Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 151 Hydra Attacks

Then Steve saw important information about Luther.

Invented a one-time superhuman drug and the No. 1 compound that permanently improves human body function!

As well as the Emperor Company's super bodyguards targeting Hydra terrorism. According to information within the Emperor Company, they injected Compound No. 2, which improved most of the effects of Compound No. 1.

There is also Luther’s own super-era human body modification technology!

Flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, as fast as lightning, powerful and invulnerable.

Super powers such as energy attacks, heat vision, cryobreathing, etc. that are comparable to various powerful thermal weapons.

There were also various battle scenes, which made Steve wonder if he had read the wrong information.

"Is this all him?"

Steve asked, looking at Nick Fury in disbelief.

"Yes, he is a genius in the fields of biology, ergonomics, and genes that is more genius than Erskiner, the Dr. Reinstein who transformed you. No one knows how he did it, and no one can imitate it. , just like Tony’s steel suit and cold fusion miniature reactor.”

Nick Fury said calmly. After seeing more, he wouldn't be surprised. More importantly, Nick Fury still felt that Luther was no match for Carol.

Carol has gone to the universe to enforce justice, but Luther is still hanging around on Earth!

"I can't imagine..."

Steve said with a wry smile, he felt like he was just an outdated veteran and couldn't compare to these two geniuses.

"I hope that through you, Captain, I can lead them against Hydra!"

Nick Fury said ambitiously.

"They can deal with Hydra by themselves, don't they need a veteran like me?"

Steve shook his head and said very self-awarely, this is better than Nick Fury, who has no self-awareness at all.

"No, they are too talented, so they easily go astray. Only you, captain, can lead them well!"

Nick Fury said quickly.

Especially Tony's playboy character is obviously unreliable.

"Isn't there Luther? He is more suitable than me."

Steve also thought about this problem, but with the more perfect Luther, this shouldn't be a problem.

According to Nick Fury, Luther is now the most powerful man on the planet, otherwise Hydra would have stood up long ago.

It was Luther who shocked Hydra, so they didn't dare to do things openly. Now they can only hide and carry out terrorist attacks.

"Luther, he is too young and easily deceived by Hydra."

Nick Fury said, glaring.

However, Nick Fury's painstaking efforts did not waver Steve. He chose to live in the house arranged for him by SHIELD to recuperate and adapt to his current life.

Nick Fury had no choice but to send a few people to accompany Steve and influence Steve through these people.

For example, the future Falcon.

Of course, Steve was still very concerned about Hydra. After he went back, he checked the news about the terrorist attacks caused by Hydra during this period. This is why he still doesn't know how to use a computer.

We can only learn about it through TV news and newspapers. Fortunately, newspapers still exist in America today.

"Really, are you living the life of a retired senior citizen in advance?"

Luther saw the news about Steve from Galvatron.

Steve was only frozen for seventy years, but his age did not really go through for such a long time. He is still a great young man in his twenties, but because of his experience, he is now in his nineties. He looks like an old man.

Luther had no idea about Steve, and the 50-50 was just a joke. He could kill him with one punch, so there was no need to pay attention.

It's impossible to say that he was dragged into the Illuminati. Tony probably had a lot of objections. If he hadn't experienced the plot of The Avengers, Tony didn't like Steve because Howard often said good things about Steve in front of him. , causing Tony to have a big problem with Steve.

"Give Steve the Hydra clues. It's all about having fun after all."

Luther said with a meaningful smile.

"I understand, BOSS."

Jingvatron laughed maliciously.

Steve's daily routine involves exercising and letting off steam.

The physical strength of super soldiers is much greater than that of ordinary people.

However, Steve was tired after exercising. After returning home, he paused and then went to take a shower as usual.

There was the sound of gurgling water in the bathroom, and a dark figure came out of the darkness and touched the bathroom. He held a large-caliber pistol in his other hand, and then he opened the bathroom door. , the pistol fired wildly inside.

“Bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

After emptying the magazine in his hand, Steve made a brutal charge from behind the shadow and knocked the shadow into the wall.

"Who are you?"

Steve forcefully locked the man, and then asked the other person's identity while gasping for breath, but the other person shook his hand and broke away from Steve's restraints. You must know that Steve is a super soldier. In theory, his locking skills can make him a super soldier. It is impossible to break away. After all, at the same level, if various locking skills are completed, there is almost no possibility of breaking away.

He did not kill him and planned to capture the guy who attacked him alive. He suspected that the guy was Hydra!

Steve actually thought about the possibility of being attacked by Hydra these days, so he seemed to be relaxed, but in fact he kept enough physical strength every day, and exercised until he was out of breath just to numb the possible surveillance.

He finally caught it, so of course he couldn't let it go easily.

The attacker wrestled with Steve, and what surprised Steve was that many of the opponent's attack routines were life-threatening, that is, exchanging injuries for lives, and he didn't care about his injuries at all.

Steve was repeatedly forced into danger and even injured, but the opponent recovered quickly from his injuries.

Only then did Steve know that the opponent had the ability to heal himself, so he didn't care about exchanging injuries for lives.

In desperation, Steve could only kill the opponent.

What surprised Steve was that the attacker who was shot in the head by him actually stood up again.

"Damn it!"

Steve fired several shots and blew up the opponent's head, but the opponent's head recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's going on!"

It was the first time that Steve saw this kind of unkillable monster. In fact, this kind of thing is more terrifying than things that can't break the defense. At least the latter can still be killed after breaking the defense.

"Long live Hydra!!!"

Then the attacker suddenly shouted, Steve's pupils shrank, he heard a "beep", and the next moment, Steve crashed through the wall without looking back.

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