Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 143 Beating

Bruce Banner started to panic a little.

"How about we chat?"

He said to Bronski cautiously.

Blonsky showed a ferocious smile, and then just like Hulk kicked him before, he kicked Bruce Banner with a big foot, and then Bruce Banner was like a stone thrown away on land. It bounced several times and finally crashed into a wall.

The whole place was dead silent, and there was no sound!

Tony looked at this scene in disbelief, "No, where's the promised Hulk?"

"JARVIS, scan Bruce Banner's vital signs!"

"Sir, Mr. Bruce Banner's vital signs are very weak."

Tony didn't know what happened, but it must have something to do with General Ross.

"What did you do to him?"

Tony quickly questioned General Ross, trying to find solutions and ideas.

"We didn't do anything."

General Ross looked disgusted, and he didn't know why Bruce Banner suddenly couldn't transform.

They were originally annoyed and wanted to take Bruce Banner back to study why he couldn't transform into the Hulk, but Tony came to stop them.

"It seems I missed something?"

Suddenly a voice sounded above their heads. Tony and General Ross immediately looked up to the sky and found Luther passing over their heads lightly and then landed on the ground.

This makes Tony very angry, right? How old are you, and you still do this kind of thing?

A kid is a kid.

At this time, Luther was wearing a black armor. It seemed too thin to be called armor, but too thick to be called a tights.

The streamlined armor coupled with the black cape is very similar to the armor that Batman used to challenge Superboy.

It's just not that bloated, and it doesn't have that Bat Helmet.


Blonsky also recognized Luther, and he became excited.

He knows that Luther is very strong, very strong, but he is also very strong now!

So he bolted towards Luther.

"Careful, Luther!"

Tony quickly reminded that Luther might not be able to defeat a monster that could stand up within a few minutes after taking his own punch.


Luther nodded slightly, and then slapped the hateful face.


Like the loud explosion of a high-explosive grenade, General Ross and the others couldn't help but cover their ears. Then Bronsky flew out, smashed a house, and passed through the other side.

"That's it?"

Luther asked Tony.

Tony was stunned for a moment, because of Jarvis's analysis, Luther's slap just now was as powerful as his full-strength punch, or even stronger!

The next moment, a roar sounded, but it was not the direction Bronsky flew out, but Bruce Banner who smashed into a house and was lifeless and motionless!

A green giant grabbed the broken wall with one hand and stepped out of the shadows.

Huge body, explosive muscles, bright green healthy skin, and a head of spirited short hair.

Hulk, Hulk!


The Green Hulk roared and came back again.


Tony didn't expect Hulk to come out at this time.

And Bronski also came back, with a slap mark visibly sunken into his head.

But this slap mark is quickly disappearing.

Green Hulk originally looked at Tony and Luther, but after Blonsky appeared, his eyes turned to Blonsky.

Blonsky ignored Green Hulk and stared at Luther.

He didn't expect that even if he became stronger, he could be slapped away by Luther so easily, and looking at Luther, he seemed to be very relaxed.

How is this possible!

This caused Blonsky to ignore Green Hulk and rush towards Luther.

Luther put a foot on the head of Bronsky who was flying over, and stepped on it forcefully!


Bronski struggled wildly after being stepped on by Luther, trying to grab Luther's feet, but Luther stepped on Bronski with a little force and fell into the ground.

At the same time, Green Hulk also rushed over.

Facing the rushing Green Hulk, Luther raised his hand and fired a Qigong wave!


This is much better than the howitzer. After all, Luther knew that the howitzer was just tickling the Green Hulk, so he did not continue to use it.

The Green Hulk was blown away and fell to the ground. General Ross and the others easily saw that the Green Hulk was covered in blood and flesh, with green blood flowing all over the floor.

"How is that possible! Hulk is injured?"

General Ross's eyes widened. He had been chasing the Green Hulk for so many years and he knew the Green Hulk's frankness very well. But the Green Hulk was so easily wounded by Luther?

Does this mean that his efforts all along were wrong and that it was wrong to spend so many lives and resources?

Tony watched in shock as Luther fought two against each other. Originally, he thought the Green Hulk could cause trouble or even hurt Luther, but now it seems that Luther is clearly able to do so with ease.

"not bad."

Luther said.

Blonsky seized the opportunity and turned around to lock Luther with a cross, but Luther directly penetrated its body with a hand knife!


Bronski's pupils shrank, and he looked at the center of his chest in disbelief, the arm that had sunk directly into it.

Are you kidding? It was so easy...

Bronski fell to the ground, and Luther shook his arm to shake off the blood on it. With the biological force field, there was no need to worry about sticking.

It was just that General Ross and Tony were stunned now.

Hulk was still not convinced. He was Hulk. Even if he was weak, he had to stand up!


Hulk could only say a few simple words now, and only learned to speak after living on Sakaar for a few years.

The word he said most often was Hulk, which was both an interjection and a way for him to express his emotions.

Hulk stood up again, and strode towards Luther with his weak body.

Luther did not dodge, but stood where he was, and then when Hulk approached, he kicked Hulk into the sky.

The Hulk danced helplessly and fearfully in the sky, then fell heavily to the ground, creating a big hole!

"Tsk, it must hurt."

Tony said.

General Ross's face turned black. He didn't expect that the Hulk, whom he had high hopes for, would be hung up and beaten by Luther.

It was a similar situation at SHIELD. Nick Fury stared at the live broadcast on the screen with his eyes wide open in disbelief. The shit-yellow giant and the Hulk were easily crushed by Luther.

At this point in the fight, everyone could see the huge gap between the two giants and Luther.

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