Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 21 The press conference ends

"Mr. Luther, may I ask why Emperor Company launches human enhancement loans?"

"Mr. Luther, is your plan to launch a superhuman drug a response to the current doubts and criticisms of Imperial Company?"

"Mr. Luther, may I ask what the Emperor Company's next plan is? Will it continue to develop more advanced human enhancement technology?"

The reporters asked Luther frantically. They felt that this thing was big news.

Human body enhancement loan business or something.

There are also Superman drugs. Does this mean they will soon be able to see Superman in their daily lives?

Even they themselves can experience the feeling of being a superman. It’s only ten thousand dollars, and they can still pay it out with gritted teeth.

"Mr. Luther, aren't you afraid that your superhuman drug will bring unrest and danger to society? What if criminals buy the superhuman drug and rob banks and passers-by? You are endangering public safety!"

Then one reporter asked a very pointed question that silenced the other reporters.

After all, this is another explosive point, but why didn't they think of it just now?

Of course, even if you think about it, there have been no problems in the development of Emperor Company so far. Fools all know that its background is very deep, but they are not so courageous to ask.

Oh, it's America's media, so that's okay.

"That's a good question."

Luther looked at the reporter with a smile and said.

"Regarding this issue, I think we should explain about Superman Medicine. First of all, people with criminal records cannot buy Superman Medicine. Superman Medicine will not be distributed to major pharmacies. It will only be opened in Emperor Company. Sales in specialty stores.”

"It's not even a drug, it's just a self-defense prop like pepper spray."

Luther continued.

"Police spray? Mr. Luther, are you saying that a drug that can knock people flying after being eaten is a harmless and effective self-defense tool like pepper spray? And I don't think anyone would spend ten thousand dollars. Buy a bottle of pepper spray!”

Another reporter continued.

"So, it's just similar."

Luther said with a smile.

"It is a more efficient anti-wolf spray and stun device. I think everyone in real life has experienced being robbed with a gun. America's situation is well known, so there is no need to emphasize that this is not possible, even if Everyone living in affluent areas may be affected.”

Luther's words stopped a reporter who wanted to say something.

"We can't expect Mr. Police Officer to appear like lightning and rescue us like Superman in the comics, so what can we do?"

"I'm sorry, sir, this is my wallet. Please don't take away my driver's license and other important documents..."

Luther performed a normal response to a robbery, which made a few reporters laugh, but more people felt the same way.

Otherwise, what else can you do when faced with a gun?

"This is good, but if it's not good, like being shot, or meeting a gay, or even a lecherous robber, we can only swallow our anger, obey, and compromise. Then, at this time, will you also have I thought about it..."

"I can knock the opponent away with one punch, and I can easily subdue him before he shoots, so as to avoid financial losses and protect my personal safety?"

Luther picked up a small box that was very beautifully packaged.

"Superman medicine is the best way to prevent this from happening. I would like to call it a form of personal insurance."

Luther pressed the button on the box, and the box opened immediately, revealing a plain-looking black and white capsule inside.

"The operation is simple and convenient, and it will take effect immediately after taking it. As for the issue of too late, I think the time to take the medicine will always be faster than the time to take out the anti-wolf spray and stun device from the bag? That's also true. Faster than taking out your wallet?"

Luther laughed.

Then most of the reporters immediately applauded.

There was no way, they were all involved in self-defense, and it sounded like they didn't intend to involve the medical system. They had no choice but to go along with it before they had any dirty information about the Imperial Company.

Besides, there were quite a few people who were convinced by Luther.

After the press conference, the news about Emperor Company was immediately promoted overwhelmingly. Major newspapers and even TV news were like jackals that had smelled food, and they all chose to ride on Emperor Company's popularity.

They found various sociology experts, biology experts, pharmacology experts, and other people who seemed to be unclear and formidable to analyze and analyze from various angles what impact Emperor Company's superhuman medicine and human body enhancement technology would have on this society and even the world. What impact will it bring.

The good and bad are mixed, and it’s more the competitors that set the pace here.

However, this could not stop Emperor Company's superhuman medicine from selling like hot cakes. The price of US$10,000 was stuck at a price that was neither above nor below.

Even the town talisman has discussed with the Imperial Company the issue of including the police department's superhuman drugs in medical insurance.

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