Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 286 The Demonic Army Resurrects

But this problem that does not need to be worried has become a reality today.

At a certain moment, the sun hanging high in the sky suddenly disappeared.

However, the Taotie people soon discovered that it was not the sun that disappeared, but the planet they were based on, which had been 'moved' away from the Styx galaxy.

Because what they saw when they raised their heads was an extremely unfamiliar starry sky.

The most terrifying thing is that under this starry sky, the stars closest to their parent stars are at least dozens of light years away.

This discovery plunged all the Taotie people into despair.

The fragility of life was extremely cruelly displayed at this moment.

There are countless planets and stars in the universe, but there are only a handful of planets that can give birth to life and civilization.

Because life has very demanding demands on the environment.

The distance between the planet and the star must be just right so that the temperature on the planet's surface can be maintained in a narrow range suitable for the survival of life.

Although the Taotie people are an animal civilization, their individual bodies are very strong, and they are better able to adapt to harsh environments than humans.

But even so, after losing the sun, the temperature of the planet's surface dropped sharply, and their survival was also severely threatened.

The Taotie civilization has powerful aerospace technology and can conduct long-distance interstellar travel across galaxies. As long as it finds a habitable planet, interstellar immigration is not difficult.

However, the disaster came too unexpectedly.

Even for the Taotie civilization, interstellar immigration is a huge project that cannot be accomplished overnight.

Despite this, in the face of the huge crisis of civilization's collapse, the Taotie people still showed unprecedented mobility.

They activated all the space bases and squeezed out the space potential as much as possible, striving to stuff every gluttonous civilian into an interstellar spacecraft in preparation for escaping from the planet where they had thrived for countless years.

It is a pity that the initiator regards every gluttonous person on this planet as genetic material. How can they allow the 'material' to fly away on its own?

Boom boom boom...

Almost all space bases on the entire planet were bombarded by fierce artillery fire at the same time.

Amidst the extremely ferocious firepower, all aircraft capable of interstellar travel were fatally struck and instantly turned into a pile of scrap metal.

At this point, even the strongest Taotie people felt deep despair.

The encounter before them clearly told them that all this was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. However, they were not even able to figure out who the enemy was.

To make matters worse, from the space base that was blown into ruins by artillery fire, monsters with faces even more ferocious and ugly than the gluttonous people crawled out.

These monsters laughed ferociously and rushed into the surviving gluttonous crowd, carrying out inhumane killings.

"They are demons!"

Finally, a Taotie warrior recognized the monster's true face and screamed in shock.

"This is all the Demon Queen's conspiracy!"

"What? Aren't the demons allies with us Taotie?"

"Obviously, the Demon Queen has broken her covenant with my god Karl!"

"My god Karl, have you seen all this?"

Countless gluttons knelt on the ground and began to pray to their gods, hoping that their gods could understand the devil queen's conspiracy and perform miracles to save them from danger.

However, they are destined to be disappointed.

How could the Taotie people imagine that everything they encountered was at the hands of the gods they believed in?

At the juncture when the fleet of the Taotie Civilization was ordered by their gods to expedition to heaven and the Milky Way, the God of Death, Karl, personally sent the Taotie Civilization into the abyss of despair in order to win over the Demon Queen Morgana.

"Karl, this old yinbi, I think he has a dark heart!"

Liang Bing murmured.

"The Taotie people are his vassal race, and they obeyed his orders, conquered all the major galaxies in the universe, and made great contributions to him. However, he was so cruel that he completely ruined such a loyal vassal race. I will be punished in the future. He should be careful, otherwise he might end up like the Taotie Man!"

However, Liang Bing was just talking nonsense. She said that Karl was evil-hearted, but she herself was even more ruthless. Karl just sent Bai Mingxing in front of her. She was the devil who really made the Taotie people fall into a desperate situation. Queen.

When Liang Bing came to the earth, he was still interested in traveling around the world, and even tried to abide by the order of human society. Although in the end he couldn't stand the restraint, he went crazy and killed people in anger.

But compared to the fate of the Taotie people now, Liang Bing could be said to be quite gentle to the people on Earth.

But it’s not possible to say that it’s because one is a Kamigawa body and the other is a beast body. In the Super Seminary Universe where appearance means justice, Taotie is naturally evil.

Even a five-hundred-year-old angel like Angel Zhixin would say that Carl, the God of Death, shouldn't be so handsome. Since he is so handsome, he shouldn't be evil.

It can only be said that Luther was shocked when he saw this. He can only be said to be an angel of the Beauty Association.

Bai Mingxing right now is simply hell on earth.

After losing the sun, the temperature on the surface of White Pluto continued to drop, and soon reached the critical point that the Taotie people could adapt to. Groups of Gluttonians were freezing to death in the extremely cold environment.

But this is just the beginning!

Demons crawled out of the dead Taotie corpses from time to time, killing people everywhere.

The total number of demons under Liang Bing exceeded one million, which was comparable to the number of angels. Otherwise, how could she fight against the angels?

If you say that Liang Bing did not fight but only escaped and was chased by angels, then the Holy Left Wing Alan would not have died in the battle when Holy Kesha was not there.

That was the death of a Holy Left Wing guard, and the battle between demons and angels also sank a continent of Frazer, which shows that the strength of demon civilization is still there.

When on Earth, Liang Bing was unable to let go because of various concerns and restrictions, so the resurrected demons were only a fraction of the demon army.

But this time, with the all-round help provided by the God of Death Carl, not only all kinds of genetic materials were openly supplied, but the other party even sent a whole star of Taotie to her as a carrier for the resurrection of demons. Liang Bing can finally have unlimited soldiers.

"Queen, I'm sorry, I betrayed your trust!"

The resurrected demon generals knelt in front of the demon queen and said with shame on their faces.

"It's not your fault, Queen, I was too careless!"

Lang Bing said lightly.

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