Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 104 Big Trouble

"Fuck, Karl, if your grandson doesn't take action, I'm going to die, Queen!"

Morgana saw that she was about to be killed by Holy Kesha, and she frantically exploded in the dark communication.

"It's done, you tell Holy Kesha not to look back."

Death God Karl said immediately.

However, Holy Kesha seemed to have noticed something and turned back, but she only had time to see a big skull swallowing her in one gulp.


Holy Kesha came to a star that was about to explode.

"You can actually move me here?"

Holy Kesha said somewhat unexpectedly.

Karl, the god of death, appeared next to him.

"Theoretically, it's not moving, it's just changing your position in space."

Holy Kesha was thoughtful when she heard this.

"In other words, I am still near the moon?"

"That's right."

Death Cal doesn't mind explaining these things to Holy Kesha.

"Di Leina, the light of the sun, it seems that Pan Zhen and Lieyang Civilization are involved."

Holy Kesha looked at Di Leina in the distance who was redefining the Emerald Star, causing the star to rapidly reach the decay stage and enter a supernova explosion state.

She only needs to raise the knife with one hand to solve Di Leina's problem, and she can also solve her own problems.

But Holy Kesha hesitated.

"Queen Kesa, why don't you run away?"

The God of Death, Karl, knew that Holy Kesha had at least two ways to avoid the current death situation. The first one was to chop Di Leina with a knife.

By doing this, Death God Karl can use this to attack the righteous order of the Angel Civilization, and can also pull the Sun Civilization onto the chariot, and he has also taken precautions against this situation. Even if Holy Kesha does this, Can't run away.

The second is to leave here directly. The void barrier is currently not enough to prevent the wormhole transportation of Holy Kesha.

But on this point, the God of Death Karl also took precautions, and the Holy Kesha could not escape.

"Why should I run away? I want to see how you can destroy my order of justice."

Holy Kesha looked at the God of Death Karl calmly and said.

Death God Karl did not expect that to this extent, Holy Kesha could still maintain such a posture.

"Aren't you worried about the future of angel civilization?"

Karl, the God of Death, couldn't help but ask.

"I believe in my angels."

Holy Kesha said confidently.

"Your Highness Hexi, have you ever thought that if your Queen Kesha is really destroyed, your current situation will be very dangerous."

Luther suddenly said to He Xi.

"How is it possible, Queen Kesha..."

He Xi originally wanted to say something, but the next moment, she suddenly stood up with a look of shock on her face.

Because of Holy Kesha’s reaction, she disappeared!

How is this possible, the man-in-law actually lost? ? ?

This is bigger news than the death of Holy Left Guard Nolan in the battle.

"Are you involved, Your Majesty the God King?"

He Xi suddenly thought of this possibility and looked at Luther in disbelief.

"No, if I want it, I can just do it myself."

Luther said with a smile.

"It seems that the matter has come to an end. Next, I will have to deal with something. His Highness He Xi, it is best not to run around."

Luther stood up and left.

Just as He Xi was about to say something, several war gods with black armor and black wings appeared, making no secret of their intention to keep an eye on her behavior.

Several gods of war with the power of killing gods were staring at him, as well as An Su Yinwu. Even if they couldn't destroy her fourth-generation divine body, He Xi was still intimidated.

The thing that Luther wants to solve is naturally Di Leina, the light of the sun.

After Morgana used her to destroy Holy Kesha, she threw her back to Earth.

After all, Morgana didn't want to offend Pan Zhen. There weren't many people in the Lieyang Civilization in the known universe who wanted to offend him. The main reason was that it was difficult to stop them from detonating other people's stars and destroying them together.

At this time, Luther took over Di Leina.

At this time, Di Leina almost didn't have much access to the gene lock. Pan Zhen had opened the access at the Tiandao Tower. Otherwise, no matter how awesome Demon No. 1 was, it would not be possible to directly unlock the access to the supernova explosion.

In that case, Pan Zhen and Lieyang Civilization would not let Di Leina leave Lieyang Civilization at all.

Luther's appearance here was a complete time lag. His super brain was able to unlock the super gene permissions that had obtained a complete backup of the power of the galaxy. Naturally, it was also able to unlock a complete light of the sun.

"Star energy drive, star drive, these two algorithms and technologies have finally been achieved..."

Luther didn't care that the last step of the incarnation of the sun was heavily encrypted. He already had the front-end technology and could develop it at any time if he wanted.

Di Leina was still in a coma at this time, and Luther quickly completed the analysis and pushed her into the earth's gravitational range.

Then Di Leina was captured by the earth's gravity and began to fall rapidly.

Luther returned to his supreme heaven.

He Xi was now under house arrest by him, but Luther later had her released.

"What exactly do you want to do, Your Majesty the God King?"

He Xi was puzzled and could not understand Luther's behavior at all.

"If you could understand, I wouldn't need to do this."

Luther replied with something very Riddler-like, and then asked He Xi to leave.

Although He Xi really wanted to know what Luther was going to do, she could only leave first in this situation.

The manly woman bowed out, and she didn't know how many things were waiting for her.

At the same time, the last words of Holy Kesha began to be spread throughout the angel civilization.

Through the Holy Knowledge Treasury, the shadow of Holy Kesha suddenly appeared in the dark plane of all angels.

"Confirm that Angel Yan will act as the new angel commander to protect our world for me. All angels and civilizations under his rule, please actively support and cooperate to assist Angel Yan to become the new angel king."

"Please understand that my state is no longer sharp. If one day I am disintegrated by the enemy, then our world of justice will need a new fighting god to regain what we have lost. Please also ask Angel He Xi to give her enough tests. He Xi, do you agree?"

He Xi couldn't help but swear when he heard this.

"I agree, you big-headed ghost, manly woman!"

After Holy Kesha fell, He Xi immediately let his space-based system start to connect to Holy Kesha's sacred atoms as soon as he left the Supreme Heaven.

But he found that he couldn't contact the holy atom of Holy Kesha.

"Big Clock, the God of Death Carl is also involved. That's right, only he can destroy the tomboy..."

He Xi looked at the mess in front of him helplessly.

"This is a big trouble."

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