Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 894: Find

In Qiyue Valley, in the forest created by the Azure Emperor's Domain.

A big show is in full swing.

The tree guards of the great witch level sprayed on one side, and under them, some small tree people who were less than half a meter tall were drilled out.

These little treants are extremely agile. They climbed onto the big treants like an ape, and came to the prisoners hanging on the tree, like picking peaches, and took away all the storage equipment on their bodies. .

All of a sudden, the prisoners screamed, begged for mercy, and cursed in a symphony. But they were all obscured by the low-pitched noises of the trees, and they didn't reach Wu Hao's ears at all.

Wu Hao has no time to pay attention to them, he is now studying carefully in Qiyuegu.

Finally completed the clearance, and now he has to search carefully.

The Azure Emperor Domain is extremely useful, but its consumption is also the largest among all the abilities Wu Hao has mastered. In this environment of the Star World, Wu Hao easily did not use this trick.

But now, Wu Hao didn't hesitate to use it.

Because things here have already had a tendency to make big troubles, there will only be more and more peepers, investigators, and fishermen in troubled waters.

And because of the speed, the first to come here should be the high-level, top-notch figures of the various forces.

Wu Hao can't deal with it one by one, right?

Even if it is dealt with, it may not be able to deal with it.

However, Han Haizong's behavior gave Wu Hao a hint.

People Hanhaizong can book a place, why can't he?

He still has the special skill of making a reservation, so he didn't hesitate to use the Azure Emperor Domain.

Sure enough, comparable to the appearance of the Void Realm Realm, the masters of the primordial spirits have no resistance at all.

Wu Hao didn't intend to kill too many people. He just wanted Qi Yuegu to lock down for a while, so that he could carefully investigate the residual information around him without interference.

The Azure Emperor's realm shrouded in Qiyue Valley can also serve as a deterrent, making latecomers afraid to step into it.

In this way, he can search around with peace of mind.

But before searching, there are a few things to deal with.

Wu Hao walked to a corpse in the Azure Emperor's Domain. This corpse was not from the Wu family, but was killed by three Great Witch-level guards when the Azure Emperor's domain was showing off.

He was the guy who spoke badly to Wu Hao first, the one who concealed his head and exposed his tail, hidden in the flames.

This person has also become the only person killed in the realm of Emperor Wu Hao Qing.

He is in a different situation from other sprayers. Those people are just spraying, but he is playing rhythm.

Wu Hao wants to use him to kill chickens and monkeys.

After this man died, all the disguise on him disappeared. He became a Hu man with a flame mark on his eyebrows.

"Black Flame Clan? Or Bai Yan Clan?"

Wu Hao muttered to himself as he watched the flame mark on the eyebrows of this person, and directed a set of vines to transport his body to the center of the Blue Emperor Realm.

"Who knows the identity of this person, I will let him go as soon as I get the correct answer, and I will never break my promise!"

"I!" As soon as Wu Hao's voice fell, there was an expert in the soul rushing back over there: "This is the patriarch of the Heiyan clan! I have dealt with him before, and I will never admit it."

"That's it!" Wu Hao nodded.

This can explain why this person targeted Wu Hao when he came up.

Since the last time, Feng Anping had an accident in the Red Lotus Sect. The relationship between the Heiyan tribe and the Snow Lotus Sect had also deteriorated sharply. Their lives are getting more and more difficult.

However, their purpose has not changed, that is, the Red Lotus Sect, the Red Lotus Sect, and the Red Lotus Sect!

Since this person is the patriarch of the Heiyan clan, he should be hostile to Wu Hao.

Of course, he also paid his due price for this.

After asking about the identity of this person, Wu Hao kept his promise and let the master of soul go.

He hadn't planned to kill anyone in the first place, and this person had to be released sooner or later, and when he released it all depends on his mood.

However, only this "responder expert" has the hope of leaving early. As for the others, let's talk about it after being sprayed for an hour!

Seeing that Wu Hao opened up the way of letting people go, the captured masters and the Hanhai Sect members shouted and begged for mercy. I want Wu Hao to let them go by the way.

It's a pity that Wu Hao turned a deaf ear to what they said, and was wholeheartedly investigating Qi Yuegu's environment.

The first thing he checked was the very conspicuous pit.

Looking at the appearance of the big pit, Wu Hao used the Wood God Yun Spirit Technique to connect himself with the surrounding giant tree guards, and constantly deduced the situation at that time.

Blood, fire, screaming, screaming, struggling, killing...

The desperate Wu family retreated to the absolute core of Qi Yuegu, the ancestral hall of the Wu family. However, everyone is still pressing hard, looking like they are going to exterminate the Wu family.

So the Wu family began to use their final hole cards, not hesitating to die with the invaders.


The starlight attack from the sky destroyed everything around the ancestral hall, and the intruder should have paid a certain price.

This is probably an attack method peculiar to the Danshen star of the Juman tribe, and it is more simple and rude than the way Jingwei uses the Danshen star.

According to Wu Hao's knowledge from Jingwei, the ability to control the alchemy star depends on the alchemy attainments of the alchemy successor of the alchemy star.

Presumably, Wu's dying counterattack must make the opponent uncomfortable.

It is a pity that the culprit who invaded Qiyue Valley should be very experienced. They carefully cleaned up some obvious traces, making it difficult for Wu Hao to find other clues.

After feeling that his search efficiency was too low, Wu Hao began to use witchcraft.

Witchcraft: "The Whispers of the Jungle"!

As soon as the jungle whispered, all the plants in the vicinity became Wu Hao's eyes and ears.

All the abnormalities that occur around will also be clearly passed on to him.

Soon, Wu Hao discovered something.

He walked to an open space deliberately cleared out of the ruins of Wu's house.

The open space is now full of corpses, which are the bones of the Wu family that Wu Hao has collected with the little tree man.

Although Wu Hao collected all their belongings as usual, he would not let these people expose their corpses to the wilderness.

He was going to cremate these people together, and then put them into the soil for safety.

Because he can't tell who is who, the conditions here are limited, and everything can be simplified. Set up a unified "Tomb of the Wu Family in Qiyuegu".

After he was about to be cremated, he collected the ashes and took them to the back mountain of the Red Lotus Sect for burial.

In this way, if Mother Wu still has a sense of belonging to Qiyue Valley, she can also go to the tomb on Qingming Festival to take comfort.

When Wu Hao came here, many tree guards were surrounding the piled hills of corpses, and they were humming and squeezing this onto the pile of corpses.

They were squeezing tree oil to prepare for the cremation for a while.

Wu Hao ignored them, but went straight to the pile of corpses and dragged the corpse of a young woman He tried to be careful not to touch the high protruding abdomen of the woman.

After checking the woman's breath, she can't die anymore if she's already dead. Wu Hao didn't hesitate anymore, and accurately released a sword gas on the woman's abdomen, then cut her abdomen open.

Then, he carefully took out the little life in his abdomen.

When the jungle whispered just now, he noticed a breath of life in the woman's abdomen. Now, there really is a discovery!

The little guy looked filthy, his eyes closed tightly, and he was dying.

Wu Hao infiltrated several groups of life energy one after another before his (her) breathing gradually calmed down.

Wu Hao pulled away his (her) calf and took a look.

Yo, baby girl!

Let's call it Wu Yun.


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