"Pepa's share can also be increased. You know, I can't live without her."

Tony continued.

Luther nodded.

Just because he came to Europe doesn't mean he left the Illuminati. That would have to wait until he immigrated to Mars and Venus.

In addition, the moon can actually be emigrated, but Luther discovered that Black Bolt's group of Inhumans are on the back of the moon, so he didn't want to go there.

In the end, Tony paid a full two billion dollars. Originally, Tony wanted Happy and Rhodes to share, but Luther said that the limit had been reached.

Next, it is not a question of money, but a question of face.

Tony had no choice but to give up his idea.

He knew that if he really continued to ask, Luther would probably agree, but then there would be no affection between the two.

Of course he didn't want to lose a friend like Luther who understood him.

"The palladium content in the blood has dropped to 0.001%. Sir, Compound No. 2 can effectively degrade and excrete components harmful to the human body. Now even if you don't research new elements, you can live for more than fifty years."

Jarvis quickly completed the test and said to Tony.

"Really? This is much more powerful than I imagined."

Tony was a little surprised. He originally thought that the effect of compound No. 2 was similar to what he imagined. He would still need a period of time to detoxify or self-control detoxification. Unexpectedly, it had not been a day since the injection of compound No. 2, and he was suffering from palladium poisoning. That's it.

At this time, the effect of Nick Fury coming to the door was greatly reduced. After all, Tony did not lose his mind because of the fear of death.

"I thank you for sending my father's relics."

Tony said to Nick Fury and Black Widow.

"Stark, the way to save you lies in these things..."

Just as Nick Fury was about to say something, he noticed that something seemed wrong with Tony's attitude.

It seems that he is not as interested in those relics as he thought?

"Are you done?"

Tony is indeed not very interested, and he has a bad impression of his father Howard, but for the sake of the relic, he will still read it.

It was Howard who concealed such a big thing as establishing SHIELD from himself, which made Tony instinctively doubt the purpose of Nick Fury's sudden appearance.

After all, Tony has never heard anything about SHIELD in the past thirty or forty years. Nick Fury said that they have been paying attention to his growth, but Tony is not such a fool who is easily deceived. When I discovered my genius mind.

Tony didn't believe this statement that he had been paying attention to.

If that was true, why didn’t anyone know about Obadiah’s smuggling?

Does SHIELD think that smuggling Stark Industries weapons to terrorist organizations is something that is not worthy of their attention and handling?

If that's really what he thinks, then Tony's perception of this organization will probably drop several notches.

If he didn't think so and just lacked ability, then Tony would be full of doubts about Nick Fury's words.

In any case, Nick Fury found out about this meeting. Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but he also made Tony seem to have a bad opinion of him.

This also gives Nick Fury a headache. He has had too many headaches recently.

Among them is the fact that Luther directly chose to turn over the table and leave America.

He couldn't imagine why America would do this. What good would it do them to force morals?

Of course, Nick Fury knew that their original idea was just to lower prices and exert pressure, but he was a "resultist" who didn't look at the process, only the results.

As a result, the group of idle guys forced Luther away.

You must know that America's lizard people have not been solved yet, and Hydra is still imminent.

Luther is the strongest man in the world. Even the Green Hulk is no match for him. Only Luther can deal with the superpowers of Hydra.

Now that Luther has left, can Tony alone, even with Green Hulk, still be able to deal with the entire Hydra?

Nick Fury sighed. World peace has been maintained for so many years. Fighting and wars between small countries are naturally not wars. Peace among major countries is the most important.

Of course, there are also tragic casualties caused by the world war, which makes many people not want to experience a world war again. Except for the new generation who yearn for war all day long, but when they really face the war, they probably do nothing but cry for their father and mother. None of them will do that anymore.

However, in the context of world peace, the emergence and rise of terrorism has allowed the whole world to witness new horrors. Although it is not as deadly, heavy and tragic as a world war, it is set against the backdrop of world peace.

Terrorism is even scarier!

Terrorist organizations are not countries. They do not follow the rules and wantonly attack, massacre, destroy and destroy the rules!

Countries around the world fear and hate it more than world wars and cold wars!

Putting aside the FBI, CIA and the terrorist organizations raised by America herself, Hydra is the largest and most powerless terrorist organization today.

Nick Fury plans to use all means to deal with Hydra, which has resurrected and become even more terrifying.

As a result, America reversed the car for him.

This made Nick Fury furious.

Hydra was in a carnival.

If you ask who Hydra fears the most, it is definitely not SHIELD and America, but Luther.

Now that Luther has left America, it seems that he doesn't want to care about America's affairs.

Isn't that Hydra's carnival?

Of course, the Hydra here refers to the group of Hydras led by Black Caesar, but Alexander Pierce's group of Hydras also felt relieved.

Luther's nickname of the strongest man on the surface also put pressure on them.

Luther left America himself because he felt that he didn't need to meet King Black Caesar, and this reason was given by America herself, a good man.

Now he doesn't have to worry about how to cause damage in America, and he can play more crazily.

So, next, a special serum made by Hydra began to circulate in the black market.

The name of this serum is "Werewolf Serum"!

Werewolf serum is naturally a gift from Luther to America.

This serum has nothing to do with cross-species genetic factor conversion technology. It is mainly produced using technology similar to bat serum.

Luther's main purpose in developing this serum is to restore the legendary terrifying creature of werewolf.

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