Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 284 Void Controller!

"I know that Xin Zhao, you are very powerful now, but because of this, you must be more cautious. You are the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Xiongbing Company, how can you easily put yourself in danger!?"

Lianfeng said to Xin Zhao.

"Don't worry, I'm measured!"

Xin Zhao smiled and said.

"Isn't it just a triangular civilization? If I don't have a certain degree of certainty, I won't take my life as a joke!"

"I'm not bragging, but it seems that the only person here who is confident about facing the Triangle Civilization and getting out unscathed is me."

Xin Zhao looked at Lian Feng and said.

"Then be more careful..."

Lianfeng thought for a long time before nodding with difficulty.

"If it is confirmed that the other party is an enemy, I allow you to fight back. I will bear all the responsibilities!"

East China Sea!

Several helicopters followed Xin Zhao, and his wife, Angel Zhixin, didn't trust him and followed him.

"I have said that it is very dangerous, so let them go back, Chief Lianfeng?"

Xin Zhao was worried about the safety of the soldiers on the helicopters behind him.

At this time, three strange-looking dolphins flew into the sky and came to Xin Zhao.

"Triangle civilization, right?"

Xin Zhao looked at the three dolphins with barrels on their faces.

"Please state your purpose for coming to Earth!"

"Earth people convey the order of the powerful. We cannot coexist with the Kamigawa system. In the future, there will be only peace and short-term. We accept the immigration of nearby Mars. In the future, one Hundreds of years, assist, develop Mars, never, not, leave, no need, have large-scale, star, weapons, safety, survival, mottled blue, soldiers, dominance, war results, victory, in the future..."

Xin Zhao listened uncomfortably to the other person spitting out word after word. He finally waited for the other person to finish speaking, then pressed the earphone and whispered.

"Chief Lianfeng, have you heard everything? It's clear that the Triangular Civilization is here for the Earth. They want us Earthlings to immigrate to Mars and give the Earth to their Mottled Blue Empire, so do we still need to continue negotiating?"

"Don't be impatient!"

Lianfeng said calmly.

"Take this opportunity to learn about the details of the triangular civilization first, um..."

She pondered for a moment.

"You ask them, does the world of triangles have emotions?"

"Does your world have emotions?"

Xin Zhao relayed Lian Feng’s question.

"There are many kinds of emotions. You, the people on earth, understand, cannot, and do not communicate..."

"Did you hear that?"

Zhao Xin spread his hands and said to Lianfeng.

"They said it directly. They didn't communicate and just made demands. This obviously doesn't look like they are seeking peace!"

"In this case, let's simply make conditions directly to them,"

Lianfeng said in a deep voice.

"Require their armies to leave the earth, not to interfere with each other, not to invade each other, and to make progress and prosperity together."

Xin Zhao recounted it truthfully.

"No acceptance, termination of negotiations, galaxy, earth, no acceptance, immigration, war, continue..."

The triangle's response was very direct, an invisible electromagnetic wave swept past.

Several helicopters behind Xin Zhao suddenly stalled and fell straight down.

The soldiers on the helicopter all covered their ears and looked painful.

"court death!"

Xin Zhao quickly took action.

"Import the data of [Kesha's Knowledge Treasury] and analyze the ingredients. The target belongs to a triangular body, a carbon-based organism, and the atomic composition cannot be analyzed. The target relies on biological energy to drive various microwaves, and turns on anti-bioenergy, 20%, 40%, 60% ...100%, close target action, paralyze target..."

Three strange-looking dolphins suddenly became silent.

"Redefining gravity..."

Behind him, the falling helicopters suddenly began to float again.

Angel Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief. She was almost knocked down by the Triangle just now. Fortunately, Xin Zhao is no longer the Xin Zhao he used to be. Today's Galaxy Power Xin Zhao is progressing very quickly and is very strong.

The key is that Xin Zhao did not sink like Ge Xiaolun, and unlocked all aspects of Galaxy Power faster than Ge Xiaolun.

The Great Black Wall.

"Hey, hey..."

Lianfeng said loudly.

"Xin Zhao, are you still there? What's going on over there?"

The electromagnetic waves released by the triangular creatures interfered with communications, and Lianfeng could only hear a burst of noise coming from the communicator.

"It's broken, Yuqin, please transfer me to the Xiongbing Company channel..."

Lianfeng called for a long time, but received no response, and quickly asked Yuqin to switch the communication channel, preparing to notify everyone in the Xiongbing Company to go and meet Zhao Xin.

"Hey, Lianfeng, did you hear that?"

The communicator suddenly sounded Xin Zhao's voice again.

"I heard it, I heard it, thank God, you're fine,"

Lianfeng was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"What happened just now?"

"The Triangle is attacking us,"

Xin Zhao explained.

"They can use biological energy to drive various microwaves. It was estimated that the electromagnetic waves they released just now interfered with communication equipment and caused communication interruption."

"What about the triangle?"

Lianfeng asked.

"Did you fight back? Did you kill them?"

"Of course I fought back. Not only did I fight back, I also captured them alive,"

Xin Zhao smiled.

"However, I think these stubborn creatures are completely incapable of communication. They probably won't be captives obediently. Let's just kill them!"

"Hey, wait, don't kill them yet!"

Lian Feng hurriedly stopped him.

"Triangular creatures are all unfamiliar to us. Since you have captured the enemy alive, that's great. Regardless of whether we can communicate or not, we can at least study the life structure of the triangles and maybe find a way to deal with them!"

"Then you can study slowly!"

Zhao Xin's wife next to him also reminded him that he could study the triangles.

So Zhao Xin agreed.

"The abilities of the triangle creatures are still quite strange. When you study them, you must be careful... I have temporarily paralyzed the mobility of these three enemies, but they have been trying to use biological energy to resist. If you want to study, you'd better hurry up. It takes effort for me to suppress them."

Luther was a little surprised but not surprised.

It seems that Zhao Xin has a "void controller".

The "Void Controller" developed by Angel Zhixin with the assistance of Xin Zhao can be said to be another great Void technology in the known universe, and it is a high-end Void product that even the God of Death Carl does not have.

Xin Zhao himself is hardworking enough, leaving Ge Xiaolun behind by several streets, and with the help of Angel Zhixin, he has a telepathic connection with him, and the connection between husband and wife is as strong as a knife.

The appearance of the Void Controller is simply a great help to Xin Zhao.

The only pity about the triangle is that they appeared too late, and the version is outdated.

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