wu Hao and said, "Boy, let me clean your mouth..."

   "Heh!" Wu Hao was about to speak, but was interrupted by six little guys.

   I saw them shaking Ren Pingsheng in a reluctant manner, and they spoke in unison.

   "Ma Ma, why do you say that?"



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