Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 933: Immortal powers

What is power?

It is to capture the dragon and throw the elephant, move the mountain and move the mountain, carry the Jiuding with strength, and break the void with the fist...

Compared with those obvious giant forces, the power of plant growth is so inconspicuous.

However, Wu Hao deeply understands what kind of terrifying power this is.

Even with the strength of an ordinary seed to germinate, it can open mountains, break rocks, penetrate bones, and crack the ground.

What's more, Wu Hao turned into a giant tree symbolizing longevity with the Qingdi realm.

The giant tree he transformed into has smooth bark, luxuriant branches, thin and vertical leaves, like a duck's palm. There are nicks on the leaves, and mysterious runes flicker on them.

This is the tree of ginkgo, also called ginkgo. It is a rare longevity tree species in the world.

The giant tree formed by the Azure Emperor's domain is not only related to the domain itself, but also to the users' understanding of longevity and life.

Based on the knowledge of Wu Hao Nanjiang's talent, probably the longest tree in his cognition is ginkgo.

That's why it can be transformed into this image.

The thunder and lightning in the omnipotent kettle thunder prison kept bombarding the ginkgo tree, but it couldn't even break its skin. The runes on the leaves flashed, and the lightning was scattered and drained to other places.

Now Wu Hao felt that his bark was much thicker than that of the great historian.

Using the Azure Emperor's Domain in this way gave Wu Hao extraordinary defensive power and recovery capabilities, but his mobility was too poor.

He can only keep rooting downwards or growing upwards, except for these two points, there is not much he can do.

Of course, some small things can still be done.

For example, it can bloom.

Can still result.

Wu Hao didn't know why he obviously turned into a ginkgo tree, but peach blossoms came out.

He felt that the romanticism in his bones should be at fault.

Flowering is actually a kind of guard witchcraft in this state. It can create flower monster guards to help giant trees fertilize, water, deal with pests, and fight enemies.

Each flower demon guard has the strength equivalent to that of the great witch, and among them there are the more powerful big flower demon, and the flower demon king commander.

However, the Peach Blossom Guards created in this way are much weaker than the treants of the Great Witch Peak that Wu Hao directly used in the Azure Emperor Realm, but they are better than the large number and more eye-catching.

In addition to the Peach Blossom Guard, he can also control his own roots and vines.

Well, Wu Hao didn't know why the ginkgo tree would have silky vines hanging down like long whips.

This may be related to his previous name "Hundred Face Whip Demon"?

However, these vines are extremely tough, even comparable to the small golden rope magic weapon that Wu Haoxin grabbed, and they can be used like a hand. Wu Hao felt that if someone came to offend without looking at him, he would be able to give them a surprise.

In addition to flowers and vines, there are also his fruits.

His fruit can be used as a hidden weapon and can cause explosive damage.

It's just that if you want results, you need to consume the blood of eternal life. Wu Hao believes that there is no need for this for the time being.

The huge longevity ginkgo is like a broken bamboo, and the thunder room in front of it is easily torn apart in front of its growth force, revealing the scene of the second space.

The flying cold, in front of Wu Hao's super bark, was like a cool breeze.

The huge array of jackdaws, which was waiting for it, was rolled by thousands of peach blossoms, and it became a place of crow's hair.

The longevity ginkgo did not stay at all, breaking through this layer of space and rising upwards.


Changsheng Ginkgo broke through the top layer, Wu Hao couldn't help but feel refreshed.

What a rich star power environment!

Generally speaking, monks are more sensitive to the vitality of heaven and earth, but don't know much about star power.

Because the star power has to undergo a series of tens of thousands of years of precipitation, and a series of reactions occur with the world's celestial qi, the yin and yang, the five elements, and even space and time, before it can be transformed into the heaven and earth vitality.

Of course, some of it settled down and turned into star stones.

In fact, even the energy in the star stone is only the higher purity of heaven and earth vitality.

Compared with the vitality of heaven and earth, star power is a purer and more bursting energy.

It's like Tiandi Yuanqi is pure brewed wine, while Xingli is alcohol.

However, Wu Hao has actually come into contact with the Pill Star in the shadow world, and has also picked up a lot of star power through the Jingwei clan, and has a deep understanding of star power.

Therefore, he could see at a glance that this is a kind of high-density star power environment.

The purity of the star power here is so high that the star-absorbing sword domain of Wu Hao Qingyun sword can't absorb it at all.

