Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 196 Which hammer did you drop?

Mjolnir's structure is quite simple, if you put aside the mysterious powers it possesses.

Luther used transformation magic to turn a nearby stone into Mjolnir.

"What's the reason why I still have to learn rune writing?"

Luther looked at Mjolnir in his hand. The atomic structure was exactly the same, but it was a heavy hammer. It even began to attract and capture the surrounding matter because of its own mass and gravity. If Luther let it go, it would It is equivalent to a stellar object appearing on the earth.

Half of the earth can be destroyed in an instant!

But now that there is Luther's biological force field, it doesn't do much.

"The physical version of the Stellar Hammer, but there is no shortage of such a hammer for anyone who can hold it, unless I apply an eternal biological force field to it..."

Luther looked at his replica and complained. Maybe he could make some special features. For example, this hammer is the legendary hammer of gravity. Anyone who can pick it up can control gravity and so on.

Controlling gravity is much more powerful than controlling thunder and lightning and becoming the god of thunder. In the hands of someone who knows how to play, he can easily subvert the gravity of a planet.

Since physical methods cannot be copied, Luther can only learn.

The method of making Mjolnir is very simple. Odin gives the dwarves a mold engraved or branded with rune characters. This mold also has his divine power on it. Then the dwarves use the neutron star furnace to melt the Uru metal, and finally melt the Uru metal. Uru metal with a ridiculously high melting point is poured into the mold.

After taking shape, it was Mjolnir, but I don’t know why. Mjolnir was Hela’s weapon at the beginning, but did not have Hela’s death power.

At least this is much better than those "artifact forgings" with the same level of strength, but relying on forging to remove impurities, and the quality is also higher.

Unless you say that you forge your own divine power into it during the forging process, then you still have some strength.

What Luther wants to study and learn is very simple, which is the rune characters on the surface of Mjolnir. These characters are very small, but Luther can easily see and grasp them.

The super brain is very fast no matter what he learns. In theory, if he applies for the job of Supreme Mage, he might also be able to become the Supreme Mage.

"If you have a preliminary grasp, then let's give it a try."

Luther released the transformation magic for the second time, this time the target was the SHIELD instrument next to him.

Then Luther felt that the power consumption this time had obviously increased a lot. It was insignificant and effortless before, but now at least he can feel it.

It's just that he returned to magic too quickly, his breathing was full, and his consumption was not recovered enough.

An identical Mjolnir appeared, and the genuine Mjolnir immediately reacted and flew up spontaneously, circling around the Mjolnir in Luther's hand.

"You have a brother, Mjolnir."

Luther said with a smile.

The rune characters naturally carry the mysterious power of the World Tree, and the World Tree has reached the level of the multiverse in the comics, even super multidimensional.

Luther didn't understand what it meant, so when he wanted to copy it, he also consumed a lot of his own power, which was much more than Odin's original divine power.

But Luther doesn't care, his energy is endless and endless.

Even if it is really used up, the blue bar limit, magic regeneration speed and efficiency will be stronger next time.

Luther has no memory of the genuine Mjolnir. This thing can be crushed and its hardness is average, although Luther himself can do it.

He took hold of his Mjolnir and raised it above his head.

"Boom! Boom! Boom——"

Thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, making the SHIELD agents startled. However, Thor looked surprised and broke free from the super agent's restraints and rushed into Mjolnir's room.

Then he saw silver lightning coming down from the nine heavens, and thunder making the heaven and earth change color!

"No, this is impossible...impossible..."

Thor did not see the other two Mjolnir on the ground, one was the physical version of the Gravity Hammer, and the other was his Mjolnir.

He only saw Mjolnir being lifted up by Luther, because now the thunder and lightning were wrapped around it. It was so bright that Thor certainly couldn't see the two hammers on the ground.

My hammer was lifted by someone else?

Thor was stunned on the spot. This unimaginable and incredible scene made his mind go blank... Oh, it seemed to be blank to begin with.

Now he can only repeat like a repeater.

The main reason is that Thor never thought that anyone in Midgard could be recognized by Mjolnir.

It's like traveling back to the era of primitive people, and then having your own Thor's Hammer powered armor worn by primitive people and still passing certification.

"This is the power of thunder and lightning?"

Luther felt the power of thunder and lightning passed on by Mjolnir. Mjolnir was originally used as a weapon of Hela. I don’t know if Odin has recast it. Anyway, it later became a divinity that can closely connect with Thor. and artifacts of divine power.

Thor has never been able to control the combination of divine power and divinity on his own. Mjolnir helped him strengthen this connection. At the same time, it also contains the power of thunder and divinity. This is why comics and movies are the ones who lifted it up. Able to become the God of Thunder.

At this time, Luther was reassembled into a set of shiny new armor and a bright red cloak by the fragments that came from unknown sources.

There is also an Asgardian-style helmet on his head. The horse-faced Thor and the female Thor both have this kind of winged helmet. Thor also has one in the comics. In the movie, they may not have it because they are worried that it will cover the actor's face.

"Who are you?"

Thor finally came to his senses and asked hurriedly.

"Thor, your hammer is on the ground. Is it the hammer of gravity or the hammer of Thor, Mjolnir? Think about it before answering."

Luther stroked the helmet on his face, and then said to Thor with a smile.

Thor only noticed the two Mjolnir on the ground at this time.

"Three Mjolnir??"

Thor's mind was suddenly confused, and he couldn't understand what was going on.

Why are there three hammers?

What is the hammer of gravity?

"My friend, I dropped the hammer in your hand, not the two hammers on the ground."

Thor looked at the hammer in Luther's hand eagerly. He was not stupid. The two hammers on the ground did not move at all. They must be fake, just like Loki's fraudulent magic and tricks.

"Wrong answer, think about how to appease your hammer."

Luther smiled and flew into the sky, crashed through the ceiling and left.

Of course, he did not really leave.

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