Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 220 New Threat

Unlike Pan Zhen, the God of Death Karl could already guess who had attacked Di Leina.

Although he didn't understand, the big clock calculated that the possibility of Luther taking action against Di Leina was very slim, but now that Di Leina was gone, the only person that Karl, the God of Death, could target was Luther.

Holy Kesha has been destroyed by him. He Xi rushes back to Angel Nebula to take charge of the overall situation. It is impossible to come over and attack Reina at this juncture.

Therefore, Luther is the most suspect.

It happened that the God of Death, Karl, knew about Luther's blowing up the black hole to obtain void particles, and he also harvested a lot of void matter. This thing is the rarest, rarest, and most rare resource in the Super Seminary universe.

A large amount of void matter can be compared to the frequency of a portion of void particles.

And the frequency of one void particle is at least fifty.

This makes the God of Death Karl even more unable to understand why Luther wants to attack Rena. He can blast black holes and obtain void particles himself, and he can't find the void particles using the big clock. They have probably been captured by Luther. Taken away.

The god of death, Karl, felt aggrieved that he had collected the void matter that Luther didn't want and was questioned by Holy Kesha about whether he had conducted experiments on exploding black holes. He was just collecting rags at most.

Pan Zhen came to the Death Song Academy very domineeringly. In the original plot, Pan Zhen seemed to refuse to give in, and his words and deeds were all that of a super-divine civilized god. After all, he was the regent.

But later, Karl sent a few people to destroy the Lieyang Civilization, and Pan Zhen was still vulnerable, which made people feel like that.

Although it is not impossible to understand that this is emphasizing that if you fall behind, you will be beaten, not to mention that the Sun civilization has been closed to the country for tens of thousands of years. They feel that they can sit back and relax if they have unlimited light energy. The ability to explode stars similar to nuclear deterrence is enough to make them Countless people stayed away.

Then he was crushed to death by the frontier of the Void Era.

The torrent of the times has drowned the light energy of the stars. In the face of the power of the void, the light energy of the Sun civilization has infinitely lost its meaning.

They have unlimited resources, unlimited energy, and unlimited rapid construction, just like the cheat codes in Warcraft, StarCraft, and Red Alert. Except that void matter and void particles cannot be created out of thin air, you can completely pile up resources to death. Yang civilization.

Pan Zhen failed to get the whereabouts of his goddess from Karl, the God of Death, but Karl, the God of Death, gave a hint.

It is not just the Death Song Academy that can do this. Angel civilization, demon civilization, Kryptonian civilization are all possible, and a civilization called "New Deno" has recently emerged.

Pan Zhen left with the answer, but he still reached cooperation with Karl, the God of Death.

After all, Pan Zhen felt that Lieyang Civilization should also make some changes, especially now that the situation in the known universe has changed so much.

The cooperation with Death Song Academy is just the beginning.

Luther and Reina had a great day playing.

Lena herself has a personality that has been suppressed for many years. Now that it is released, if Luther's physical strength is not the strongest in the dimension, it is probably impossible to conquer Lena, but there is a danger of being conquered by Lena.

"No wonder angels only have one spouse. Their relationships can easily be conquered if they are not careful..."

Luther thought that the strength of the divine body of the goddess was naturally superior to that of the male god. Just like in the period of ordinary people, women could come back countless times, but for men, they would only have water.

It's probably not much different after becoming a god. Looking at it this way, that guy Hua Ye is really powerful.

Reina herself was also puzzled. She originally wanted to defeat Luther in this regard so that she could gain dominance and status. For example, she was the empress and had to be on top, and then Luther was tit for tat with her in front of five million words. No matter who wins or loses.

In the next five million words, she has been defeated, lost, and lost.

That's it, Luther thinks it's boring because she has no ability to resist, otherwise it feels like Luther could have written another 10 million words of content.

What is the structure of this guy's divine body?

"Get some rest."

Luther patted Reina on the high ground, then left with a smile.

The two purposes of returning to Super Theological Seminary have been completed. After all, the value of Super Theological Seminary to Luther is now only this.

Even if there is a hidden void and ultimate fear behind it, it is nothing worthy of attention for Luther.

"The next thing is..."

Luther came to Du Qiangwei.

There is no trace of the Black Armored Company now, and Blue Star's hope of resistance is gone because of Ge Xiaolun's betrayal and joining the demonic civilization.

Although Ge Xiaolun was thinking that the demonic civilization could deal with the demons and monsters on the Blue Star, Morgana had her own ideas and naturally could not be influenced by Ge Xiaolun to change her mind.

Even Ge Xiaolun was subtly influenced by Morgana to change his mind.

He now feels that it is actually a good thing that Blue Star suffered from these things, because Blue Star has evolved and grown.

Du Qiangwei struggled to support herself, surrounded by a demon queen and an angel queen.

It can only be said that this configuration is worthy of being the protagonist of this period.

And Luther's Kryptonian civilization protected the city of Blue Star, which not only gained the favor of Qilin, but also gained the favor of Du Qiangwei.

Now Du Qiangwei's mission has changed. Instead of gathering the rescued survivors to places like Northern Star and Yellowstone City, she will send them to the "City of Krypton."

This is the only way. Now there are all kinds of evil spirits on Blue Star. Taotie and giant wolves are rampaging in the sky. If you dare to show up, you will be chased by a lot of floating gunboats and flying motorcycles. There are also a lot of small demons and flying demons on the ground.

Yellowstone City and North Star do not have the ability to protect.

So they can only be sent to Krypton City.

This makes Morgana very unhappy. She thinks this is aiding the enemy!

In addition to super genes, population and faith are also part of genetic resources. Most of the genetic resources in the known universe have been divided up. Blue Star has not been divided up yet because of its special nature.

However, looking at the appearance of Krypton civilization, it seems that they want to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Morgana is not idle either. She did not recover the demon factor because she planned to gather troops to deal with the threat of Krypton civilization.

After the destruction of Holy Kesha, Morgana and Death Karl found that Luther had become a new threat, even more dangerous than Holy Kesha.

Morgana then had the idea of ​​using the genetic resources of Blue Star to create a large number of demons.

With so many genetic resources on Blue Star, it can at least produce millions of little demons and hundreds of second-generation demon warriors!

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