Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 925: Canglong Sword Array

This is a magic weapon!

With Wu Hao's skill in refining, he judged it instantly after he restrained the golden rope.

He casually put the income in his palm and suppressed it.

This is a masterful thing, and the soul imprint on it has not been completely removed. If it is a storage artifact such as Xumijie or Qiankun bracelet, there is no way to forcibly store other people's artifacts.

But the Xumi space in Wu Hao's palm is fine. Because this Buddhist little magical power not only has the ability to accept things, but also has the effect of suppression and relief.

If you want to use such a small magical power to erase the imprint of the soul, you can still do it temporarily, but it can be suppressed temporarily and left for later processing.

At this time, the girl who had just started to take action turned her gaze to Wu Hao.

"Who are you, what have you done to my wishful thinking?"

When the girl baby was robbed, she didn't show any emotions like anxiety, but looked at Wu Hao with some curiosity.

The girl looked slender, but her body seemed to be shrouded in a hazy light, and she couldn't see her true face clearly.

Wu Hao could feel that all this was because the cyan vestment on her body seemed to have the effect of concealing the consciousness and obstructing the eyes.

He did not answer the girl's question. The inconvenience has already made him feel the rich murderous intent.

He felt as if he saw something that he shouldn't have seen.

Seeing that Wu Hao didn't answer her right away, the girl turned around and asked Mr. Jingzhai next to her: "Human Zhao, which rudder disciple is this, so unruly?"

Zhao Jingzhai frowned and looked here, just in time to see Gao Jian hurriedly chasing him, sweating profusely.

Seeing the tension here, Gao Jian couldn't help but lighten his steps.

He saw that both Master and Uncle looked ugly, so he hurriedly explained Wu Hao's situation and emphasized that Wu Hao insisted on running around, and he couldn't stop him...

Zhao Jingzhai shook her head, raised her hand high, and then fell heavily.

"Take it down!"

After speaking, he ignored the situation here, turned his head and carefully explained Wu Hao's situation to the nobleman who came from the rudder.

"It turns out to be an aboriginal?" The girl shook her head, and said in an uneasy voice: "You be careful, don't hurt the little mink, it has the blood of Ditu raccoon dog, it is of great use to me!"

Zhao Jingzhai's heart shuddered upon hearing this.

Ditu raccoon is one of the twenty-eight constellations, and the third constellation of the seven constellations of the Eastern Canglong.

Their Xingzong Cultivation Technique relies on the use of divine souls to accumulate the stars in the body and attract the power of Zhou Tian's stars. The stronger the celestial spirit, the closer to the origin of the stars, the faster the power of refining the stars, and the better the corresponding cultivation aptitude.

Except for the favored sons of the heavens who are naturally blessed by the stars and able to awaken the stars on their own, most of the disciples of the Huaxing Sect use the unique means of the sect to enlighten the spirits and acquire the stars.

The essence of some rare and exotic beasts is the main material for enlightening spirits. The more their essence and star power fit together, the higher the potential of the celestial spirits that enlightenment can obtain, and the better their aptitude.

And this kind of alien beast with the blood of the stars is innately compatible with the stars, and after the spirit is enlightened, it can even be comparable to those who care for the stars.

In this way, this strange beast is not only of great use to this nobleman. It is of great use to everyone in the Huaxing Sect.

However, even if it is heartbeat, now he is not qualified to compete with this nobleman. He is just a sub-rudder protector of the Huaxing Sect. How dare to offend him before it is too late to flatter others?

So, what he can do now is to do things beautifully and win the favor of this noble man.

Not to mention, this Ying Yangwei who broke in suddenly created a good opportunity for him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the court.

The fastest response is Gao Jian!

He was closest to Wu Hao's position. When Zhao Jingzhai ordered Wu Hao to be taken down, Gao Jian rushed towards Wu Hao without hesitation.

"Brother Wu, Brother Wu, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you can vote for yourself! Tell you a secret, I've seen you upset for a long time..."


After trying to sense the murderous intent of the opponent, Wu Hao didn't bother to listen to what he said, and kicked him on the waist.

Gao Jian's buttocks were facing forward, his limbs facing backward, and he flew straight into the distance. He crashed and collapsed several walls, and was finally buried in a piece of rubble. There was no more movement.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and then the disciples of the Huaxing Sect in the uniform of the Sirius Guard rushed up and surrounded Wu Hao.

Wu Hao frowned slightly.

The situation seems a bit wrong.

According to what he had learned before, the Sirius Guards were based on military strategists and Confucianists. In addition, they also recruited a group of strangers from the rivers and lakes.

So seeing the conflict with Sirius Guard, Wu Hao's first reaction was to guard against their great scholars.

When he first came to work, Wu Hao was quite uncomfortable with Confucianism. If it weren't for his good foundation and no obvious weaknesses, he almost suffered a bit.

But afterwards, he exchanged ideas with Monk Shang De, and Wu Hao knew that Confucianism was not as difficult as he thought.

They are full of aura, and they are very resistant to magical secret arts. Moreover, mastering the art of mouth-cannon is equivalent to having a silence ability.

However, their weakness is also obvious, that is, they themselves are too fragile.

Even a third-rate thief who is a beginner in martial arts, slashes casually, they can't stand it.

Any physical attack is unbearable to Confucianism.

Therefore, when Confucianism really came forward to kill, it was either guarded by heavy soldiers or guarded by masters. Otherwise they are living targets.

Regarding how to deal with such a situation, Monk Suntech’s suggestion is to master a physical long-range attack method.

Bows and arrows, throwing knives, throwing guns and various hidden weapons.

Practitioners often have the ability to listen to the wind and argue their position. When they are confronted with the Confucianists, they listen to the fire from wherever they go, and just say hello to them.

Even if it can't be attacked immediately, at least the protective force around Daru should be kept in place.

Wu Hao felt that what Monk Shang De said was somewhat reasonable, so he put a three-ton big iron lump in the Xumi space in his palm, waiting to let people "see hidden weapons" when they met a Confucianist.

Who would have thought that so many Sirius guards stepped forward to besiege, and there was not even a Confucian person.

Seeing that Wu Hao solved Gao Jian cleanly just now, these Huaxingzong disciples were very cautious.

They formed a formation to surround Wu Hao.

The disciples had their swords out of their sheaths, stepped on their feet, and chanted strange ballads in their mouths.

"The four spirits of the heaven and the earth are square. There is a dragon in the east, and its blood is black and yellow. The corner is strong and the heart is set. The star power of the blue dragon casts my sword soul-Yin!"

This is the Eastern Canglong Sword Formation, which can attract the star power of the Canglong Qisu to increase the power of the sword formation.

With the starlight coming down, their long swords all looked radiant and shining, as if they were a magic weapon alive, they looked magnificent.

At a glance, you know it's extraordinary.

Wu Hao, who found that the situation was a bit wrong, originally wanted to start first.

But seeing their formation, Wu Hao restrained himself and stopped.

He forced himself not to He focused his whole body on the operation of the star-absorbing sword domain on the Azure Cloud Sword.

The streamer on the long swords of the disciples of the Huaxing Star Sect dimmed at the speed that the naked eye could see.


The leading disciple was slightly surprised, why is the star power dissipating so fast today? Could it be that the position is not standard, and some people are not in place? Or is the sword not set?


He gave an order, and the disciples once again drove forward and backward, moving back and forth in changing positions.

"The four spirits of the heaven and the earth are square. There is a dragon in the east, and its blood is black and yellow. The corner is strong and the heart is set. The star power of the blue dragon casts my sword soul-Yin!"


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