Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 155 Ace Pilot Explosive Overclocking Tony

Chapter 155 Ace Pilot·Explosive·Overclocking·Tony

However, compared to Spider-Man, Tony is much more arrogant. He and Luther teamed up to invade all military satellites and advanced satellites such as meteorological satellites in the world and established a satellite network system covering the entire world.

They call it "Angel of Peace"!

Tony didn't know why Luther chose this name. He originally wanted to call it the Sword of Damocles to warn himself and remind himself that having such technology does not mean that they are above everyone else.

Tony still respects the privacy rights of ordinary people.

However, Tony's goal is to find the traces of Hydra through Angel of Peace.

Luther was very surprised that Tony had such a bold idea, and then he gave Tony a bolder idea.

They can secretly launch their own private satellites and then build a more complete Angel of Peace.

Now this Angel of Peace can only be regarded as a simple version. The real Angel of Peace... Oh, it seems that the real Angel of Peace is not like this.

Tony thought it was a good idea. In the original plot, he secretly launched his own private satellite, and that's how Veronica was launched from outer space.

"A monster attack has occurred. It seems we can test it."

Tony looked at the monster raging on the screen and said.

"Hulk! Go too!"

Banner suddenly roared, and his green skin turned half of his face green.

"Okay, take Hulk with you, just in time to try out the flying wing that Luther gave you."

Tony nodded. It was good for Hulk to go out, so that he wouldn't be beaten up.

Banner hesitated for a moment and didn't say anything. The flying wing that Luther gave him was at best a jetpack, but with two huge propeller jets on the wings of an airplane.

The angle can be adjusted freely. For Banner, the technology of this single-soldier flying wing alone is very powerful, but Luther gave it away for free.

The two quickly arrived at the scene and found that the monster looked like a dinosaur man walking upright.

At this time, the American police had suffered heavy casualties, and then they ran away.

"Hulk, Banner, you two wait here."

Tony was here to test the performance of Mark 22, so of course he couldn't let Hulk go up and smash it.

Hulk and Banner naturally had no objections. Although Hulk wanted to go out and prove himself, he knew that Tony and Luther were good to him, so Hulk was willing to obey.

"Hey, big guy, did you run out of the zoo?"

Tony hadn't arrived yet, but the voice had arrived first, attracting the attention of the green lizard.

Looks like a dinosaur man, but is actually a lizard man.

Of course, this lizard man was not transformed by Dr. Connors, but it can also be said that it was caused by Dr. Connors.

Osborn Industries is so big that human experiments are inevitable.

Dr. Connors has been conducting experiments on mice for things like lizard man serum, but unfortunately the results are not very ideal.

However, Osborn Industries secretly conducted human experiments without telling Dr. Connors, and unsuccessful experiments were directly humanely destroyed.

Norman wanted to solve the family's genetic disease problem, not to create lizard warriors. He thought the military would not be interested in these monsters.

In fact, if he had taken it out, the military might have given him a big contract.

Luther didn't do anything. He just asked Galvatron to control the equipment in the laboratory and add a few grams of trace elements when injecting lizard serum.

It won't be fatal, but it's enough to make this lizard man mutate drastically.

Invulnerable to swords and guns, with infinite strength, and an immortal body with very strong regenerative ability, so that the security guards of Osborn Industrial Laboratory were killed and this lizard man escaped.

Then Galvatron wiped out the things in the laboratory, which was very simple. He just needed to send a micro-robot to ignite the fire, and paralyze the fire protection system by the way, making the induction sprinkler unresponsive.

The blazing fire will make everything lose evidence and traces.

I just don't know if the sprinkler company will be complained about afterwards.

The lizard man was already affected by the brutality in the lizard serum, and the bloodthirsty instinct made it impossible for him to communicate. After hearing Tony's words, he flew directly.

A two-meter-tall man's flying pounce is still very daunting. If Tony hadn't seen the Hulk and the Abomination, he would probably be stunned for a moment, and then rely on Jarvis's reaction to avoid it.

It's different now. In just a blink of an eye, Tony restrained his emotions, adrenaline surged, and his mind entered an extremely calm state. This is an "overclocking mode" that he self-adjusted.

In fact, there have been relevant theories and research on human overclocking for a long time, but the specific data has not been obtained, and the key is that even research cannot be done.

Tony himself has a big brain, and the human body transformation of Compound No. 1 has brought him the conditions to achieve this overclocking state like Kira Yamato's explosion.

After Luther knew about it, he always felt that it was a big loss to sell it to Tony for 10 million US dollars.

Why don't other people have such a cool operation as you?

It's good enough for others to be able to bring out the basic effect of compound No. 1, but Tony... he is almost digging out the effect of compound No. 2.

This also makes Luther have no idea of ​​selling the follow-up compound No. 2. Marvel's mutation is too illogical. Tony can use compound No. 1 to achieve effects beyond others, let alone compound No. 2?

Entering the overclocking state, Tony's brain was extremely calm, and all kinds of data came at his fingertips. At this moment, he was the ace pilot!

First, he turned sideways like in slow motion to avoid the green lizard's flying attack, and then he raised his hand and shot a palm energy cannon through the green lizard's abdomen!

The power of this shot was beyond the green lizard's expectations. It didn't even pay attention to the automatic rifle. At most, it only knocked off a few scales, but now this shot blasted through it!

Fortunately, the green lizard's recovery ability is very fast and it recovered in the blink of an eye. Not only that, the green lizard also opened its mouth wide and spat out a jet of water at Tony.

"Sir, a chemical reaction has been detected, and the air composition around the liquid has changed. It is speculated that it should be a high-strength acid etching liquid."

Jarvis also displays its true performance in overclocking mode, so there is no need to worry that Tony cannot quickly receive and understand its information.

Tony can understand it at a glance and perform the optimal operation.

Even though he was confident in the defense power of his Mark 22, he had never thought about corrosion resistance. He had to remember it when he returned.

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