Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 237: Putting Pressure on Luther

Morgana touched Ge Xiaolun's face, and the charming fragrance made Ge Xiaolun ecstatic.

He is now being controlled more deeply by Morgana every day with her charming fragrance. After all, he is also predicting and calculating the existence that may become the highest god in the known universe in the future. Of course, Morgana must do everything possible to control him.

To this end, Morgana also updated her charming aura that had not changed for tens of thousands of years.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem to have any effect on Luther.

After all, Luther's biological force field can repel things and influences he doesn't want.

For example, the biological force field that would affect his spirit and the like was developed by Luther, which is basically equivalent to a I-Xunsi force field.

In addition, he himself has strong spiritual power, which makes it even more impossible for him to be charmed.

Angel Yan is dreaming.

In the dream, Angel Yan returned to his childhood, a carefree life, and soon his childhood sweetheart died tragically, and a strange and beautiful blond angel came to him.

When Angel Yan was a child, his attitude toward angels was not the same as now. Instead, he was very hostile to angels.

The dream reminded Angel Yan of this memory. Although she had always kept it in her database, it was easy to see the past memories, and she could also view them from the first and second perspectives.

However, Angel Yan has not recalled the past for a long, long time, so this made Angel Yan obsessed with it from the beginning.

Until Holy Kesha's curtain call, Angel Yan felt something was wrong, but she couldn't remember what was wrong for the moment.

Heifeng's expression was strange, and the dream developed naturally, and then changed after a fluctuation.

Angel Yan did not become the new King of Angels, she met the God King Luther.

Holy Kesha gave the position of King of Angels to Ainecid, but did not elect a temporary King of Angels. He only made King Hexi of Tianji temporarily the regent.

It was under this situation that Angel Yan met God King Luther, and in order to ask God King Luther for help and save her sisters on Blue Star, she swore a guardianship oath to Luther in exchange for Luther's help.

"Damn, what kind of dream is this?"

Morgana was furious and scolded Black Wind directly.

"Queen, you can't blame me for this. This was Angel Yan's own dream."

Heifeng said he was innocent. He had done nothing and had been busy implanting malicious programs and psychological attacks. Unless the development of the dream was to deliberately make them hostile like Reina and Cheng Yaowen, Heifeng would not do this.

Therefore, the development of the dream is Angel Yan's own imagination.

Morgana looked at the unspeakable scene.

"Why is this little roast chicken thinking of such outrageous things?"

Morgana clicked her tongue and said, she really didn't realize it. Although Angel Yan was said to have the demeanor of a female driver in her speech, Morgana knew that she was just Yun Siji.

But now, these things are not something Yun Siji can play with.

Luther agreed.

Although he has no intention of helping Angel Yan, this does not affect his ability to eat melon.

So he watched Angel Yan's dreaming scene at the same time, and by the way, he also saw Ge Xiaolun's anti-void strike that made Angel Yan quietly.

I just don’t know what Angel Yan was thinking when he lost consciousness.

at the same time.

Dead Song Academy.

"What do you want to see me for?"

After loading the black hole engine, Hua Ye felt confident. Although he would not dare to go to trouble Luther and the Kryptonian civilization, at least he would not be timid when attacking Mero Heaven. At least he would have the courage.

"The Taotie King Xihou has been equipped with a void engine and has become a mechanical version of the void warrior."

Death God Karl said calmly.

The Taotie King Xihao came to him and asked him to give him strength. The Death God Karl considered that the Taotie Civilization and the Giant Wolf Civilization would change their goals and attack Mero Heaven, so he naturally agreed.

The Taotie King Xihao, who had obtained the Void Engine, lost his body, but he didn't care at all.

He gained power after all.


Ruoning's eyes lit up. The Taotie King Xihao could load a void engine, so why couldn't he?

Carl, the God of Death, glanced at Ruoning, and Hua Ye also glanced at Ruoning unexpectedly, but Ruoning ignored him and looked at Carl, the God of Death.

"This Styx Void Engine is only suitable for mechanical life forms, Ms. Ruoning, please forgive me."

Death God Karl said calmly.

He gave Hua Ye the void engine because Hua Ye could not escape his control, but Ruoning was different. This was a female angel who had made her fortune from the angel civilization all the way to the present. Even if Ruoning was a fighting type and not a scientific research type. , but she knows a lot.

Carl, the god of death, thought that if he gave Ruoning a void engine, Ruoning might be able to find the lowest level loophole.

"Really? It seems that the Taotie civilization will take the lead in the future."

Ruoning said with a sneer.

Karl, the God of Death, pretended not to hear.

"However, although the void engine is restricted, Ms. Ruoning, I can help you upgrade your divine body."

Then the God of Death Carl's next words made Ruoning's eyes widen in disbelief.

She originally thought that the Void Engine was the biggest gain, so she didn't care about Hua Ye's reaction. Anyway, Hua Ye must have known why Ruoning followed Hua Ye. In the face of greater interests, of course It’s about stepping aside.

The Void Engine is a greater benefit. Ruo Ning may not know what the Void Engine is, but she must have known about He Xi and Holy Kesha's research on the Void Engine.

After Death Karl refused, Ruo Ning was of course upset. Unexpectedly, Death Karl gave a bigger surprise in the blink of an eye.

Compared with the Void Engine, which is unknown but definitely very powerful, the fourth-generation divine body technology is a powerful technology visible to the naked eye. Ruo Ning must also know the power of the fourth-generation divine body.

If she had to choose between the Void Engine and the fourth-generation divine body, Ruo Ning would definitely choose the fourth-generation divine body.

Because this is the most advanced immortal technology in the known universe. Even if Holy Kesha was destroyed, it was just that Holy Kesha was careless. Otherwise, no one could destroy Holy Kesha!

Hua Ye didn't say anything, even though the atmosphere became a little weird.


Ruo Ning asked.

"Of course it's true."

Death Karl nodded.

"I believe that after Ms. Ruoning upgrades her divine body, she will be able to better deal with the Melo Heavenly Court."

Death God Carl wants to speed up this war. He can't wait. Of course, he also wants to find Lena.

So he needs someone to put pressure on Luther and be able to withstand Luther's pressure.

The fourth generation divine body is such a trump card, giving Ruoning the courage to compete, instead of being afraid of Luther.

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