Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 269 He Xi takes action

If he just used Angel Yan to negotiate with He Xi, He Xi would definitely choose to fight to the death.

But if Enisid is manipulated, Hexi will not give in.

She knows very well what can be compromised and what cannot be compromised in the slightest.

Especially when it concerns the sovereignty of angelic civilization.

The new King of Angels and the future King of Angels are disposable objects.

"What should we do?"

Hua Ye felt it was too troublesome.

"King Hua Ye attacked the angel civilization and then released black holes. As long as he continues to create black holes, the angel civilization will never be able to resist such an attack."

Death God Karl said simply and clearly that although he also coveted the void knowledge in the sacred knowledge treasure house, Death God Karl was very selective and decisive.

He just wants to destroy the angel civilization, and then use all his strength to deal with the way of heaven!

The hatred of blocking the way is irreconcilable, and the relationship between him and the way of heaven is already the result of a fight to the death.

Therefore, Carl, the god of death, acts more decisively and resolutely than in the original plot, and is even more proactive.

Hua Ye understood what Carl, the God of Death, meant. He just wanted to completely destroy the angel civilization. This made Hua Ye hesitate. Destroying the angel civilization would do him no good.

Although he will definitely be able to harvest a group of short skirts, Hua Ye wants not only these short skirts, but also the resources and knowledge accumulated by the angel civilization for so many years!

That is the key to the rise of Tiangong.

"This move will allow King Hua Ye to get what he wants."

Death God Karl knew what Hua Ye was hesitating about, so he said it simply.

"I also want to see the ancient heavenly palace reappear, and male angels and female angels become a civilization. Only in this way can we fight against the way of heaven."

The words of Death God Carl made Hua Ye quite satisfied.

"Can you really let me get the Merlot Heavenly Court?"

Hua Ye couldn't help but ask.

"As long as King Hua Ye follows my arrangements."

Karl, the God of Death, nodded.

"Does the king need me to send someone over to Fraser?"

Hua Ye paused for a moment, rarely thinking.

"No need, just let Taotie deal with Fraser."

Death Carl said.

In the past, Taotie was not there to kill, he just wanted the people from the Holy Alan Kingdom there to inform the angelic civilization.

When the time comes, with Hua Ye creating a black hole on the front and Fraser being attacked by Taotie on the back, what decision can He Xi make?

He Xi also didn't expect Hua Ye to make a comeback so soon.

She is still studying Hua Ye's black hole engine and analyzing ways to deal with Hua Ye. Unfortunately, these things cannot be completed so quickly.

The 19th defense line had not even been repaired, but Hua Ye came back so quickly.

"Something's wrong. He had to give up and take the Tiangong No. before..."

He Xi frowned.

She knew that Hua Ye was not alone, but also the god of death, Karl, who was the real person worth noting.

Could it be that Karl, the God of Death, has some new tricks?

Hexi had to guard against it.

"Fortunately, in order to prepare to save Angel Yan, many retired old angels were recalled and upgraded."

He Xi sighed, the old angel army originally prepared to capture Morgana was now going to face Hua Ye's Tianzha Army.

The key is that there are too many Tianzha legions, and the number of retired old angels she can temporarily recall is not many.

There was no other way. The one he was trying to save was the most embarrassing King of Angels in history, but he was immediately caught by the enemy.

If she hadn't been the Tianji King, she wouldn't have been able to recall so many people.

Hua Ye declared before the war that He Xi surrender, as he said before, he would never treat He Xi badly, and the two kings could rule together!

The difference is that this time Hua Ye came up and released a black hole.

At a distance of a thousand light-hours outside the 19th defense line, the released black hole was devouring the surrounding meteorite belt and rapidly growing in size.

"Next, you continue to create black holes, keeping a thousand light-hours distance between each black hole."

Ruoning said to Hua Ye.

"Is this okay?"

Hua Ye thinks He Xi can surrender like this?

"No, so we still have to wait for Karl, the God of Death."

Ruoning shook his head. This was just a frog boiled in warm water. Furthermore, Ruoning was worried that after so many days, who knew if He Xi had developed anything that could target black holes?

No one dares to underestimate He Xi.

"Tsk, tsk."

Hua Ye didn't say anything more and continued to throw black holes around, but it wasn't considered littering. They were all thrown towards the Merlot Heavenly Court.

In this way, no matter what He Xi's means, he will be destroyed in front of the black hole.

But then, at the next moment, a brilliant red light flashed through, and the first black hole released by Hua Ye exploded, then collapsed, shrunk into a singularity and disappeared!

"What is that???"

Hua Ye's eyes widened. He always thought that his black hole engine was invincible, and his ability to release black holes was also invincible, but what did he see now?

Did Hee Hee solve the black hole he released?

"not good!"

Ruoning also exclaimed, they rely on the black hole engine, if they are really targeted by He Xi, then they will have no choice but to fight with He Xi, who has endless tricks!

Hexi didn't hesitate at all, the space-based computing group accurately positioned it, and then constructed a stellar energy strike, which was a super giant flare bombing!

The angel's judgment is divided into the flaming-level sky-blade judgment where a single angel uses the flaming sword, and the battleship-level sky-blade judgment using the sky-blade battleship.

Different judgments are used for enemies of different levels and scales. The energy used in the judgment is all stellar nuclear fusion energy.

The Flame-level Sky Blade Judgment has a reading time, that is, the charging time. The shorter the time, the weaker the energy. Angels can control this time to control the power.

The Flame-level Sky Blade Judgment is executed by angels of the third generation or above, but it must be authorized by Queen Kesha or one of the left and right Holy Wing Guards to be executed.

As for the one used by He Xi, it is a more powerful attack than the Sky Blade Judgment of the Sky Blade Battleship.

An attack that is enough to kill stars!

He Xi knows the theory of the Death God Carl bombing black holes, so since real black hole celestial bodies can be destroyed by explosions, let alone these simulated black holes created by Hua Ye?

It is enough to destroy them before they grow up.

[Strike completed... Energy overflow 999900%! ]

[Recalculate the black hole structure strike algorithm...]

[Calculation completed... Reconstruct the black hole structure strike algorithm... Constructing...]

[Construction completed... Execute the black hole structure strike... Charging...]

[Strike completed! 】

All the black holes created by Hua Ye were adjusted by He Xi in an instant and exploded!

Even Luther was amazed that He Xi found a solution so quickly. He originally wanted to be a hero and save the beauty and take He Xi in as well.

Now it seems that the situation is not so optimistic.

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