Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 184 Crazy Night

"Mysterious warehouse... I remember there are three magical stone slopes in it."

Luther thought about it and decided not to participate. America's chaos is what he wants to see. He has no idea about the three magical stone slopes. What they can do, Luther can do better.

In addition to Whitehall, other Hydra branches also placed orders for lizard serum and werewolf serum. On the one hand, they are also envious of the power of these super soldiers, and on the other hand, they want to study something through these serums.

There are also people like Pierce who want to contact Black Caesar through the channel of placing orders. He feels that there is finally a way to contact Black Caesar.

The result is that the people in charge of placing orders don't know anything. They are only responsible for placing orders and collecting money. When the time comes, the people of Hydra will come to deliver and collect money. Facing Hydra, they dare not play any tricks.

Naturally, they don't know how to find the other party to contact, and Pierce can't even squat.

Of course, Luther is not looking for innocent passers-by, he is looking for Kingpin's people.

As a middleman, Kingpin could make a profit from the price difference. He could earn $1 for every lizard serum and werewolf serum sold.

Faced with the generosity of Hydra, Kingpin expressed his willingness to serve. The profit of $1 was too great. He felt that he could serve Hydra for free without Hydra paying.

Hydra said no, I gave it to you, you must take it. If you don’t take it, you are not giving me face. If you don’t give me face, I will get angry and change to another underworld emperor.

Then Kingpin got angry and killed ten boxers before he calmed down.

He would find people to fight with him every day to keep his physical fitness. He would often maim or kill his sparring partners, but there was still an endless stream of people coming for money.

This time, Kingpin was obviously extremely angry.

Hydra trampled on his dignity unscrupulously. It was okay to send beggars and homeless people for one dollar, but to insult the underground underworld emperor of New York?

Kingpin swore that he would make Hydra pay the price one day. Before that, of course, he would keep his tail between his legs.

He didn't even dare to offend the Hand, let alone such a behemoth as Hydra, and showed his terrifying existence?

So far, a total of 1,234 lizard serums have been sold, most of which were purchased with loans.

There are even more werewolf serums, reaching 3,333 werewolf serums, so now America has become a place where demons and monsters dance together.

America is also in a mess at this time. When everyone is an ordinary person and has a gun, so many robberies can break out every day, not to mention now, there are robbers with the power of lizards and werewolves?

The Joint Task Force and even Tony feel that they are too busy!

It's too late to put out fires everywhere. After all, it's a robbery craze across the United States.

It's more exaggerated than zero-dollar shopping, and the scale is hundreds of times larger. The cities affected include New York, Los Angeles, and even Washington!

However, none of them shocked the world as much as what Whitehall was going to do next.

Luther had already let Hydra teach everyone how superpowers should fight.

Whitehall followed suit and used the hardest alloy to create an armor-type bulletproof vest, which was thicker than that of the lizard robbers. Werewolves don't need this, and the most important thing for them is flexibility.

However, with the physical functions of werewolves, they can walk fast in heavy bulletproof vests, which greatly increases their survival and combat capabilities.

Then, Whitehall was so crazy that every lizard man took two NSV heavy machine guns, which were more brutal than the M2 machine guns. They fired 12.7×108mm bullets, which were standard machine gun bullets of the Warsaw Pact. The M2 heavy machine gun only used 12.7×99mm bullets.

From the "dream of 300 million mice", Barrett became the most powerful sniper rifle in the rumor.

However, the US Browning .50 bullets it uses are not as powerful as the 12.7X108mm Soviet ammunition.

The 12.7 bullets of Vodka are 20% more powerful than the American Browning .50 bullets, which are amazingly powerful.

NSV is used on the battlefield to attack infantry clusters and firepower points within 2000 meters, and can also be used to deal with vehicles, light armored vehicles, and can also destroy external auxiliary equipment of heavy vehicles such as tanks.

When using armor-piercing ammunition, it can penetrate armor equivalent to 25mm steel plate thickness. As a short-range air defense weapon, it can also be used to deal with low-flying targets within 1500 meters.

The werewolves uniformly use 760 machine guns.

In terms of firepower, they are equivalent to the firepower of 100 infantry fighting vehicles and a large number of armored vehicles.

After all, these machine guns such as NSV are heavy machine guns that only vehicles have.

M60 is a "pig" for mold, which is also their affectionate name.

For the U.S. troops fighting in Southeast Asia, "carrying the pig" meant carrying an M60 machine gun through the jungles, rice fields, and waterways of the Moon Man, up the mountains.

Somehow, when you hold that hunk of metal and rubber in your arms or on your shoulders, the terrain always seems to be uphill or always plagued by mud and water.

Yet the M60 also makes you feel like Mars, the god of war in ancient Greek mythology, when you use it.

Originally, Whitehall intended to let the werewolf use the M2 machine gun, but that would affect the werewolf's flexibility.

Although their speed is still much faster than that of ordinary people, they can't move quickly while shooting like holding an M60 machine gun. The huge recoil of the M2 machine gun and the weight of the ammunition and gun will affect the werewolves, and they will also be unable to avoid the covering fire.

But it's enough.

Whitehall can't wait to implement his plan.

A full one hundred lizardmen soldiers and a thousand werewolf soldiers, they sat in five military trucks and went to the target location.

These military trucks were loaded with their ammunition, a large box of high-explosive grenades, RPGs prepared for tanks or helicopters, javelins, and even several mortars, and a few "big guys".

Fifty kilograms of bombs!

The lizardmen soldiers have enough strength to throw them out, and the targets of these bombs are all fortifications.

Without transformation, these soldiers look like humans, and they are not crowded with five large trucks full of ammunition.

In addition, the interiors of these military trucks have been secretly modified, and all of them are equipped with homogeneous armor that is 75 mm thick. They can even block a shot from a tank's main gun. After all, they are used as bunkers and fortifications, and to prevent enemy attacks from penetrating the vehicle body and causing the ammunition inside to detonate.

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