Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 240 He Xi's Thoughts

Luther has no good or bad feelings towards angels, at most he just likes a few of them.

For example, He Xi is a love-brained + face-obsessed person.

Although He Xi is very smart, she is a love-brained person.

Although He Xi is one of the top sages in the known universe, she is a love-brained person.

Although tens of thousands of years have passed and she seems to have grown a lot, she is still a love-brained person.

He Xi has not changed her face-obsessed attitude.

Regarding He Xi's request for help, Luther knew that she could not leave Melo Heaven. Now Melo Heaven has become nervous because of the incident of Holy Kesha, not to mention Hua Ye's wolfish ambitions, and the army is about to drive out of the Angel Nebula of Melo Heaven.

Therefore, He Xi will definitely ask Luther for help, but if Luther does not help, He Xi will not forcefully rescue Angel Yan.

After all, he is just a temporary Angel King who has not come back to pass the test. He Xi cannot make the decision to sacrifice the overall situation for Angel Yan.

In the original plot, Angel Yan could sacrifice so many angels, and He Xi could save the overall situation without any problem by sacrificing her.

"Really, you are an old lady who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and you don't even have this bit of face."

Luther shook his head. He Xi wanted him to help, and hinted that as long as he accepted the thought gene in the underlying gene of the Galaxy Power, the Angel Civilization would have whatever he wanted!

This temptation is great. After all, there are tens of thousands of old angels, including retired old angels, which is about nearly a million short skirts.

The most stupid and most drunken emperor in the history of human civilization and all the emperors combined probably played with less than half of this number of women.

The old man Huangdi alone accounted for 3,000, but it was still a drop in the bucket.

What is the concept of nearly a million? If you roll around, I'm afraid you will have to become a monk in the future and regard women as red-faced skeletons, right?

Fortunately, Luther is not the kind of greedy and lustful person. He is very picky.

The Angel Civilization only likes a few, and the rest are troublesome for Luther.

Fortunately, there is still a Kryptonian civilization.

When Luther left, the Kryptonian civilization grew wildly, but it was not too wild, after all, Luther left a clone.

They adapted to the life in the known universe according to the memory set by Luther. Those discomforts, unfamiliarities and incongruities made them think that it was the difference between the environment of the known universe and the unknown universe, so they didn't take it seriously.

When Luther descended on the Super Seminary Universe again, all this was not a problem. With Luther's divine power, he directly modified these discordant places.

He also modified the Kryptonian civilization according to his own will, and now the Kryptonian civilization has become more advanced than before.

If the previous Kryptonian civilization relied entirely on the dozen or so cutting-edge war gods and a large number of super soldiers, then the current Kryptonian civilization really has the strength to sweep across the known universe.

After all, the top gods of the Kryptonian civilization are now equipped with void engines.

There is no way, the version has been updated, and now the most fragrant is not the super gene of the No Star War God, but the void engine.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the No Star War God is no good. This top super gene is still good.

Especially the combination of No Star War God + Void Engine, it is simply a king-level combat power, a top god.

Even if the Void Engine that Luther gave them is only 10 frequencies, it is enough for them to beat most of the gods in the known universe. After all, their main body is still the No Star War God.

Gods with fourth-generation divine bodies have to tremble in front of them.

The 10-frequency Void Engine can already add void energy to their own God-killing Weapons, turning them into Void Weapons, and Void Weapons can destroy the atoms of the fourth-generation divine body, and can also cause "critical strikes + true damage + severe injuries + weakness" to all enemies below the fourth-generation divine body!

In addition to the God-killing Weapons and the God-killing power of their super genes, the attack power is definitely full.

And it is not easy to be directly stimulated by the Void Definition to forcibly shut down the gene engine.

This is very Cao Dan, and I don't know why the means against invasion, if there is no way to solve it, just forcibly shut it down, won't it still be slaughtered?

Can't you learn from him and install a self-destruct program?

The tens of thousands of third-generation super soldiers of Krypton Civilization are enough to satisfy the needs of Angel Civilization for finding a male god, right?

After all, the third-generation super soldiers are real male gods for Angel Civilization, and they will not rot into soil.

Moreover, the warriors of Krypton Civilization also have wings, although they are wings of the same color as metal, but they can also be regarded as male angels.

From this point of view, his Krypton Civilization and Angel Civilization are simply a perfect match!

Therefore, He Xi, the old goblin, probably has similar ideas, but she is still very confident in herself now. She has to wait until she is forced to perish with the black hole by Hua Ye's black hole engine before she thinks of his retreat.

Morgana's capture of Angel Yan must be a pleasant surprise, because at that time, the surviving angels will only have a few places to go.

The first is that He Xi may leave some arrangements before jumping into the black hole. After all, Angel Yan is not the king of angels now. She has to worry about it, and she may not jump into the black hole.

The second one is Fraser, this is inevitable.

The third one... those young angels of Angel Yan's faction have not been killed or injured by her in this timeline. Maybe they will bring people to Blue Star to find Angel Yan.

No matter which one, for Luther, it is a good opportunity to swallow the angelic civilization.

After all, even Merlot Heaven was lost, and the spirit of the angelic civilization was directly hit to the bottom.

In addition, they are mainly young angels, and even now Hexi seems to have called on the old angels in her to return, but upgrading and transformation will take time, unless Hexi does not mind exposing the unlimited resource capabilities of the sub-biological engine.

But He Xi still has to worry about it.

Merlot Heaven.

Since the death of Holy Kesha and the capture of Angel Yan, He Xi had to go from his retirement cabin on the planet Urling to the Mero Heavenly Court.

Although he is back to his old place, Hexi only has memories of this place, especially the memories of being with the man-in-law.

“This guy really doesn’t let the rabbit fly before he sees the rabbit.”

Hexi felt regretful that he failed to sell even though he was selling face.

"Your Highness Hexi, the Styx Legion composed of the Taotie Civilization, the Giant Wolf Civilization and other aerospace civilizations have arrived at the Angel Nebula."

A group of angels walked in respectfully, and then the female angel at the head said to He Xi.

"It came so quickly."

He Xi nodded.

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