Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 198 The Frost Giant Attacks

Then, driven by curiosity, Tony met Thor.

However, Tony found that Thor looked lifeless and very decadent, as if he had been dumped by a woman.

"Are you sure he is the one you said who defeated several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and was able to break free from a super agent? Why do I look like a homeless man after a broken love?"

Tony frowned and said.

If it hadn't been for a scan and found that there were no scars on Thor's body, he would have thought that SHIELD abused lynching and tortured him to get him like this.

"He was fine at first, but he became like this after being exposed to the hammer. I don't know what happened."

Coulson was also very depressed. He was a tough guy who was so good at fighting. If it weren't for the fact that the super agent had completely surpassed humans, he would have overturned.

After all, it has been strengthened so much that it is no longer the same level. The super agent can fight tigers and brown bears with bare hands.

"Well, it seems like he won't be able to ask anything until he regains consciousness."

Tony shrugged. Fortunately, he was a genius Stark and would definitely be able to study the secrets of these two hammers.

The chaos in America has become more and more serious recently, and Tony is considering moving Stark Industries to other places. After all, he has to arrange a group of omnics to protect Pepper when she goes to work.

There are so many lizards and werewolves, and many of them not only rob banks, but also focus on kidnapping these rich people to extort money.

If these two hammers are really high-tech alien weapons, if Tony can research something, he might be able to strengthen his suit.

He also wanted to have Luther's powerful ability to settle everything.

However, Tony's arrival ensured Thor's life. Luther did not intend to care about the Frost Giants. He was only responsible for collecting the corpses and was too lazy to save Colson, Thor and others.

Whether he dies or not has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, the sample tissue of the Frost Giant should have the effect of cryogenic preservation.

After Loki reached an agreement with the Frost Giant King Laufey, he asked Laufey to prepare a bunch of Frost Giant Warriors, and then he told Thor the secret passage from Jotunheim to Midgard based on his location. It's Laufey.

This move undoubtedly gained Laufei's trust, and the importance of this secret passage naturally does not need to be said.

With this secret passage, he can advance to Asgard and retreat to Midgard.

The Frost Giants had wanted to turn Midgard into the icy and snowy environment of Jotunheim many years ago, if it hadn't been stopped by Odin, so the Frost Giants still had great ideas about Midgard.

A hundred Frost Giant warriors were personally selected by Laufey.

To be honest, after being killed by Thor before, the real elites had died under Thor's hammer. Now these are just the taller ones among the short ones.

The race setting of Frost Giants is very interesting.

There are many different giant races in Jotunheim, including mountain giants (that is, the stone giants who were smashed by Thor with his hammer, and the stone giants who later became good friends with Thor), frost giants, storm giants, etc.

Of all the giant races, the most important enemies of the Asgardians are the frost giants.

As direct descendants of Ymir, the first giant, the Frost Giants inhabit an area of ​​Jotunheim similar to Earth's polar regions.

The temperature in this area never rises above the freezing point of water.

Frost giants can survive comfortably in cold temperatures, but are sensitive and fragile to heat and heat.

Although they are found to be able to withstand normal temperatures on Asgard and in temperate regions on Earth, extreme heat can cause them to shrink or even melt, although prolonged exposure to cold will eventually cause them to return to their previous size.

The Frost Giants' abilities are greatest in their own kingdom of Jotunheim, presumably due in part to the cold climate of much of the kingdom.

The Frost Giants are not good at fighting. Yes, even though they are all muscle guys, devil muscle guys, big guys, and big muscle tyrants.

They are actually ice mages! ! !

But their large size and strength can make them a formidable opponent, even for the Asgardians.

Frost giants possess superhuman strength and resistance to physical damage.

The giants' flesh and bones were approximately three times denser than similar human tissue, contributing to their superhuman strength and weight.

They are also exceptionally long-lived.


The Frost Giant certainly had hatred for Thor, although it was because Laufey stole the Ice Box when he ascended the throne, and was discovered by God King Odin. Later, Thor did not ascend the throne because Laufey stole the Ice Box. Successfully, he caused a scene in Jotunheim in a fit of rage.

This commotion caused heavy casualties to the Frost Giants.

These one hundred warriors all came to seek revenge from Thor. As for Odin in Asgard, Laufey decided to take action himself.


The leading frost giant roared.

Then a hundred Frost Giants ran wildly. They used their magic power to condense the moisture in the air to form ice spears. Then they aimed at Thor's location, which was the SHIELD base, and launched a terrifying spear throw!

The ice spears thrown by the frost giants broke through the speed of sound, and these ice spears were condensed by magic, not the fragile ice sculptures in reality.

So when these ice spears fell from the sky, they easily penetrated the concrete fortifications, and an ice flower exploded where they were hit.

Coulson and Tony were almost hit by the ice spears. Thor showed an ugly expression when he saw the ice flower that pierced the wall and exploded to freeze everything within a diameter of one meter.

"Frost Giant!"

The next moment, these frost giants rushed into the base, and the SHIELD agents certainly would not be unprepared and counterattack.

But the bullets of the pistol were too small and too weak for the frost giants, and they could only fall off when they hit their muscles and armor.

The frost giants were too lazy to use ice skin and ice armor.

"Sir, the temperature around us continues to drop."

Tony saw the white mist sprayed out of Coulson's breath and knew that the temperature was dropping.

"What the hell, what is this?"

Tony stretched out his hand and pressed on his body, and the clothes he was wearing began to deform.

The clothes he was wearing were all camouflaged nano armor. After all, America was too dangerous now. Many emergencies left Tony no time to slowly put on his battle suit, so he thought of this trick, so that he could wear the nano battle suit all the time.

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