Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 231 Resurrection

Luther had a strange expression when he heard Angel Leng's words. No way, at this point, you still want to drag Angel Yan into the water?

How good is the relationship between you two sisters? Is it a fake sisterhood or a sisterhood of sharing weal and woe?

"Her name is Yan. She is the left-wing guard of Queen Kaisha. She is much more beautiful than Lingxi and Yitian."

Angel Leng said to Luther very calmly.

Throwing Angel Yan out to attract Luther's attention was a last resort for Angel Leng, but Angel Yan was not here anyway, and Angel Leng completely regarded Angel Yan as a cover.


Luther looked interested and listened attentively. Seeing this, Angel Leng breathed a sigh of relief.

Little did he know that Luther had already turned on the dark plane data recording. When he sent this dark data to Angel Yan, he didn't know what Angel Yan's expression would be.

Angel Leng felt only a little guilty about Angel Yan, and then put it behind her. The most important thing now was to divert Luther's attention from his sisters!

It took Angel Lingxi, Angel Yitian and three other little angels five whole days to see Angel Leng.

"Sister Leng!"

They were so nervous that they couldn't help but greet her.

"It's okay..."

Angel Leng's eyes were tired but her face was rosy and she looked refreshed.

Angel Lingxi and the others knew why Sister Leng was gone, so after seeing Sister Leng's current appearance, they all knew what had happened. She hadn't appeared for five whole days, which meant that Sister Leng had been sacrificing herself to feed the tiger! ! !

At this moment, the sisterhood between the angels reached its peak.

On the other side.

Hua Ye couldn't find Su Mali no matter how hard he tried. He also tried to read the dark data of Blue Star, but Hua Ye couldn't do it at all, so he gave up helplessly.

Then Hua Ye thought about waiting for Ruoning to come back to see if he could find Su Mali. It had been several days, and there was no news from Ruoning and the scum he had sent out.

In addition, the planetary parameters that Blue Star's communication technology relies on have been destroyed, and the dark plane communication has been locked and blocked by Demon No. 1. Of course, now that Demon No. 1 is ready to run away, this blockage will be unlocked in a short time.

But if it is not unlocked, Hua Ye and his team will not be able to contact Ruoning.

If Hua Ye knows how to play, his powerful black hole engine can completely invade Demon No. 1 and seize control of Demon No. 1. With the current terrifying frequency of 60 frequencies of the black hole engine, Demon No. 1 is no match at all.

But Hua Ye doesn't know.

This is like begging with a mountain of gold.

Hua Ye, who didn't know that Sumali and Ruoning were killed, just waited stupidly, or the death god Carl saw that he didn't move, so he asked him what happened.

"Sumali has disappeared, and Ruoning was decomposed by the God King Luther."

After knowing what happened, the death god Carl used the big clock to read the dark data of Blue Star, and then told Hua Ye the answer.

"What? Ruoning has been decomposed? When did it happen?"

Hua Ye's eyes widened. Although Ruoning's status plummeted after he obtained the powerful void engine black hole engine, it didn't drop too much. At most, Ruoning went from being at the top and unquestionable to being at the bottom now.

Hua Ye also knew that anyone around him could be gone, but not Ruoning. If Ruoning was still there, he still had hope of attacking Melo Heaven. If Ruoning was gone, then if he relied on himself, there would be hundreds of brainless scums. How could he beat Melo Heaven?

What scared Hua Ye even more was that God King Luther killed Ruoning without saying a word.

What kind of evil god is this? Ruoning died silently. If Death God Karl hadn't said anything, Hua Ye wouldn't have known that Ruoning was dead. What about himself?

If he met God King Luther, would he die directly?

Thinking of this, Hua Ye quickly took the remaining scums away from Blue Star and scolded his grandson, Death God Karl.

Death Karl also knew the seriousness of the matter. Sumali was still okay, but if Ruoning was gone, Huaye would be a hopeless case.

With Ruoning, she could help Huaye learn how to develop and use black hole engines.

If Ruoning was gone, Death Karl couldn't calculate that Huaye's chance of attacking Melo Heaven was more than one in a trillion.

The big clock only needed one femtosecond to complete trillions of calculations, and the results were all failures. Huaye couldn't rely on himself and the black hole engine to take down Melo Heaven. Instead, more than half of them were captured by He Xi to study the black hole engine.

"I will arrange for Ruoning to be resurrected, provided that I have Ruoning's dark data and Sumali."

Death Karl said.

"What is dark data? I don't know."

Huaye said unjustifiably.


Death Karl couldn't say that he had collected Ruoning's dark data the last time Ruoning came. If that happened, Hua Ye would probably think that Death Karl had bad intentions even if he didn't turn hostile.

Not to mention, the black hole engine was still copying Hua Ye's dark data. It would be OK to extract Sumali's dark data from Hua Ye's dark data, or from Blue Star's dark data... Oh, that wouldn't work. Sumali's dark data was gone.

It is hard to say that the person who was resurrected through dark data is the one. If there is a part of dark matter, it is easy to say. The problem is that Ruoning was directly decomposed. Her dark matter and dark data are gone. Even if she is resurrected, she probably doesn't know that she has been decomposed.

However, for the Death God Carl, this is also good, then they will not be too afraid of Luther.

"I will solve this matter. I will resurrect Sumali and Ruoning. King Huaye does not need to worry."

Death God Carl said.

Hua Ye's eyes flashed, and he touched his chin.

"Is the current technology so powerful that it can be resurrected at will? Then this king should be able to resurrect too, right?"

Hua Ye asked Death God Carl.

"It's better not to die."

Death God Carl said calmly.

"If you say so, this king will know."

Hua Ye smiled, if they can be resurrected, then there is nothing to be afraid of!

Ruoning and Sumali were soon resurrected by Death God Carl and sent to Hua Ye's location.

"I'm actually dead, but how did I die?"

Ruoning and Sumali both had similar questions. Sumali was completely blank. After all, Luther had directly destroyed his dark data and blocked the dark plane. After Hexi came, he also modified the dark plane information.

This made it impossible for Sumali to even be resurrected. If she had not been extracted from Hua Ye's dark data by the God of Death Carl, Sumali would have been dead.

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