Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 266 No, you came at the right time

Liang Bing couldn't refute Luther's ridicule that he had just connected to the Internet.

After all, she is studying Ge Xiaolun's galactic power, imagining that her demon civilization can use it to obtain the technology of the void engine.

The result was good. She had only been in seclusion for a short time when she heard the sword demon Atuo say that two major things had happened.

First, Hua Ye almost defeated Lieyang Civilization.

Second, Angel Leng beat Hua Ye away.

For Liang Bing, Lieyang Civilization's submission to Tiandao Civilization is not something worth taking seriously.

Angel Leng beat away the arrogant Hua Ye, and even almost killed Ruoning and Hua Ye, which was a big deal.

It was like a bolt from the blue to her.

It’s not like she’s never seen Angel Leng’s roast chicken before. Is he so capable?

She knew very well how much pressure Hua Ye's attack on Merlo Heaven had put on He Xi. If it weren't for Luther's unclear attitude and He Xi's unfathomable background, which scared Hua Ye away, Melo would have It is really possible that Tianting will be defeated by Hua Ye.

Even so, Hua Ye is the most majestic person in the known universe today. Many god-level civilizations and aerospace-level civilizations do not even know the existence of Tiandao civilization. They only know that the sacred and inviolable angel civilization with tens of thousands of majestic angels is because of Hua Ye And the down-and-out people dare not seek justice even when they are attacked.

Therefore, in their eyes, Hua Ye is the most powerful god in the known universe!

In the end, Angel Leng was able to beat Hua Ye like this?

"Did you upgrade that roast chicken?"

Liang Bing said angrily that he and Angel Leng had debuted in the group "Icy Products", so Liang Bing was still very familiar with Angel Leng.

Mainly because Angel Leng's gene was tested at that time and there was nothing special about it, it was just Angel's gene.

But all fools know that Angel Leng's genes are definitely not as simple as Angel's genes now.

"It's nothing, I just loaded her with the Galaxy Power super gene and upgraded her to the third generation divine body of Heaven."

After Luther finished speaking, Liang Bing's eyes widened.

"Galactic power?"

Liang Bing has been studying the power of the galaxy recently, so he knows how powerful the power of the galaxy is.

"Have you cracked the Galaxy Power?"

Liang Bing asked in disbelief.

"Is cracking a galactic power something worthy of such surprise to me?"

Luther said very Versailles.

"Holy shit!"

Liang Bing is furious, that is the power of the Milky Way, the Space Principal is even the most advanced god-making project of the Kamigawa Civilization!

The original plot to inspire the power of the galaxy is very cumbersome and complicated.

Based on Dinghei's book, Ruiz judged that Ge Xiaolun's gene sequence was in a dormant state, which was consistent with Lianfeng's judgment, and that it was in a damage-invisible sequence. To reactivate the sequence, specific conditions were required to trigger it.

For example, the angel sequence loaded at the bottom of the Galaxy Power requires a piece of sacred code to be mobilized. The angel also used light radiation on Ge Xiaolun to try to awaken his genetic engine, but failed. Ryze told him that the angel was not an old god. The people of the He civilization have different wavelengths of light radiation than the old-fashioned Kamigawa. However, it is not the key to activate the super gene energy. The wavelength is the key, or the authority.

With the authority of Sunlight, Galaxy Power and Nuoxing God of War were activated at the same time, and there may be others.

So Xiao Lun thought that he might have to wait for Lena to come back, but Riz disagreed. After all, Xiao Lun's serial lock was damaged and he couldn't open it with the key.

Liang Bing is still not allowed to get started because she lacks these steps, and the surviving scientists of the Kamigawa civilization created by the brainless screenwriter later built a cosmic tree somewhere in space. It is not the cosmic tree model we thought in the past, but It does indeed exist. It is responsible for the operation of various insect bridges. Its energy source is the artificial radiation energy of the Heart of Kamigawa, which is the key to unlocking the Ge Xiaolun sequence.

May I ask where Liang Bing is going to get this artificial radiation energy?

Liang Bing knows that Luther is very powerful, but are you too powerful?

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, even Leng’s roast chicken has the power of the Galaxy, Bingbing also wants the power of the Galaxy!”

Liang Bing quickly changed his mind and said to Luther in a sweet voice.

"What you said made me feel a chill. You want the power of the galaxy. What is your identity?"

Luther started to feel CPU cold again.

"What is your identity... Your Majesty, I am your Daji."

Liang Bing said very understandingly, because she knew that Luther had transformed into a mortal and spent a long time in mortal life with Qilin, so she must know this meaning.

"You are a monster that brings disaster to the country and the people. I, the king, should stay away from you and kill you."

Luther said with a cold snort.

"Okay, will your Majesty come to Demon No. 1 to kill Daji?"

Liang Bing is still very heartwarming when she is shameless and skinless.

Anyway, Liang Bing felt that it was already done, so why not use this as a bargaining chip and condition?

If you don’t use it if there are conditions, wouldn’t you be an idiot?

God really doesn’t pay much attention to this aspect of things.

Luther did not continue the conversation, but hung up the dark communication.

Liang Bing understood that he had to go there by himself.

"Really, do I, the Demon Number One, dislike the Queen so much?"

Liang Bing smashed the table angrily.

But there was no way, Liang Bing risked his life for the power of the Galaxy.

Otherwise, Liang Bing wouldn't know how many years it would take to research something from Ge Xiaolun just by himself.

In addition, the situation in the known universe is so turbulent now, Liang Bing also knows that he must seize the time to become stronger.

So she dressed up, took a shower, put on Luther's favorite pantyhose and uniform, and applied to go to the High Court.

That's right, she needs to apply even to go to the Supreme Heaven. Otherwise, what if she has the coordinates and is sold to the God of Death, Karl, by Liang Bing.

Although Luther didn't care, the problem was that he couldn't make such a big mistake in this common sense.

The coordinates of the Supreme Heaven are always changing, because the Supreme Heaven never stops moving.

After getting the new coordinates, Liang Bing went there without saying a word.

Then she saw Luther hugging him from left to right.

One is Angel Leng and the other is Du Qiangwei.

Reina pressed his shoulder with a pout, while Qilin was fiddling with something with a smile.

Liang Bing was startled, what is going on?

Queen, have I misunderstood? Luther didn't actually mean to call me just now?

"Did I come at the wrong time?"

Liang Bing couldn't help but said.

"No, you came just in time."

Luther said matter-of-factly.

This scene was something he could only do with his current status. Angel Leng had already returned home, but at least he didn't resist this situation.

Du Qiangwei didn't have so many thoughts. She accepted everything and was very obedient.

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