Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 291 He Xi's Void Engine

He Xi was shocked.

"I didn't expect that the time and space technology of Tiandao civilization has reached this level."

He Xi said with emotion.

Especially after she knew that Tiandao civilization had mass-produced void engines, she was even more shocked.

Now who doesn't know that the void engine is the most powerful technology and power in the known universe.

Mass-produced void engines?

What kind of god is this!

Even He Xi has a void engine ready.

The reason is simple. Angel Leng has one, so how could He Xi not have one?

Angel Leng didn't expect something like this to happen today.

The angel civilization is gone, and there will only be Tiandao in the future. What she didn't expect was that she would become a sister with the legendary Tianji King He Xi.

Such a thing is too dreamy, right?

Angel Leng didn't dare to dream that such a thing would happen.

And then it really happened.

The other female angels were very surprised to see that Angel Leng was not dead. They saw that Angel Leng had lost contact and thought that Angel Leng was dead.

Unexpectedly, in Tiandao, not only Angel Leng could be seen, but also other sisters.

Next, Tiandao was busy digesting the impact brought by Lieyang Civilization and Angel Civilization.

The operation of Tiandao life created by Luther's own empire dimension is naturally flawless, and they are life forms created by real souls.

However, with so many angels and people from Lieyang Civilization joining, there are many variables and data added.

Hexi did not participate in the settlement of the angels, and trusted Luther with all the work.

Of course, this is also because she is already Luther's guardian angel.

It took him a million words to pass away. When it was over, Hexi lay in Luther's arms.

"My king, Liang Bing has Angel Yan, and Angel Yan has the knowledge treasure house and arsenal of Holy Kesha. These two things, even I don't have the authority to get, if Liang Bing, the female devil, gets them, it will be troublesome..."

Hexi said to Luther.

She has completely fallen in love with Luther, and the only selfishness left is whether she can use Luther to rescue Angel Yan, and then let Angel Yan restore Angel Civilization by himself.

Anyway, since Angel Yan has his own sacred knowledge treasury and arsenal, plus the descendants of angels distributed in the Angel Nebula, it is only a matter of time to create another angel civilization.

It's just that Angel Yan may not understand why he has become a lone commander and a lonely man, right?

"It's just the sacred knowledge treasury. I don't even care about the big clock of the god of death Carl, let alone the sacred knowledge treasury?"

Luther said calmly.

"But what if Liang Bing gives the sacred knowledge treasury to the god of death Carl?"

He Xi asked, it's not impossible, Liang Bing and the god of death Carl are like-minded and in cahoots.

Especially now that the Tiandao civilization is powerful, Liang Bing can't want the demon civilization to surrender, and she won't surrender to others, so she will definitely go to find her lover, and if the sacred knowledge treasury and arsenal fall into the hands of the god of death Carl, it will be troublesome.

He Xi doesn't dare to bet whether the sacred knowledge treasury and arsenal can resist the invasion of the big clock.

This possibility can only be said to be possible before Luther appeared, but now it is impossible.

Liang Bing probably found a place to hide, and would rather let Angel Yan rot in her own pot than hand her over.

She knew very well what it meant to catch an Angel King.

It is no exaggeration to say that she has already grasped the future of Angel Civilization.

"Even if the Death God Carl gets the Holy Knowledge Treasure House, he can't be the opponent of this king."

Luther said.

He Xi frowned.

"Don't underestimate Carl. The Big Clock is a celestial-level supercomputer of Shenhe Civilization. It is the most advanced celestial supercomputer in the known universe. I don't know what it is like in the unknown universe, but no one has been able to surpass the Big Clock for so many years, and even the Holy Knowledge Treasure House is only close to it."

He Xi said to Luther seriously.

"Don't worry, this king knows the power of the Big Clock, but our Tiandao civilization is more powerful."

Luther said with a smile.

"What is the celestial supercomputer of Tiandao Civilization?"

He Xi asked curiously. Luther was so confident in Tiandao Civilization. Could it be that the celestial supercomputer of Tiandao Civilization is very powerful?

"You will know later."

Luther didn't say anything, so He Xi didn't force it.

She knew that even if she became a guardian angel, there were many things she shouldn't know.

Maybe she shouldn't know it for the time being, or maybe she shouldn't know it forever.

"So what should we do now?"

He Xi turned over and asked.

"Attack the enemy and save them."

Luther said.

"You mean, we should attack the Styx Nebula next?"

He Xi understood.

"The Death Song Academy is in the Styx Nebula. Unless the Death God Karl uses the big clock to move the Death Song Academy to other places, attacking the Styx Nebula is inevitable."

Luther admired the picturesque scenery of the mountains and rivers.

This snow-capped mountain is majestic and steep.

"What if Karl uses the big clock to move the Death Song Academy away?"

He Xi pressed the road and asked.

"If it is moved away, the Tianzha Legion can't escape. First destroy the Tianzha, then kill the Taotie and the giant wolf. At that time, he will have no soldiers to use, and he can target them however he wants."

Luther said.

He Xi thought about it and felt that this was probably the best way, but he still had to find a way to save Angel Yan.

In the following days, He Xi soon waited for his own void engine.

"10-frequency Galaxy Power Void Engine, standard anti-void capability, with additional phantom structure strike function?"

He Xi had already learned from others what the void engine she was about to install was and what capabilities it would have. At the same time, she was also very curious about how the Tiandao civilization solved the problem that the void engine would not cause great damage and radiation to the divine body and super soldiers when it was activated.

This is the key to the Tiandao civilization's ability to mass-produce void warriors, otherwise it can only be like the Styx Nebula, where all the void warriors are robots.

"In the unknown universe you mentioned, there are many spiritual enemies and phantom enemies."

Luther opened his mouth, anyway, no one here would expose him.

"Spirit and phantom? What is that? A life form with different forms?"

He Xi grasped the key.

"Well, the dark universe has also experienced physical wars, physical wars between the Heavenly Dao body, the Spiritual body, and the Phantom body."

Luther nodded.

"Could Carl's phantom body be from an unknown universe?"

After hearing Luther's words, He Xi made a bold guess.

"I don't know, if so, then he is not a problem."

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