Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 115 Tony: Hi, Hydra!

After Tony Stark discovered these changes in himself, although he didn't say it, he still recognized Luther who invented Compound No. 1.

Feels like he has surpassed the Super Soldier Serum and Dr. "Abraham Erskine" who developed the Super Soldier Serum.

In fact, he had no idea that only his situation was special.

None of the other people who were injected with the transformation of Compound One were in the same situation as Tony Stark.

The reason is very simple. Tony Stark's brain development is different from that of ordinary people. His scientific thinking has developed his brain. In addition, even if Tony Stark has not become a person "cursed by knowledge", his The brain is still far beyond that of ordinary people.

The transformation of Compound No. 1 is an all-round transformation, which naturally involves the brain. However, even if those people's brains are transformed, they will not use their own brains.

Many functions of the human brain are controlled by the subconscious mind. It is difficult for the subjective consciousness to control these functions without exercising the brain.

Tony Stark now has the control of most functions, and he even developed several states with great interest, such as adrenaline burst state, real man state, super real man state, etc.

This is achieved by regulating and controlling various functions of the body, and Tony Stark can also unlock himself, burst out power beyond the limits of the human body in a short period of time, and can also exert all his muscle strength in one place. .

It’s okay if you get injured, it can control the wound to heal quickly and stop bleeding.

Of course, this kind of subjective consciousness control is very tiring, even if it is much faster than natural healing, but Tony Stark tried it, and he was exhausted after only controlling it for an hour. This was caused by an ordinary fruit knife. It may take a week or half a month for the wound to heal naturally.

And after he controlled it for an hour, the scabs had fallen off the next day, revealing new pink flesh.

If you can keep it under control, it will grow in a few hours.

This is already very amazing, even Tony Stark feels that it is not impossible to regenerate a broken limb.

At this moment, the iron door of the cave opened, and several people wearing typical Afghan terrorist clothes and turbans walked in. The firearms they carried immediately made Tony Stark realize that they were not ordinary Taliban members.

Have you ever seen that ordinary Taliban members do not use durable and cheap AKs but automatic rifles filled with various accessories?

Damn it, the price of one can be exchanged for several AKs, right?

"Who are you?"

Tony Stark asked calmly. Since the other party only caught him instead of killing him, Tony Stark could only judge that he had something that the other party needed, such as money... or maybe technology.

Faced with hot weapons, Tony Stark had no idea of ​​resistance. Even if he could defeat these armed enemies with his bare hands without being injured, as long as he accidentally took a bullet, he would be dead or disabled.

This is the horror of hot weapons, which completely eliminate backward melee combat and cold weapons.

"Tony Stark, you should know very well who we are. If you cut off one head, two more will grow..."

The leader, who was wearing a black mask, his eyes were also covered by a light black goggles, and the man with a black turban on his head said with a smile.

"You are Hydra!"

Tony Stark was shocked, which wouldn't be surprising if it was Hydra.

Hydra has ten superpowers, and these superpowers are very powerful. Only the super bodyguards of the Emperor Company can compete with them. Faced with Hydra's super-powerful terrorist attacks, many big shots have hired super bodyguards.

As for Tony Stark, he didn't expect that Hydra would target him. He just arranged a super bodyguard for Pepa, or a female bodyguard.

Now he regrets not hiring a super bodyguard for himself.

The main reason is that he can't trust it and doesn't have that sense of security.

"What do you want to do?"

Tony Stark asked coldly.

"We want your wisdom to join us HYDRA!"


Tony Stark refused outright.

"Go on, teach him a lesson."

Then the other party said unambiguously.


Tony Stark was beaten, punched and kicked.

He tried to adjust his pain nerves to block the pain, but he was so dizzy that he temporarily lost control, so there was no part of his body that was not in pain.

"He has been injected with compound No. 1 to transform him. There is no need to worry that he will die. He will be beaten every three days and thrown into a small dark room. He will not be fed until he is beaten."

"A capitalist like this will definitely not be used to the food we have here. It took him three days to feed him."

Tony Stark heard the other party's words in a semi-conscious state.

Then he was thrown into a dark room.

The fat that Tony Stark gained from pampering was controlled by him to recover from his injuries after he woke up.


After all the fat was consumed, his body was in urgent need of energy replenishment. Tony Stark felt hungrier than ever. After all, he was not that fat to begin with.

Locked up in a dark environment, Tony Stark has nothing to do with him. He is now a superhuman, able to self-regulate and spend time in this quiet environment where he does not know the passage of time by sleeping and reducing energy consumption.

This is a psychological problem that is usually caused by confinement. Tony Stark knows everything about it and can do nothing to him.

However, Tony Stark does not plan to resist next time. He has figured out that it is useless to resist. He can only compromise and look for opportunities!

Luther can see all of Tony Stark's psychological activities clearly.

"Good guy, he is worthy of being Tony Stark. Compound No. 1 has transformed his brain and changed his thinking... Or is it that the details that actors cannot play make this Tony Stark look different from what I remember?"

Luther was thoughtful.

He did not care about Tony Stark's response. He did not intend to do anything to him. He just tortured him... No, tempered him.

Business war, directly kidnapping the other party's CEO!

Three days later, Tony Stark was dragged out again and prepared to be beaten, but Tony Stark quickly surrendered.

"Wait a minute, I'm willing to join Hydra, Hi, Hydra!"

Tony Stark shouted out a very explosive line.

For a moment, all the "Hydra" present were stunned.

"Boss, I've recorded it."

Galvatron said to Luther.

"Well done."

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