Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 254 Luther starts to make trouble

Angel Nebula!

In the starry sky where the fleet is densely arrayed, the energy light of various warships is dazzling than the starlight, lighting up the starry sky.

The patrol boats of the Taotie Civilization and the Tianzha that can fly in the starry sky are constantly patrolling.

On a space battleship that looks like a sailing ship, armies of various civilizations are arrayed in order.

Taotie, giant wolf, and scum of heaven.

"Send a message to all the male angels and descendants wandering in other civilizations. King Hua Ye has come to the Tiangong. As long as you surrender to King Hua Ye again and continue to pay tribute to the best genetic resources to the Tiangong, you will be crowned kings and return to the glory of the Tiangong. ”

Hua Ye was majestic and looked very majestic sitting on the throne of Tiangong.

"Hua Ye, that guy Karl wants us to lead an army to attack Lieyang Civilization."

Ruoning flapped her black wings and landed in front of him and said.

"Attack the Lieyang Civilization?"

Hua Ye frowned.

"Tell grandson Karl, wait until I gather enough male angels, and then attack the Lieyang Civilization in one fell swoop..."

Hua Ye said impatiently.

After regaining the Tiangong, Hua Ye was no longer floating, but he also regained his kingly spirit. He wanted to control Karl and see where his bottom line was.

"Karl probably won't be able to wait too long."

Ruoning shook his head.

"If you can't wait, you have to wait. Is the Lieyang Civilization so easy to win?"

Hua Ye continued.

"By the way, you have to find a way to get the turtle grandson of Kalnar to give Kunpeng, Maivis and the others a third-generation divine body. After all, we can't let you and Sumali take the lead in everything. If he doesn't give it... then we'll think about it ourselves. way."

Hua Ye's words were both domineering and cowardly.

The main reason is that he also knows that he is controlled by others and cannot be tough.

Ruoning didn't say much when she heard Hua Ye's words. After all, she was now the fourth-generation divine body. Even if Kunpeng and Maivis, Hua Ye's confidants, were promoted to gods, it wouldn't matter. They would not threaten her status.

And she also felt that their current strength was too weak to gnaw down Merlot Heavenly Court, so they could only find ways to strengthen themselves.

The third generation of gods is not backward even now.

"Karl may not necessarily give it to us. If our power is too strong, it will not be easy to control. He should want to strengthen your control over Tianzha. However, if there are too many powerful Tianzhu, power will easily be dispersed."

Ruoning said.

Hua Ye frowned, remembering how he was overthrown.

"This kind of thing, I will never let it happen again."

Hua Ye said confidently that the void engine is the most powerful advanced technology in the known universe, not to mention that he has experienced the power of the black hole engine.

"Actually, with our current capabilities, it's not impossible to upgrade them, but at best we can promote them to pseudo-third-generation super soldiers, which won't be of much use."

Ruoning continued.

"The fake third generation is also the third generation. If you don't have it, you have to have it. What we need now is strength!"

Hua Ye said decisively.

Ruoning was too lazy to explain to Hua Ye that generational differences did not mean combat effectiveness.

But there’s nothing wrong with having a few fake third-generation super soldiers, they just fill up the scene.

Unexpectedly, Carl, the God of Death, did not reject Hua Ye's request.

For Karl, the god of death, he doesn't care about these things, he just wants a result.

If Hua Ye takes the things and refuses to work, Karl, the God of Death, can directly control him and his henchmen.

After all, it’s hard to believe that Karl, the God of Death, wouldn’t leave any backdoors in these divine bodies and genetic engines.

Ruoning really had such a guess, mainly because the God of Death, Carl, agreed too readily, making Ruoning aware of this possibility.

This made Ruoning not know what to do. She also wanted to restore the Heavenly Palace era by controlling Hua Ye, and make male and female angels equal.

Doesn’t it become Karl’s heavenly palace now?

Karl controls Hua Ye to control Tianzha, so who is she?

In fact, Karl later controlled Tianzha through Sumali.

Liang Bing was originally looking for a good show, but she didn't expect that He Xi couldn't do anything to Hua Ye, and Hua Ye couldn't do anything to He Xi, and then the two actually separated.

This gave Liang Bing a headache.

"No, what's going on now?"

Liang Bing wanted to run away, but she couldn't escape if Luther didn't let her run.

It's just that the last time Luther gave her the bat-winged silver blade, she successfully PUAd Liang Bing. Recently, Luther feels that Liang Bing is much more enthusiastic.

Although he still ignored him, Liang Bing didn't care about it, because Luther's performance showed that he didn't really regard himself as a human being.

This was enough. Liang Bing didn't know what he was thinking. It was probably a lie to admit that he was interested in Luther, but it was true that he wanted Luther's benefits!

But compared to Karl, the God of Death, who gave whatever he wanted, whatever he had, and who had to find a way to give whatever he wanted, she stalked Luther and could be happy for a long time even if he pried out a silver blade. I fell in love with this silver blade so much that I even installed an engine on it.

"Queen, there is something going on over there with the Kryptonian civilization!"

Sword Demon Atuo has seen his queen there in a daze more than once, stroking the bat-winged silver blade.

However, he still obeyed the queen's order and informed the queen if there was any movement in the Kryptonian civilization.

This kind of thing should have been done by Ge Xiaolun, who is now in great demand in the Demon Civilization, but Morgana still asked Sword Demon Atuo to do it. Sword Demon Atuo didn't think it was a disgrace to him as a warrior. He did whatever the queen asked him to do.

"What's going on?"

When it comes to Krypton civilization, Liang Bing's eyes lit up, and he put away the bat-winged silver blade in his hand, and then asked.

"They sent a dark communication to the entire universe."

Sword Demon Atuo said.

Luther had done this kind of thing before, but now he did it, of course, to stir up trouble.

"Krypton civilization announced that all Shenhe civilizations and beast civilizations in the known universe sent a message. Krypton civilization was officially renamed Tiandao civilization, and from today on, God King Luther reigned in the Milky Way. The Milky Way does not welcome any illegal invasion. Violators will be punished no matter how far away they are, and they will be killed without mercy!"

Luther's way was very troublesome. After all, everyone knew that the power of the galaxy was the main god of the Milky Way in the future.

Of course, in the eyes of the angels, especially He Xi, there is nothing wrong with Luther doing this, because he has the Galaxy Power super gene.

But some people certainly don't think so.

As for why he changed his name to Tiandao, it's called preemptive registration!

And the name Tiandao is very big, while Krypton Civilization is a bit small.

"Why do you want to change your name?"

Liang Bing was confused, but Luther's name change didn't seem to have anything to do with her.

Then Liang Bing touched Luther.

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