Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 207 Determined to strengthen oneself

"Welcome to Kama Taj, Mr. Luther."

Bright orange cape robes, and equally radiant bald Celtic women.

"I think I am about to leave the earth. If I don't come to meet you, it would be unreasonable for me to see you, the Supreme Mage Ancient One."

Luther said to the bald head with a smile.

"I am already aware of your arrival and your thoughts. Kama Taj welcomes any seeker."

Supreme Mage Gu nodded and responded with a smile.

Luther followed the Supreme Mage Ancient One into Kama Taj without any accidents.

The purpose of his trip was to learn the magic of Kama Taj.

Don't get me wrong, he is not asking for power from the Dimensional Demon God, Luther just wants to learn these magics and then develop his own magic.

Marvel's magic, or the magic of Kama Taj's system, uses power to cast magic. Magic is similar to superpowers. Usually, spells are recited to trigger its magic.

Magical energy can be converted into invisibility, energy projection, object penetration, longevity, illusion, flight, hypnosis, protective shield, alchemy, telekinesis, teleportation, cross-space teleportation, teleportation and other super powers.

According to the setting of Kama Taj, magic has been born since ancient times.

Magical energy does not exist in real space, and the power used by mages is drawn from other dimensions through methods.

The magicians of Karma Taj use white magic, which originates from the "Trinity" god-Vishanti.

Other black magicians who act recklessly draw the power of demons from other dimensions.

Of course, this does not mean that Kama Taj is really all white magic. Doctor Strange later used many magics from demons from other dimensions when he fought Thanos.

Luther was brought into Kamathaj's library by the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

"You can stay here until you leave."

The Supreme Mage Ancient One said.

Then she left, looking very unconcerned about what Luther would do in Karma Taj. It was also possible that she had seen the future with the time stone, and Luther would not do anything.

He just wants to learn magic with his super brain.

Although Superman's magic resistance is weak only because his opponents are magic gods or demons, Superman will not make up for his own weaknesses. Unlike Luther, he will continue to strengthen his flaws.

Anyway, with a super brain, it is impossible to learn magic.

He first picked up a book on basic magic theory.

It is recorded on it that the most basic magic is magic light, which is what Doctor Strange first practiced.

All magic used by the mage requires corresponding inscriptions drawn with magical light.

Then Luther made a stroke with his hand, and a bright orange light appeared with his gesture and remained there.


Luther read the book in seconds and understood and mastered the content.

In less than half an hour, Luther had become a mage from a beginner, and he had opened the "Book of Weishan Emperor", the foundation book of Karma Taj.

This is the so-called white magic. The price you need to pay is much lighter than that of other dimensional demons, but it does not mean that there is no price at all.

After the death of Karma Taj's mages, everything will return to Vishandi, including their souls and powers.

The only one who can escape this fate is Ancient One. She followed the Eternal God. According to Agamotto, she became an existence comparable to Emperor Weishan, the trinity of Emperor Weishan, the ancient god of mankind.

Kama Taj's practice system was also pioneered by Agamotto.

As for the others, of course they lost themselves and became part of Emperor Weishan.

However, the magician of Kama Taj takes this price for granted and will not reject it.

They feel that they can use magic to live a healthy life, and after death, their strength will return to Weishan Emperor as the price of their lifelong cultivation.

Other dimensional demons have to pay the price while they are alive, and their souls will be plundered by dimensional demons involuntarily after death.

It may also become the coordinates for dimensional demons to invade the real dimension. Of course, they resist such magic.

"He learns so fast."

Mordo accompanied the Supreme Mage Gu Yi to see Luther's progress in learning. From the beginning of reading, and after one or two attempts, Luther did not try to release magic later, and just kept reading.

"He has other magical auras on his body, as well as Asgard's magic, or the magic of the Warner Protoss..."

The Supreme Mage Ancient One said calmly.

She saw Luther becoming the Supreme Mage in the future, but he later became the Demon God of the Dark Dimension.

That was Luther's plan to find the coordinates of the dark dimension with the help of Karma Taj, and then eat Dormammu.

There is also the future of Luther who steals the Eye of Agamotto after he learns magic.

But most of the future is good.

The reason why Luther did not try to release any magic later was because any magic other than magic light later required a contract to be used. These contracts naturally belonged to a group of dimensional demons such as Emperor Weishan.

What Luther wanted was magic and this method of signing a contract.

He wants to create his own magic system, and of course he uses his own energy.

As for the method of signing the contract, Luther wanted to develop his own mage community.

Dimensional demons rely on this method to get feedback on power, just like their power is water and sunlight, seeds are people who sign contracts with them, and the fruits that grow out at that time are the food they harvest.

Souls are a great tonic for dimensional demons. Although Luther is not a dimensional demon, he can become a dimensional demon, and he can also become stronger simply because of the feedback of power and soul.

Luther soaked in the library. In addition to wanting to learn magic, he also planned to try to find the Dark Book. Even though he knew that the Dark Book was suspected to be in SHIELD, who knew if Kamar-Taj would also have the Dark Book? That thing... Luther didn't like it.

Although it was the work of Sison, Old West only knew how to cheat people. Dormammu always asked Old West to borrow power. As the ancestor of black magic, Old West was too strong, and Luther said he would not consider it.

He just studied and was curious about Old West's attainments.

As for reading all the books in the collection, not to mention that there is a book that can never be finished, Luther does not have the ability to read all the books, because these will be stained with the breath of the dimensional demon.

Now Luther is full of the aura of the dimensional demon god. He has seen too much. Even if he has not used any magic, he understands it.

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