Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 121 Superpowers

The ability to modify reality depends on Luther's imagination and energy, and there is no limit.

It is no problem to modify people and things into other things.

Thanos used the reality gem no less than three times. Once he modified the base of the collector in the "Land of Ignorance", once he modified part of the reality of Titan, and the third time he turned the entire building into an alien bird after being hit in the face by Iron Man's building.

For these operations to modify reality, energy support is required to a certain extent. How long the reality can be maintained and how large the scope of reality modification is depends on the amount of energy supply and time.

In addition, modifying reality is more of "creating by memory and imagination", which is rootless water or castles in the air.

Then, obviously, in order to maintain this "castle in the air", a continuous energy support that can match the needs of this "castle in the air" is needed.

Therefore, the superpower of modifying reality can modify reality to a certain extent, but it cannot permanently modify reality from the essence or causality, and make this reality a fait accompli.

Maybe if this ability continues to grow stronger, it may be possible to achieve permanent modification, but the price is unknown.

Luther figured out the principle of modifying reality. To put it bluntly, it is an equivalent exchange. It seems that it is not as convenient as Majin Buu's transformation magic, but it is actually stronger than Majin Buu's transformation magic.

Luther can even modify the reality that is unfavorable to him like Izanagi in Naruto!

"This is really a big profit."

Luther sighed, just this ability to modify reality is an unimaginable gain.

One superpower is better than most of the magic and superpowers Luther has obtained.

Then there is the superpower born from absorbing the power of the power gem.

The power gem represents all the forces in the universe, which means that the power gem is far superior to other gems, that is, time, space, natural laws, and cause and effect are meaningless in front of it.

Even matter, energy, and speed are meaningless, no matter how strong your power is, it is meaningless, because it already includes all forces. To be precise, it is already an existence that can surpass all gems.

And it also ignores logic and concepts, and can arbitrarily manipulate the forces of the multiverse, natural laws, physical laws, and logical concepts. As long as it is power, it cannot be separated from the force.

The superpower Luther obtained is "absolute power"!

"Isn't this Dou Jian's ability?"

Luther was surprised by this absolute power superpower.

The bigger the heart, the greater the power!

Dou Jian's superpower is that the more confident he is, the stronger his strength, defense, speed, and superpowers will be. This is also one of the reasons why he is called Marvel Superman. His abilities such as freezing breath and heat vision are completely a replica of Kal-El.

His superpower depends entirely on his confidence. The slightest wavering will greatly reduce his power and even cause him to be broken by weak attacks.

Some people may think that it is simple to maintain confidence, but in fact, people cannot deceive their own hearts and consciousness.

When facing an operation where a planet hits your face, even if you are confident that you can definitely catch the planet, you will definitely have a little doubt in your heart. It's not much, and just this little bit is enough to greatly reduce your power.

With Dou Jian's strength, when he is absolutely confident, no one in the universe can be his opponent except the god-level strongmen, and he is the first person under the god-level.

The god-level here is not the god like Bambi, but the god of the universe!

The Celestial God Group is no match, but if the Celestial God Clan encounters Dou Jian, they will probably be pressed to the ground.

Now Luther has a similar superpower, absolute power, which can also be regarded as "idealistic power".

But it seems that Superman himself is a model of idealistic power?

The superpower of absolute power can allow Luther to surpass his own limits and exert more powerful strength, speed, defense, energy, etc., and even the mind and soul will be affected by this superpower.

The more confident Luther is, the stronger his combat power will be. Theoretically, it is not impossible to obtain a 400-fold normal combat power improvement beyond Super Saiyan 3.

More importantly, this superpower is a super-strengthened power with no shortcomings in all aspects. The only shortcoming may be the energy problem, but Luther has unlimited energy and unlimited physical endurance...

"This superpower is also very strong. It directly strengthens my combat effectiveness, which is much better than auxiliary abilities such as modifying reality."

Luther looked at the Cosmic Cube with satisfaction.

By absorbing the power of the Reality Stone and the Power Stone, he awakened two very useful superpowers. What if he absorbs the energy of the Cosmic Cube?

Will the superpower of "crossing" be strengthened?

Or will superpowers such as "instant movement" and "teleportation" be strengthened?

Luther thought that the Reality Stone and the Power Stone had been activated and used by him, and Thanos probably felt it, but it didn't matter. Now the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One is still alive, Odin is still alive, and Thanos doesn't have the courage to come to Earth.

Besides, even if he came, Luther could punch him into two pancakes.

It seems that it doesn't matter even if he uses the Cosmic Cube?

"You can't take this thing out. If you take it out, it will be an ordinary gem. Otherwise, I would just take the infinite gems and go to other worlds for a better experience."

Luther shook his head and crushed the outer shell of the Cosmic Cube.

A dark blue space gem appeared inside, and then Luther grabbed the space gem and began to absorb the power of the space gem.

The energy radiation of the space gem stimulated Luther's cells to mutate again, and Luther successfully awakened new superpowers!

There are no changes in time travel, teleportation, and teleportation, except for the addition of a new space-based ability.

"Space compression"!

Being able to compress a space will also make the materials in the space smaller. Is it probably an alternative storage ability?

And this ability also has a killing effect, that is, it only compresses the space and does not compress the things in the space, then the things inside will be crushed by the space pressure!

That's the pressure of space. I'm afraid it's more terrifying than the pressure of black holes and neutron stars. Theoretically, there's nothing that can resist it.

"I guess even Majin Buu can't roar through the compressed space, right?"

Luther tried to compress the space, and then a molecule-sized space appeared in his hand, and the things inside were compressed and became smaller along with the space.

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