Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 190 Exploding Skull

"Johnny Boom, I know you and I love watching you play."

"Hey, cutie, how are you going to hurt us?"

"Come on, I'll wait here."

A few gangsters forced Johnny into a corner of the cage, and the police turned a blind eye when they saw it. They locked Johnny in to force him to admit his crimes.

Johnny felt his eyes begin to heat up, and it was so irritating that he couldn't even open them.

He knew that this was the guy inside his body that was getting ready to come out.

"It" senses the evil around it and is about to take action.

Thor looked at Johnny curiously, not feeling at all that he was in danger.

Just kidding, I'm Thor.

Nothing happened that he couldn't do despite trying to lift Mjolnir. Thor is still so confident now, feeling that his weakness is only temporary and that as long as he retrieves the hammer, he can become the God of Thunder again.

He felt like this guy wasn't lying.

"I said, get out of here!!!"

Johnny exploded, trying to push some of the punks away, before he was punched in the eye.

The gangster who had suppressed his anger punched and kicked Johnny, and the Ghost Rider was stimulated.

The spirit of vengeance in Johnny is a spirit of vengeance like no other.

That is the soul of the elemental demon lord Zatanos, which is qualitatively different from other ghost knights.

Anyone who likes Ghost Rider should know it. Zatanos is an ancient elemental demon who once dominated one side in ancient times, but his fate was bumpy.

He was successively defeated by the original spirits of vengeance, and was defeated and weakened by Mephisto. Finally, he was fused into the spirit of vengeance by Mephisto and possessed the body of the evil ghost rider Johnny.

The combination of the human body Johnny and the vengeful spirit Zatanos. When Johnny transforms into the Ghost Rider, in order to prevent Zatanos from going berserk and occupying his body and consciousness, Johnny will try his best to suppress it after the transformation. The power and consciousness of the Zatanos uprising.

So strictly speaking Johnny wasn't in his prime most of the time.

The other Ghost Riders are all authentic spirits of vengeance. Spirits of vengeance were created by God in heaven, so they also have the characteristics of immortality. Only God can destroy what God created.

The temperature inside the cage suddenly soared.

Several gangsters who were beating up Johnny Blaze were immediately knocked away.

They hit the bars of the cage hard, and before the others knew what happened, a flaming skull stood up.

"Midgardians still have the blood of fire giants?"

Thor said with wide eyes.

This look looked too much like the fire giants he had fought, but just a little shorter.

But there is no problem in saying that he is a hybrid between a Midgardian and a fire giant. After all, Loki is still a frost giant, and he is also very short.

Anyway, everyone knows Thor's brain, so don't be so harsh on him.

"You are all guilty!"

The Ghost Rider looked at everyone, especially Thor, who was covered in a bright red light that almost enveloped the entire prison, making the Ghost Rider almost unable to see the sins of others.

So he put his primary target on Thor.

Unlike other Ghost Riders, who judge the souls of sinners by burning them up instead of eating them, Johnny is different. He is the knight prepared by Mephisto for himself, so the souls of the sinners he judges all go to Mexico. Fisto's place, strengthen Mephisto's power.

The unsatisfied hunger will make him go crazy and attack the sinners, and then every bit of the souls of the sinners he attacked will be obtained by Mephisto, so he will become even more hungry and crazy, and it is basically impossible to maintain sanity and communication. .

This is also the reason why the Ghost Rider of Agents of SHIELD was able to control himself after Johnny gave the hellfire to others.

Thor's great red light comes from the fact that he has experienced hundreds of battles and conquered the nine realms. The latest time he went to Jotunheim and killed a large number of frost giants.

With such a ghost-like thing, the prisoners naturally did not dare to continue to be reckless and quickly got out of the way of Johnny, who also walked directly in front of Thor.

"I can't see your eyes, but I know you're looking at me."

Thor was still in the mood to tease Johnny and said with a smile.

Then he was lifted off the ground by Johnny and hit against the cage.


Thor struggled. At this time, he missed his divine power very much. If his divine power was still there, this guy would definitely not be his opponent. After all, he was the God of Thunder!

"Look into my eyes!"

Ghost Rider said to Thor.


Heimdall saw this scene. Of course he knew about the existence of the Ghost Rider. After all, the original spirits of vengeance had caused a lot of noise.

If God and heaven hadn't disappeared, maybe there would still be scenes of vengeful spirits roaming the world, judging sins, and angels arrogantly descending from time to time to give guidance to mortals.

Because he knew the horror of the Vengeful Spirit, Heimdall could not imagine how Thor, whose divine power was sealed, could escape from the Judgment Eye of the Vengeful Spirit.

"I really want to do it, but don't you know you don't have eyes?"

Thor said helplessly.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly dropped.

Is now the time to say this?

Everyone else couldn't help shouting and roaring in their hearts.

"Give me a little more time, and I will be able to break free!"

Thor continued to struggle as if nothing had happened.

Ghost Rider was stunned for a moment. Why didn't it work on this evil guy?

"Look into my eyes!"

He then grabbed Tony's head with both hands, pressed his forehead against his own, and stared at Thor's eyes with his eye sockets burning with hellfire.


Thor was grimacing from the burns of hellfire. He punched Ghost Rider in the abdomen, but felt that his punch seemed to hit something unshakable. The reaction force made his face and neck red with pain.

At this critical moment, a beam of light broke through the wall, vaporized several unlucky thugs, and after evaporating them from the earth, it hit Ghost Rider.

This shot sent Ghost Rider flying.

The Destroyer Armor caught up and directly output the power source of Eternal Fire to Ghost Rider.

Its "artificial intelligence" is very clear about the characteristics of Ghost Rider. Physical attacks are no problem, and he can get up with a pat on the buttocks. However, mysterious attacks, such as attacks with divine power, magic, rules, etc., even if Ghost Rider is immortal, it will take some time to recover.

After one shot, the eternal fire will continue to burn Ghost Rider. Although it may not last long under the counterattack of hellfire, the purpose of the destroyer armor is to allow Thor to escape.

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