Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 939: Witchcraft

Wu Hao felt that Greed Wolf's reminder was very out of place.

However, Greed Wolf's reminder made him realize one thing, that is, a problem that can't be solved under normal circumstances, and he can try to solve it with Krypton Gold.

Wu Hao knew very well that he would not last long.

The most urgent task now is to find a way to stabilize this space.

Nowadays, the universal pot has long since been annihilated, and the space has collapsed. It doesn't even need any force to push it, even if it only relies on the inertia of the void storm, it will sooner or later condense into an unstoppable spatial turbulence, sweeping everything around it.

The general trend has been achieved, and I want to prevent it from forcibly suppressing the collapse of the space unless it has absolute power, or there is space for supernatural power to turn the tide.

However, Wu Hao doesn't have any of these for the time being.

His soul talent, Insomnia True Spirit, evolved from Space Yuling, but he has a talent for space. It is a pity that Wu Hao didn't get a good space inheritance. There was only one Buddhist exercise "Mille's Magic Method", and Wu Hao was excluded from his main practice due to his disagreement.

For things related to space, he just learned a little magical power "Sumi in the palm"!

Although the Sumi space in Wu Hao's palm is hundreds of times larger than the space in the general Qiankun Ring, it is far from comparable to the space in the Universal Pot.

Even if the Xumi space has been growing as Wu Hao's strength improves, it is still barely able to fit a small city.

However, the Wanyou Pot is similar to a complete small world, after all, it can already contain the stars.

If Sumi in the palm could evolve into supernatural powers, Wu Hao would be certain to solve the immediate problem.

In Jumang's witchcraft inheritance, there is a method of witchcraft. It can help Wu Hao to swallow the entire universal pot into the space in his palm.

This is actually a unique refining method of witch repair, that is, a certain part of one's body is used to fuse witches to achieve a certain effect similar to innate magical powers.

This method of witchcraft was summed up in the constant battle between witch cultivation and the ancient monster race. The monster race is very good at refining its own monster weapons based on its own talents and corresponding body parts.

As a matter of fact, many of the original witchcraft were taken from the monster clan. The bones, flesh and blood, and even monster weapons were taken from the body, rough processed, and then refined into the body by the method of witchcraft, and they became witchcraft.

Even the spirits of the monster race can be used to enhance the strength of witch cultivation, and can even be transformed into companion spirits.

Correspondingly, Wu Xiu's blood and spirits are often great tonic for the monster race.

Therefore, the witch and the demon are innately opposed to each other, and it is extremely difficult to live in peace.

The refining method of witch cultivation is very simple and rude, without much skill, it is pure blood, witch power, and witch soul crushing.

Therefore, at the time of refining, it does not care whether the refining utensils deny the master or whether it is a master.

I got it, it's mine!

Of course, being so simple and direct also requires strength to back up.

Without the awakening of the true spirit, there would be no qualification to perform the method of witchcraft at all. Because many times you need your own spirit to suppress the spirituality in the treasure, or the will of the last master.

After completing the True Spirit Awakening, the True Spirit can get continuous support from the bloodline and forcefully suppress all obstacles with the advantage of the home court.

In addition to the awakening of the true spirit, a certain degree of compatibility between the witchcraft and the witchcraft is required.

To put it simply, which type of witchcraft to integrate requires witchcraft to have certain attainments in related witchcraft.

For example, the fusion of flame witchcraft cannot be ignorant of flame witchcraft.

The fusion of space magical weapons should not be too far behind the magical weapons in terms of spatial attainments.

If this condition is not met, there is no way to talk about witchcraft.

It's like swallowing an elephant with a snake, maybe you can succeed with your hard work. But if the paramecium swallows the elephant, it is impossible!

With Wu Hao's current palm in the palm of Sumi, wanting to integrate the complete universal pot with the method of witchcrafting is not much simpler than the paramecium swallowing elephant.

But now because of Weng Qian's detonation, the Universal Pot has become incomplete, which provides a hint of possibility for this matter.

Wu Hao only needs to wait until the universal pot space is destroyed to a certain critical point, and only the mountains and rivers are as big as the mountains and rivers. Sumi upgrades and expands.

After such an upgrade, even though Sumi in Wu Hao's palm was a small supernatural power, it was comparable to some spatial supernatural powers.

However, he was unwilling after all.

If he did that, the two stars he was holding in his arms would have to give up.

There is obviously no way to contain the stars in a space the size of mountains and rivers, even if it is only a projection of two stars.

If there is really no alternative, Wu Hao can only use the Star Absorbing Supernatural Ability to **** wildly. When the star projection is not swept away by the space turbulence, how much he can suck.

But now he has guarded the two stars, obviously he has thoughts about them.

He wants more.

This requires him to have more spatial attainments.

In Akrypton's body, it is necessary for him to elevate Sumi in his palm to the level of supernatural powers.

However, with his current level of supernatural power, he can bear at most three supernatural power seeds, and the quota is full.

So he needs to increase the strength of the soul first, and then learn the powers.

Glancing at Akrypton's panel, he has more than 12 million star diamonds, he still has a certain amount of confidence.

There are two ways to temporarily increase the strength of the soul, one is a stronger talent, and the other is a stronger technique.

Wu Hao is now at a legendary level, and the next step is myth.

It's a pity that the mythical soul talent needs tens of millions, and Wu Hao can't afford it now.

And to be honest, maybe he hasn't reached the realm yet, and he usually feels that his talent in this area is useless.

Low cost performance.

It's not as good as the Krypton God Soul Technique to get immediate results.

Anyway, now that Krypton can't afford it, Wu Hao didn't think much any more, and immediately promoted the Celestial Demon Sutra.

This was originally a krypton in the plan.

Wu Hao's current realm is called God Realm, and the most important thing is to practice God.

He refines the body with the witchcraft, and the witchcraft is definitely just a seed, and will be promoted with the promotion of blood. Wu Hao was equivalent to practicing legendary witchcraft in the Polar Wilderness era, but now that the true spirit is awakened, it is comparable to mythology.

He practiced Qi with the Red Lotus Taoist Code, and he was also promoted to the mythical level early.

Only the method of refining the soul, the Tianmo Sutra, is still at the legendary level.

Now it has become the one that is holding back in the three-phase force.

Whether it was after the promotion of the Red Lotus Taoist Code or the awakening of the true spirit, Wu Hao felt that the strength of his soul had improved a lot.

He was basically able to conclude that it was almost impossible for the spirit to bear more seeds of magical powers.

As long as it is the promotion of the spirit technique, it will definitely be completed.

So, what is he waiting for?

With the decision, Wu Hao no longer hesitated, and immediately found the ascending arrow of the Celestial Demon Sutra on the Akrypton panel.

Come on, myth-level exercises!

As the tens of millions of star diamonds passed by, Wu Hao's eyes looked at the two stars in his arms more eagerly.

It seems that he also felt his attention, and the star projected by the wolf in his arms once again sent him a haunting message.

It's just that the content translated by Wu Hao has nothing to do with Hao Ran's ethereal.

" Discuss something... Or you can give me the support. I am also a wolf, and I have the functions that the brother outside has!"

"Also, I can get a 20% discount!"

Wu Hao temporarily diverted his attention from the Akrypton panel and stared at this greedy wolf for a long time.

Then he spoke.

"You don't need a 20% discount..."

"Do you think this will work, you give me support, and I call your uncle?"

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