Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 250: Prepare to Die

Hua Ye didn't expect such an operation.

Just listening to it, he found it completely impossible to imagine and understand. Remote definition?

Don’t you need to connect a line or something?

How is he going to invade?

"Is this okay?"

Ruoning sneered when she heard this.

"What does this mean? It's just a basic operation after the gene engine technology is developed. Haven't you discovered that even though we have captured the first line of defense and destroyed so many angel coalition forces, there is still no spacecraft. Are blade battleships or space-based battleships appearing in front of us?"

"Don't you think that Hexi and the Angel Civilization have developed for so many years and just rely on the shabby aerospace-grade civilization warships of the Angel Alliance?"

Ruoning continued.

"When you say that, it seems like it's true."

Hua Ye didn't know this because he had no concept in this regard. He felt that it was very easy to destroy the Angel Alliance. Except for those fifteen annoying angel warriors, most of the Angel Alliance's warships were unable to cause them any trouble.

It turns out it’s because Hexi hasn’t taken it seriously yet?

"If He Xi really sends out a sky-blade battleship or a space-based battleship, because of my presence and your high-frequency void engine, it will be easy to invade and crack the opponent's combat engine. Unless He Xi personally takes charge, it will be impossible to resist the invasion of your black hole engine!"

Ruoning nodded.

This was the first time that Hua Ye knew that he was so awesome and intimidating. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything.

Of course Ruoning knows Hua Ye's ignorance. This ignorance is not just ignorance of advanced technology. After all, even Ruoning does not dare to say how many advanced technologies of angel civilization he has mastered. Those are all He Xi and Holy Kesha. Responsible.

Liang Bing may know part of it, but she has been away for many years, and the advanced technologies she knows will definitely be changed by He Xi.

Only Ruoning, because the time of betrayal was too short, Angel Yan betrayed as long as she had been a sacred left-wing guard. In such a short time, it is impossible to make drastic changes to those huge advanced technologies.

Moreover, Hua Ye was even more ignorant about the knowledge of the void, which made it impossible for him to understand many things and methods. He didn't even have the idea and it was impossible to think that he could do this.

As a king and the main god of civilization, he shouldn't be like this. After all, the main god of civilization has mastered most of the advanced technologies of his own civilization and masters all advanced technologies.

No matter how stupid you are, no matter how smart your brain is, in such a long time, even a pig can learn it.

What's more, the scum and divine bodies whose brains have been developed?

It's just that Hua Ye has just upgraded to the third generation of divine body. His brain has been developed, but there is no time for him to learn, and there is no knowledge for him to learn. Hua Ye may feel that his memory and thinking have become stronger, but he did not expect that. at this point.

In addition, Carl, the god of death, was unwilling to teach Hua Ye and even wrote a branch of the program for Hua Ye, just so that Hua Ye could operate it like a fool without using his brain.

This kind of thing can actually easily paralyze a person. Once a person gets used to such fool-like mindless operations, it is impossible for him to get rid of this habit.

Hua Ye didn't know if he was aware of this. Anyway, he seemed to be quite happy with this kind of fool-like operation that didn't concern him with anything. Even a simple void energy attack was enough to eliminate 99% of super soldiers and super warriors. god.

It's hard to say what will happen if you play this kind of abuse too much when you wait for the high-end game.

Death God Carl and Ruoning have a tacit understanding in this regard, trying to keep Hua Ye away from too many possibilities of developing and using their own black hole engine.

"In this case, can we directly rob this point in the future, such as Luther's weapon?"

Hua Ye's eyes lit up and he said that although he had never seen Luther's weapons, Karl, the God of Death, showed him Luther's weapons against Kesha's arsenal, and both sides seemed to be equally matched.

However, Holy Kesha did not come up with high-end weapons like Star Life at that time, and Luther probably had reservations.

"Impossible, do you think this is a game?"

Ruoning knew Hua Ye would say this, so she shook her head and rejected Hua Ye's idea.

"Why, can't it be defined remotely? Any star's fate can be defined so far and so quickly."

Hua Ye frowned, wasn't Ruoning's words contradictory?

"I have said it before, Hua Ye, I know a lot about Star Destiny and have been authorized by Star Destiny, so I can write algorithms for Star Destiny. If it is other weapons that I don't understand, then you can only It can be analyzed with your black hole engine. If it is an ordinary silver blade, it is easy to say. With the high frequency of your black hole engine, it will probably not take long to complete the analysis. "

"But if you are facing a god of Luther's level, your analysis may become a port for him to invade your black hole engine. Therefore, never use your black hole engine to define Luther. That guy Karl said , Luther also has a void engine!"

Ruoning still knows a lot about the void knowledge, but the level of understanding is only half-understood, otherwise he would not have chosen the fourth-generation divine body between the void engine and the fourth-generation divine body.

Even if the fourth-generation divine body is very comprehensive, only the void engine can exert performance beyond its limits.

One is balance, the other is easy to create miracles. Others are of course suitable to choose the fourth generation of divine body, but the problem is that Ruoning, a veteran god who has experienced hundreds of battles, can better exert his power by choosing the void engine.


After hearing Ruoning's words, Hua Ye immediately realized that he was not as powerful as he imagined, even if he found an opportunity to completely master the black hole engine.

Luther actually also has a void engine, but I don't know how many frequencies it has.

Hua Ye is still used to distinguishing high and low strengths and weaknesses by frequency.

In fact, the frequency of the void engine is just a basic plate, and it depends on various aspects. Apart from other things, how many void warriors have been killed by Taotie?

Ruoning handed the algorithm to Hua Ye.

"If you give me the star destiny, the combat effectiveness will become stronger. The question is, will you give me the star destiny and the arsenal of Queen Kaisha in the future."

Ruoning looked at Hua Ye meaningfully before leaving.

"Don't worry, don't you know who I, Hua Ye, am? You are unique to me, Ruoning!"

Hua Ye said with a grin.

"Then let's get started."

Ruo Ning also knew this, so she was confident in using herself as bait.

I had a nosebleed due to allergic rhinitis, but I still insisted on updating.

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