Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 274 He Xi's amazing wisdom!

The skull opened its mouth and bit He Xi in an instant.

He Xi intended to freeze the skull, capture the mysterious skull of the Grim Reaper Carl, and then study what it was.

As a result, He Xi's pupils shrank. She had clearly calculated the algorithm based on the last time, but it didn't work at all this time.

[Constructing an algorithm to attack the skull structure...]

[Analysis failed, the target has a large amount of unknown substances and elements...]

[Analysis in progress... 0.0001%... 0.0002%...]

[Analysis failed, the target has a large amount of unknown substances and elements... The target's spatial data is changing...]

[Reanalyze... 0.0000000000001%...]

Ripples appeared in the space around the purple-black skull.

At the same time, the data inside the skull was also flashing rapidly.

[Redefine space... Analyze the target's core structure, analyzing...]

[Analysis failed! The target is continuing to resist...]

The skull swallowed He Xi in one gulp, and He Xi found that she couldn't move.

She was not panicked. On the one hand, He Xi knew her own strength very well. It was not so easy to move her, so she did not give up the resistance. The vast dark energy continued to spread, affecting the calculation, analysis and interference.

On the other hand, this was just a fourth-generation god clone, and the original He Xi was still in the Angel Nebula.

It seemed that she had run out desperately, but in fact, He Xi had not really come out yet.

Just in case, if the God of Death Carl suddenly targeted her, she could at least study and counter the routine.

Although He Xi was not as good at fighting as Holy Kesha, she had her own wisdom!

Her wisdom was to send the clone to go to the mines, test the traps, routines, weapons, etc., and then take action herself.

After the clone was swallowed by the big skeleton, it lost contact, and He Xi didn't know what happened to her clone.

"If the God of Death Carl wants to destroy the fourth-generation divine body, it's nothing more than letting my combat doll be destroyed by a supernova explosion like a tomboy. There's no need to worry about that..."

The cosmic tree model did not detect the possibility of a supernova explosion in the nearby stars, and without the help of the Lieyang civilization this time, the God of Death Carl could not cause a supernova explosion to destroy her divine body.

However, it is also possible that her divine body will be thrown into a black hole.

The problem is that if that happens, the black hole that Hua Ye created with great difficulty will be neutralized by the king-level energy level.

"He Xi, was he captured by Carl just like that?"

Hua Ye asked Liang Bing and the others' questions.

"Hua Ye, are you okay?"

Ruoning came to Hua Ye's side and said to Hua Ye, who had only grown a neck.

"This king seems to be recovering, but he lacks energy, Ruoning..."

Hua Ye said to Ruoning.

"It's over. He Xi has been solved by Carl. Next, the angel civilization is ours. You can have as much energy as you want. Then, we will go to Liang Bing to get back Angel Yan and get the sacred knowledge treasure house and arsenal!"

Ruoning said excitedly.

At this moment, a sword broke through her chest, and the tip of the sword stretched out little by little.


Ruoning stared at the sword on her chest with wide eyes.

Hua Ye also showed a horrified expression.


Su Mali's originally slowed down speed accelerated again.

"Sorry, your two beautiful dreams will end here."

He Xi said with the king's order in hand.

Another He Xi? ? ?

Hua Ye and Ruoning were heartbroken, and then they thought of something.

Could it be that the guy Karl the God of Death took away an avatar?

"Damn, Queen, I knew that He Xi could not be taken away so easily!"

Liang Bing didn't know why she was relieved and said excitedly.

Just now, she was really worried that He Xi was captured by Karl the God of Death. If she sold her face and stepped on Karl's face a few times, she didn't know if she could save He Xi.

Now that He Xi gave her a huge surprise, Liang Bing was relieved and proud of He Xi from the bottom of her heart.

Although the two have become enemies, and He Xi even threatened to put her in a bottle, Liang Bing does not hate He Xi as much as she does her sister.

Luther admires He Xi's behavior as an old Yin Ji, who is so cowardly, so insidious, and so Voldemort.

Otherwise, how can she become the final winner?

He Xi cannot gamble, but she must gamble.

She cannot gamble because the entire angel civilization is in danger now, on the edge of a cliff, and one step away will be the end of the world.

So she must not make any mistakes, and every step must be taken with the most precision and precision!

She must gamble because she has no way to break the situation, and can only gamble with herself.

In this situation, He Xi showed amazing wisdom!

On the surface, she made a desperate move to capture the king first, and took all the angels away from the Melo Heaven to fight Hua Ye to the death!

Secretly, the original body never left Melo Heaven, and stayed behind, enduring the sacrifice of the angels, and deceived everyone through the "burn together" operation. Everyone thought that He Xi dared to take such a risk because of the fourth-generation divine body.

This is a final plan!

The fourth-generation divine body is actually a clone, a fighting puppet?

This is where He Xi hides the deepest, especially the vast dark energy reserve. I guess no one will think that it is He Xi's clone, right?

It's clearly dark energy that only kings can possess!

So, in an instant, Karl, the god of death, took action to deal with "He Xi". Hua Ye and Ruoning relaxed because of such a great victory. Other He Xi's clones on the battlefield were cut off because of the loss of "He Xi" and became weak.

No one noticed that at this time, He Xi's body had arrived on the battlefield.

And it’s still a sneak attack without martial ethics!


Ruoning didn't expect He Xi to do this. This was a sneak attack. How could He Xi do such a thing?

And why do you do it to yourself first!

She didn't know that as the only smart guy in the Tianzha Legion, she was the biggest threat to He Xi. Without Ruoning, a wise general, the remaining Tianzhu would be a threat to He Xi and the Angel Civilization. Vulnerable.

Otherwise, why did He Xi and Kesha kill all the scum with brains in the first place?

"Ruoning, it's time for you to take a bow."

He Xi leaned on Ruoning's back and said with his cheek close to Ruoning's ear.

"I am the fourth generation divine body, you cannot hurt me..."

Ruoning said that she wanted to forcefully break away from He Xi's royal life.

She is a fourth-generation divine body. Even gods-killing weapons like Wang Ming and Ansu Yinwu cannot kill her completely. Her atoms will automatically aggregate.

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