Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 157 Bronski's Outburst

"My companion is greeting Dr. Banner up there."

Blonsky and Tony struggled, and then Blonsky said to Tony.

"Really, can your companions withstand the Hulk?"

Tony stopped worrying all of a sudden. Blonsky was here. What else could Hydra have that could resist the Hulk's power?

He should be worried about himself.

The Green Lizard took the opportunity to slip away, but was caught by the Obsidian Stone Man.

"Where do you want to run to?"

The obsidian stone man knocked the green lizard to the ground with one punch. Although the opponent's strength was so-so, this strength was enough to become a soldier of Hydra.

"Is that your companion? Which quarry did he escape from?"

Tony was surprised. This black stone man had never appeared in Hydra before. He quickly recorded the other party's information and whispered to Blonsky, trying to get some information from Blonsky.

Bronski has been on the battlefield for so many years, and although he may not be as scheming as that kind of politician, it's strange that Bronski would fall for Tony's obvious cliché.

He was a little surprised. It had been a while since he saw Tony Stark. Tony Stark, who had been able to survive his own attack and struggled to escape, was now able to fight him head-on.

The armor on his body also looks very strange. It feels like a hard and elastic basketball. If you hit the basketball with your fist, it will definitely bounce back hard.

Bronski used his bone spur attack, but it seemed to have hit the extremely smooth bulletproof glass, and he immediately slipped and was unable to bear any force.

Tony took advantage of Bronski's attack to be ineffective and punched him hard on the face several times, breaking the bone spurs protruding from the cheek bones on Bronski's face.

Just kidding, you can bully me with the Hulk power that I worked so hard for, and the Obsidian guy can bully me, and the new red tank can still bully me, so I didn’t get this power in vain! ! !

Blonsky was angry. He felt insulted.

Originally he was the number three figure in Hydra, and he couldn't beat Black Caesar and Obsidian. However, after the newcomer Red Tank joined, Obsidian and he were no match, and their status was demoted together, and he became the number four figure.

Hydra speaks with its fists and doesn't care about seniority at all, which Bronsky approves of. That's what makes him feel even more uncomfortable.

He can't even reach the top with his proud fists. This is the biggest blow to a person like him!

With such anger, the components of Compound No. 1, the components of Super Soldier Serum and the Hulk Serum in his body all mutated.

Most of Marvel's products based on the super soldier serum will mutate under the influence of emotions, except for the special case of Luke Cage.

Originally, Blonsky had no possibility of going any further. He was already disabled. Luther even thought of injecting him with Green Goblin serum and lizard serum. By the way, he might also get the Extremis virus in the future. Look at Blonsky. What can it become.

Unexpectedly, Bronsky mutated for the second time on his own.

Of course, compound No. 1 probably played a lot of roles here, as it was the only variable.

Tony felt that the bone spurs on Blonsky's body began to glow green. Worried about whether there would be any radiation, he quickly backed away and asked Jarvis to detect it.

"Jarvis, radiation detection!"

The Green Hulk is the product of gamma ray radiation. I heard that Blonsky was transformed after being injected with Hulk's blood, so maybe the glowing appearance is gamma ray radiation.

Even if not, such a dazzling light, who knows what kind of light radiation it is.

"Sir, the radiation values ​​are normal."

Jarvis quickly provided the test results.

"So, just glowing?"

Tony was stunned for a moment. He thought there was something so powerful about Bronski turning into such a bluffing appearance.

"I feel it, this is...power!"

Bronski also knew that the bone spurs all over his body that were exposed to the air were glowing with dazzling fluorescent green!

Coupled with his tall and ferocious body, he looked shocking.

And he also felt his strength increasing.

"It's not Christmas yet, and no one will hang presents for you if you turn into a Christmas tree, big guy."

Tony said teasingly.

"Stark, you are the only one who is not worthy of being my opponent!"

Bronski laughed ferociously, and the next moment, he punched Tony in the helmet.

Tony's pupils shrank, and he realized that he could see Bronsky's punch, but he couldn't avoid it with his body!

The punch was so fast that Tony was knocked away, and even Bronski followed. His fist sank deeply into Tony's helmet, and he was still exerting force, trying to penetrate deep into the armor!

Bronsky made up his mind, even if Tony's thing was a basketball, he would blow it up with one punch!

Tony was pushed backwards by the punch, and Bronski ran all the way and continued to exert force.

"Sir, the suit is damaged by 1%...3%..."

Jarvis began to report on the status of the suit.

Tony had no choice but to mobilize the thrusters all over his body, which generated a thrust in the opposite direction, leading Bronski to crash through the ceiling of the sewer and to the ground.

Blonsky was accidentally carried away, but he quickly grabbed Tony and planned to forcefully change his flight direction.

Tony flew out to see Banner's situation and to find Banner to solve the problem. As a result, he saw the Green Hulk colliding with a red giant, causing a terrifying loud noise and shattering the surrounding glass.

"What's going on?"

Tony couldn't believe that Hydra actually had such a strong man?

Or was the red giant the result of Hydra's research on Bronsky?

Except for Luther, this was the first time Tony saw a guy who could fight the Hulk head-on.

Bronsky didn't count, because they were all defeated by Luther before they could fight.

Tony's nano armor shrank instantly and broke free from Bronsky's restraints.

"Jarvis, replenish nanorobots!"

Tony ordered Jarvis immediately.

Veronica, who was in the Earth orbit in space, launched a transport box to land at Tony's coordinates.

Bronsky looked at Tony flying in the sky, grabbed a car next to him and threw it into the sky.

Tony dodged flexibly and grabbed the car by the way.

"Why hasn't Luther come yet?"

Tony complained that the signal was blocked so he couldn't contact Luther, but with such a big commotion, Luther should have known about it.

Luther said, I want to see you get humiliated, how can I come so quickly!

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