Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 299 The Ultimate Weapon: Heavenly Punishment!

Penalty on the second day!

The number of times a scumbag dies depends entirely on the speed of his resurrection, but so far, every scumbag has basically died hundreds of times.

There is also the case where Death God Carl did not understand the technology of the Void Age, rashly researched krypton gold, and then blew up the Death Song Academy.

Of course, this kind of thing is nothing. Carl, the God of Death, has nothing to do with it. It’s just that Snow and the Four Knights of the Void have to go back to the drawing board and rebuild.

Later, a Death Song Academy that was a hundred times larger was even rebuilt.

Anyway, unlimited resources are just arbitrary!

As for the Tiandao civilization, we also have to thank the Styx civilization.

"Thank you for giving us the opportunity to train our troops. After this battle, we will have millions more brave and capable warriors in Heaven."

Pan Zhen said calmly.

Pan Zhen couldn't even see the possibility of them losing. The advantage of Tiandao Civilization was too great.

It is said that the rear is increasing their horsepower and producing combat celestial bodies at a rate of one per day.

It is actually not easy to mass-produce combat celestial bodies with unlimited resources and energy, but who has a void controller that allows them to directly construct materials in the void without the need for manual construction and precision instruments for assembly and assembly.

Just like a 3D printed model, the combat celestial body can be printed directly!

However, this method was quickly learned by the God of Death, Karl. There was no shortage of ideas and data for combating celestial bodies in the big clock.

And he got the Void Controller.

A god of scientific research who is modest in learning is very scary, especially since he is very concerned about the battlefield and will not miss any detail.

This means that whatever new gadgets Tiandao Civilization comes up with will be quickly noticed by the God of Death, Karl, and methods to target them will be studied.

After the Tiandao civilization captured the first line of defense, they found that what was waiting for them was no longer Tianzha's flesh and blood defense line, but the Styx fighting celestial bodies lined up in a row!

"Can the Styx civilization also produce combat celestial bodies?"

Pan Zhen was deeply shocked. He had actually thought of threatening and intimidating the God of Death, Karl.

He couldn't help but think of Shekhar's kindness for not killing him.

Liang Bing was also stunned.

"Atuo, Xiao Lun, let's quickly find a remote place to hide."

Liang Bing said that this cosmic demon civilization is no longer playing. They closed the door and lived their own lives, and they no longer had any ideas about the demon queen dominating the universe.

This is simply impossible!

Give the devil a million years, and I don’t know if it can reach even one ten thousandth of what it is today!

"Queen, where are we going?"

Liang Bing was stunned by Atuo's simple question.

Yeah, where can they hide?

Looking at the postures of Carl and Luther, no matter who wins, there is a high probability that they will rule the universe. With the power they have shown, is there really a place in the known universe that they cannot rule or find?

Liang Bing felt that he was in a dilemma. If he had known better, he would have taken the devil and joined the Tiandao civilization.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be like a stray dog ​​now, not knowing where to go.

Liang Bing felt aggrieved because she was the one who came first.

Whether He Xi or Angel Leng, they were all much slower than me.

As a result, now she is like a mistress who was caught.

Pan Zhen looked at the fighting celestial bodies of Tianzha lined up.

"The king is sure to hit the target!"

Pan Zhen has received orders from Luther, and Tianzha may come up with combat celestial bodies.

At that time, it will become a fort battle relying on combat celestial bodies.

However, Luther no longer wants to play with Karl, the god of death. The final value is gone. Angel Yan has fallen into doubt about life and self-doubt after seeing the battle between the two sides. It is estimated that it will not be long before joining Tiandao is a certainty. .

So Luther gave Pan Zhen a big killer weapon!

"Start the Heavenly Punishment System, identification code: I will ask you to seal the beer bottle at Hoover Hall..."

Pan Zhen spoke hundreds of millions of Chinese characters in one breath and activated "Heavenly Punishment"!

Suddenly, Pan Zhen felt that there was an operating system in his dark plane.

The operating system of heavenly punishment!

Originally, Luther planned to call it the Burning Heavenly Weapon as a joke, but after thinking about it, it seems that Heavenly Punishment is more appropriate.

"The Heavenly Punishment Strike is activated, locking the target..."

It was also the first time for Pan Zhen to use the Heavenly Punishment Strike. He had no idea what kind of strike it was, but it was probably an unimaginable attack that could directly destroy a combat celestial body with a space-time barrier, right?

Then he saw that the Styx battle celestial bodies lined up in front seemed to be compressed by something.

The universe is composed of three dimensions: length, width, and height. The strike of heaven, that is, the void redefines space. The moment it comes into contact with the three-dimensional universe, it will cause one dimension in the three-dimensional universe to shrink infinitely, thereby causing all matter in the three-dimensional space to shrink. , melting into a two-dimensional universe.

Since then, irreversibility has gradually led to the compression of high-latitude space to low-latitude space, that is, a dimensionality reduction strike. The universe space and time described by superstring theory is composed of ten dimensions and a single time axis. The existence of dimensionality reduction strikes directly affects different dimensions. life trajectory.

By curling and compressing a single dimension in the original three-dimensional space, the space will be gradually swallowed up and dismantled. Most parts of the original three-dimensional space will no longer exist and become two-dimensional.

This destructive principle is also similar to that of black holes.

According to the modern general theory of relativity, a black hole is a celestial body that exists in the universe with extremely high density and very low density.

Black holes are formed by gravitational collapse of stars with sufficient mass after the fuel of nuclear fusion reaction is exhausted and they die. The gravitational force of black holes is so strong that even light cannot escape.

"What is that?"

Pan Zhen has never seen such a terrible weapon.

"The ultimate weapon created by the advanced space definition and super concept rewriter - two-dimensional foil, a kind of heavenly punishment strike, has nothing in it, it is just a piece of space, the same as the space around us that is nothing and has nothing, the only difference is: it is two-dimensional, it is not a piece, but a piece, a piece without thickness."

Luther's words sounded, but gave Pan Zhen an unprecedented sense of fear.

The four-dimensional space fell into the three-dimensional space, like a waterfall flowing down a cliff.

"Just like the four-dimensional space fell into the three-dimensional space, the three-dimensional space will also fall into the two-dimensional space, and one dimension will curl up into the microcosm. The area of ​​that small piece of two-dimensional space - it only has area - will expand rapidly, which in turn triggers a larger-scale fall. The slag of the sky is now in a space that is falling into two dimensions. In the end, they will fall into two dimensions, that is, they will become a painting with zero thickness."

Luther continued.

Everyone lost their voices, staring blankly at the gorgeous plane that appeared in space.

It was indeed a painting, with every scum and fighting celestial body clearly visible, expressed with atomic-level painting skills!

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