Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 920: Dead knot

Wu Hao understands a bit.

Their historians' skin-refining method has gone to extremes, and they have turned all the bones, flesh and blood, and souls of their bodies into historical dermis that records the text of history.

It's really up and down, inside and out, all leather.

The benefit is the ability to obtain an unconventional defense.

It's like putting all the attribute points on the defense.

But the shortcomings of this are also obvious.

If Wu Hao expected it well, they should not have any offensive capabilities. I am afraid it is even worse than Confucianism.

Sure enough, Wu Hao asked Monk Shang De quietly, and he got confirmation from Monk Shang De.

If these historians have conflicts with others, they are generally not killed by them, and they have nothing to do with them.

Their practice method is to constantly travel around, record what they have seen and heard, and integrate them into real history.

The greater the historical influence of the record and the more profound the significance, the better their skinning effect will be.

In this process, they must uphold their sincerity.

If the historical facts are distorted by the historian's own selfish desires, not only will their degree of skinning not progress, it will even degenerate.

Of course, what the historian saw was not necessarily the truth.

But this will not affect their leather refining efficiency, they only need to record what they see is true, not to dust the sincere heart.

The historian has an independent system in Dagan.

Everything they recorded will eventually be summarized in the Tai Shiling of the time, where they will be used to save the chaff and the false to be true. Organized into historical classics that are infinitely close to the real.

Of course, historians uphold the sincere heart, and of course they will not distort the facts. But the same real thing can be different in description.

For example, it's the same as being stingy, it can be said to be thrifty and housekeeping, or it can be said to be stingy and stingy.

The same is the wave, it can be said to be unruly, or it can be said to be thorough.

It depends on the perception of the historian.

Therefore, people who know the details rarely offend historians. Because sometimes, on the basis of facts, when the pen is crooked, you will lose face to see Jiang Dong's father.

For example, there are heroes who swept Liuhe, swallowed all the wastes, made great contributions to the world, and both civil and military... People may have brought it all in one stroke, but it is his only lover seven!

It is precisely because of this that Monk Shang De just stopped Wu Hao.

Attacking historians has always been a taboo. To spread it out is tantamount to offending the entire group of historians. Carelessness may affect the names of the front and back.

"Really?" Hearing Sunde's warning, Wu Hao narrowed his eyes.

He wondered if he could get rid of this Song Daoji if he broke out. Just now he seemed to have a lot of momentum, but in fact he didn't use his full strength at all, and most of the so-called attacks stayed at the level of the Martial Soul Stage.

Anyway, it's already offended, should you just cut the grass and get rid of the roots?

In fact, it doesn't have to be killed, there are many ways to prevent him from making trouble for himself.

After all, apart from the almost BUG defense, the historian has almost no power to restrain the chicken.

For example, tying a stone and sinking into the sea!

Feed the sharks, sell to savages, or throw craters?

Either hold him and fly, and throw it into the wind of nine days!

You can also smash him into leather dregs, mud, and put them into the wall!

In an instant, Wu Hao thought of thousands of poisonous schemes.

With the assistance of the Wood God Yun Spiritual Method, thinking is so fast.

At this time, Song Daoji suddenly felt cold in his heart for no reason, a little bit cold.

He was a little inexplicable, he almost forgot what it felt like to be cold since he refined the skin.

At this moment, he glanced at Wu Hao's expression. But it keenly felt the danger.

So he quickly explained: "Don't worry, you two, Song is a pure historian, not the kind of person who avenges private revenge."

"Furthermore, I was able to reach the realm of the whole body of Piguan this time, thanks to Brother Wu's accomplishment. It was the first incident that recorded your arrival from Lingnan to Dagan, and I succeeded in breaking through the bottleneck and succeeding in refining the skin! "

"In this way, Brother Wu is still kind to me. It's a pity that he attacked me once for some reason. So, how about we even balance it?"

Wu Hao's eyes moved, and he apologized: "So that's it. Before Wu Mou was reckless and mistaken Brother Song as a great enemy, and he should attack him. Fortunately, Brother Song has a natural appearance, otherwise Hao has become a big enemy. Wrong!"

"Where..." Song Daoji quickly said that it didn't matter.

Soon, the tense atmosphere just now became peaceful, as if the unhappiness had never happened before. Monk Shang De was stunned.

Wu Hao must be sure. It seems that the leather of the official historian is not invulnerable. Wasn't his demon confusing heart effective?

Since this is done so easily, I won't use him to build the wall for the time being.

At this time, Wu Hao struck the iron while it was hot and asked about his doubts.

"Brother Song, how do you feel familiar with this kind of leather refining method of your historian. I don't know if Brother Song has ever heard of'the benevolent is invincible'?"

Song Daoji's eyes flashed brightly, and he almost broke away from the state of being confused by the demon.

"Brother Wu is worthy of a man in the south of the Lingnan, with a bright eye like a torch!" Song Daoji sighed: "The power of our historians is indeed born out of the legendary ‘invincible benevolent’!

It turns out that their historian is the invincible inheritor of the benevolence of Fuxi and Liuzuo. It's just that he later had great doubts about the "Benevolence".

He found that he followed the "Benevolent Way", but often unconsciously acted unkindly.

For example, if the wolf eats sheep, the benevolent should save the sheep from fire and water. But what about wolves?

The historian, who was tortured by all kinds of contradictory thoughts, was so miserable that he finally realized the way of "being benevolent and sincere" one day.

Since then, his benevolence has been changed to the "honesty", focusing on recording real history.

The patriarch of the historian was a man who started doing business on weekends.

When the chief executive was first established, he was a lot of ostracism as a former minister.

Someone told him that he had his homeland in his heart and compiled the historical annals to beautify the previous dynasty and beautify the five-color cult.

After reading the annals of history, Dagan Zulong ordered him to repair. This historian patriarch insisted that a word was not changed.

In the end, he was beaten as a remnant of the previous dynasty and sentenced to car cracking!

Nine dragon-blood wild beasts comparable to the gods were fastened to him with the dark star secret cloud chain, and they were racing day and night in the direction of Dagan Kyushu. The whole journey took hundreds of thousands of miles and took several months, pulling him into a thread thinner than a hair.

However, after all, it didn't stop.

In the end, the dragon blood barren beast lost its strength and was bounced back.

With a bang, it crashed into a ball of **** fireworks.

The ancestor of the historian patted his **** and sat and fought hard to reprimand the atrocities in the annals.

Listening to Song Daoji telling the glorious story of the patriarch of the historian, Wu Hao was fascinated.

"and after?"

Hearing that he stopped talking here, Wu Hao couldn't help but urge it.

However, Song Daoji hesitated and refused to go on.

"I know, I know!" Master Shang De quietly transmitted to Wu Hao: "Later they found a batch of more powerful dragon beasts and pulled it again!"

"Have you broken this time?" Wu Hao asked with interest.

"No!" Grandmaster Shangde replied with a weird expression: "However, Zhong Shenxiu, the great master at the time, secretly taught those dragons and beasts a kind of magic knot. Those dragons and beasts started to play in the same way as they pulled. Knot, the Patriarch of the Historian was finally tied into a dead knot!"

"...I haven't solved it so far!"

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