Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 126: Making trouble and guiding Tony

The encounter between Tony Stark and Luther in the air was naturally not noticed.

Tony Stark wouldn't go around talking about it either.

However, Tony still has a clear idea about whether the Iron Suit is the latest product of Stark Industries as Luther said.

That's impossible!

The steel suit can only be his own!

After all, Luther had already set an example and demonstrated it himself.

Of course, the most advanced technology is used by ourselves, and after several generations, it will be the turn of others.

Tony thought so too.

Even Tony feels that after a few generations, the Iron Suit may not be sold.

The main reason is that the Steel Suit is completely different from Compound No. 1.

The steel suit can fly, and its mobility is superior to most current military weapons. It can also carry anti-tank and anti-construction weapons, and it is very powerful for stealth attacks.

Of course, the radars and air defense systems of various countries are not always available. At present, steel suits do not have the ability to evade supersonic missiles.

But a single soldier can completely infiltrate without a single weapon, and no matter how many single soldiers there are, it won't be enough to kill him.

When armored units are dispatched, they are difficult to lock on and are not as flexible as steel suits, not to mention that steel suits can carry anti-armor weapons.

Tony felt that it didn't matter how much Compound No. 1 was sold, he could suppress these super soldiers with just one steel suit.

On the contrary, the steel suit cannot be sold, which would change the war situation too much.

Luther stimulated Tony, with the purpose of getting Tony to actively accelerate the strength of the steel suit.

Tony, who developed the Iron Suit, is almost entering the state cursed by knowledge, but he hasn't completely let go yet.

When the time comes, he develops an anti-Luther suit, increases his strength a little, and explodes his steel suit.

Luther can play this kind of game happily for a long time.

Next, everything seemed to have returned to calm. The big shots were all equipped with super bodyguards, and Luther could no longer carry out Hydra terrorist attacks. In that case, the super bodyguards might not be able to protect those big shots.

It's okay to act, but there's no need to put yourself in it, otherwise it wouldn't be called acting.

What's the point of beating your own people?

"Hydra seems to be too busy lately, why don't you find something for them to do?"

Luther thought thoughtfully. If he targets Hydra, he can see a lot of fun. For example, Pierce will lose his hair and the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. will be busy.

But this thing has to be mastered to a certain extent. If it gets too desperate, Hydra might plan to kill Nick Fury and dominate the world.

Because the battleship of the Insight Project has not yet been approved, it cannot be launched into the air after it is built.

"How about destroying these insight battleships first, and then Hydra's patience will have no bottom line, and then it won't be afraid of anything?"

Luther came up with a good idea. When he had the ability to make a comeback, Hydra might not be able to bear it. If he didn't have the ability to make a comeback, even if he slapped Hydra's face hard, he probably wouldn't dare to fight back, right?

What he likes most is the way others look at him and feel displeased and unable to do anything about him.

"But it would be interesting to let the Insight Battleship take off and then destroy the Insight Battleship when they are complacent and see their desperate expressions?"

Luther had a new idea.

Both ideas were so interesting that Luther didn't know which one to choose.

"At this time, I am very envious of Gu Yi. Being able to see countless possibilities in the future must have been a lot of fun, right?"

Luther thought with envy.

Next, because Tony didn't know all aspects of Luther's data, he used the hardest alloy material possible and it was composite armor.

That is to say, multiple alloy coatings are combined to greatly improve the defense, and structural mechanics is also used in the details. Each piece of armor is welded bit by bit using alloy powder and laser welding technology.

Not only does its defensive power far exceed that of the Mark II, it is also very expensive.

More importantly, he installed two arc reactors to increase the output power of the Mark 3!

After all, this Tony has not experienced being penetrated by his own missile Heartbreaker, so he is not crazy enough to install a reactor in his chest.

Not to mention that Tony also built a radiation protection layer for the reactor because he was worried about the problem of palladium poisoning in the reactor.

Two arc reactors, coupled with structural mechanics, allow the steel suit to transmit greater force. Now Tony can grab a car with one hand, lift a tank with both hands and swing it to hit people.

But this was not enough. Luther's behavior of easily crushing the gold-titanium alloy made Tony study it repeatedly and felt that Luther's grip strength was probably not comparable to the maximum output of a hydraulic press. He could not understand how a flesh-and-blood body could reach this level.

But this does not affect Tony's targeted research.

The result was that Tony couldn't figure it out, and the advice given by Jarvis was not to fight Luther in close combat, as he would die miserably.

Or make a bigger and stronger steel suit!

Even so, it is possible that it will be demolished by Luther.

Tony, who was in a very unhappy mood, finally flew to Afghanistan on the Mark 3.

He planned to find Hydra through that lair base.

But so much time has passed, and everyone in America knows that Tony has returned, so it's hard to say what useful things are left in that base.

But Luther, who had been keeping an eye on Tony, took the opportunity to stir up trouble.

"We can guide Tony to discover the weapons of Stark Industries of the Ten Rings..."

Luther thought about it, and then went to arrange it directly.

For example, let the terrorists of the Ten Rings appear here and be discovered by Tony.

Tony drove the Iron Man suit to his previous location. Although he did not have a map, Tony was not an ordinary person. In addition, after he became a superhuman, all aspects were strengthened, and the memory ability of the brain was also strengthened. He remembered all the details clearly.

"Sir, someone was found at the coordinates."

Jarvis reminded.


Could it be Hydra?

Tony suddenly became excited. For him, it would be a good thing to meet Hydra. With the current Mark III, Tony was only afraid of armored units, air vehicles and Luther.

As for other superpowers, as long as they did not reach the level of Luther, Tony would not take them seriously.

So he landed directly at the target location, and then saw a group of militants full of local Afghan characteristics.

Could it be that the local Afghans discovered something special here and came to check it out?

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