This is because of the frequency problem of the Star-Sucking Sword Domain. The band that can be absorbed by the Star-Sucking Sword Domain is very short. Generally, it can only absorb the part of the vitality that escapes in battle, even the heaven and earth vitality in nature. What's more, this kind of high-purity star power.

That is actually a special frequency that Wu Hao found by mistakenly hitting and colliding. Only by maintaining this frequency can we ensure that the Star Absorbing Sword Domain can be continuously attached to the Azure Cloud Sword, which is equivalent to a passive ability, almost no need for others. Vital energy consumption.

In fact, the sword domain still has consumption, but this consumption is extremely low, even the vitality energy that Wu Hao escapes between walking, sitting and lying can be self-sufficient, solid and almost negligible.

Had it not been for Wu Hao who suspected that Qingyunjian gave birth to a sword spirit a while ago, and secretly deducted some coupons from him, and checked it carefully, he might not have been able to find this trace of consumption.

Although the Azure Cloud Sword's star-absorption sword domain could not be achieved, such a rich star power environment still made Wu Hao feel a little bit nervous.

Especially that in the sky is... the Big Dipper?

In Wu Hao's eyes, it looked like seven fairies.

Does this temptation need to do what is needed now?

Is it possible to hold down the Seven Fairies and then steal the peaches?

Wu Hao's reaction was faster than thinking, and he immediately communicated with the supernatural power seeds in the soul.

Supernatural powers: Reach the stars!

Wu Hao was shocked by the effect of using the star-catching magical power in the state of longevity ginkgo.

Countless ginkgo leaves slowly adjusted their directions and turned into small absorbers, quickly absorbing the star power in space. A slight breeze was blowing in the entire space.

The trunks and branches of Ginkgo biloba also grew wildly, constantly stretching towards the Big Dipper in the sky, as if competing for rain, dew and sunshine.

Its huge root system also grows crazily in the universal pot, constantly absorbing the star power energy in the universal pot.

Kaka Kaka, the Wanyou Kettle made a sound of overwhelming burden, and even the foundation of Wanyou Kettle was a little shaken, the seven stars swayed, and there were faint signs of instability.

"Xingli, the star power here is losing a lot!" Zhao Jingzhai, who had witnessed everything up close, was full of panic in her voice.

In the next moment, he couldn't speak anymore.

Countless vines wrapped him layer by layer, and soon wrapped him into a sepak takraw ball.

Zhao Jingzhai was struggling frantically, but like a flying insect in a spider web, he struggled harder and harder. In the end, he could only make a futile whine.

"Shhh! Don't talk!" Wu Hao used his divine sense to transmit the sound, and then ignored Zhao Jingzhai, who was dragged into the thunder prison space by the vines, and continued to pay attention to the Akrypton waterfall.

This time, a wave of fat!

Just as Wu Hao was about to count the profit this time, he heard a soft drink not far away.

"Traitor, don't run!"

Wu Hao probed it with his spiritual knowledge, and it was indeed the little girl who sucked him into the pot.

At this time, she no longer had that layer of haziness, showing a beautiful face, which looked quite beautiful.

And his face was cold, and there was a little bit more high-cold goddess Fan.

But Wu Hao had no time to worry about her appearance, all his attention was attracted by the starlight in the girl's hand.

The starlight was extremely bright, even surpassing the light of the Big Dipper in the sky. As soon as Wu Hao's consciousness touched, he felt a sharp pain like a needle.

An unprecedented warning roared in his heart.

As soon as this warning sign appeared, Wu Hao saw the girl throw the starlight towards the ginkgo tree he had transformed.

The stars flashed and turned into a thin middle-aged man wearing a seven-star robe. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

The phantom is hazy, and there is no facial features and expressions at all. Only a body is imposing and surging.

It's like a star in the sky!

The lines on the phantom body are also very monotonous, just like the graffiti of a nine-rate painter. Only the index finger of his right hand was particularly clear, even vaguely able to see flesh and blood.

In the sky, the Big Dipper shines brightly, and the star power converges on the index finger, making the light there shine more and more, until it overwhelms everything, disregarding the stars.

The phantom didn't make any extra moves, the stars in his hand were condensed to the limit, and he pointed out to Wu Hao without hesitation.

Supernatural powers: Transforming Star Fingers!

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