Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 301 It’s the 300th chapter, please give me rewards and votes!!!

"It doesn't matter, it can be done on a small scale!"

Hua Ye quickly said that the black hole engine was no longer good immediately after the dimensionality reduction attack.

This space engine that Death God Carl mentioned is a high-end product as soon as you hear it!

On Pan Zhen's side, after being shocked by the technical weapon of dimensionality reduction strike, the confidence of the entire army doubled.

"Dimensionality reduction strike, with such a powerful weapon, we are not afraid of the Styx Nebula at all. We will win this battle, General!"

Next to Pan Zhen, a god from the Lieyang Civilization said excitedly.

"Don't be careless. Dimensionality reduction strikes are just a backup method. The main purpose of this battle is to train troops."

Although Pan Zhen thought so too, he didn't show it.

Dimensionality reduction strikes are very useful, but Pan Zhen doesn't plan to use them more. Wouldn't that make them appear incompetent?

This dimensionality reduction strike is more convenient than antimatter bombs and flare attacks. The celestial bodies and resources that have been dimensionally reduced can actually be restored and utilized to avoid wasting resources.

And the morale on Tianzha's side was inexplicably low.

Even if you can resurrect indefinitely, if people don't fight you and just throw dimensionality reduction blows, they won't be able to bear it.

Who can just accept that their dimensionality has been reduced?

That feeling, according to Tianzha after the resurrection, is that they don't know anything, and they have lost that part of the dark data forever.

No matter how magical the dark plane is, it is impossible to display the dark information in the two-dimensional space in the dark plane in the three-dimensional space. If they want to understand the world in the book, they can only go to the book themselves. Otherwise, they can see There are only words and patterns.

"General, will Death Karl use void technology to attack us?"

Then Lieyang God asked worriedly.

After all, they have seen the horror of void technology strikes. The Lieyang Gods are not worried that they will die. They will be resurrected in seconds anyway. What they are worried about is that the Styx Nebula's void technology strikes will make it impossible for them to advance.

"Don't worry, my god has already speculated that the Death God Karl only has void materials of about 100 to 150 frequencies. Without special abilities, the void engine frequency differs by more than ten or twenty. There will be no special overpowering advantage.”

Pan Zhen shook his head and said.

If you want to launch void strikes or void abilities, you must have void materials. The problem is that Carl, the god of death, does not have this material, unless he is willing to dismantle all his void equipment.

But in that case, the God of Death, Karl, would have no means of his own and could only rely on Hua Ye.

With the caution of the God of Death, Karl, how could he do this?

What if Hua Ye runs away?

Of course, Luther might do the same if he pressed too hard.

However, it seems that they found that the Tiandao civilization did not continue to use dimensionality reduction strikes, and the morale of the Tianzhu people finally did not drop to the bottom.

It's just that their thinking has changed, and the fight is more like a coping style.

Otherwise, what do you want them to do?

Material science has been completely crushed. People are holding krypton gold weapons and krypton gold armors. They can't hurt the other party. The weapons are broken by the other party. Even if they are brave and brave, they don't know if they can scratch them. One gram of krypton gold.

In this case, just hold them back and use the disgusting tactics of torture and kiting!

Pan Zhen didn't care that the scumbags had changed their tactics. It would be better to say that such tactics were more conducive to their training of warriors.

As for why the Tiandao civilization, the overlord of the unknown universe, needs to train troops, it is simple. Luther does not need to say it. Pan Zhen and the others spontaneously understand that these warriors are new generation warriors, just like angels are divided into old angels and new angels.

In addition, there is a real and powerful Tiandao civilization here. Isn't it normal to think like this?

However, even if Tianzha tried his best and even delayed desperately, in the face of this qualitative gap, they only blocked it for a month, and then the army of Tiandao civilization broke through the third line of defense and entered the Styx Nebula. inside!

This place used to be the home of the Taotie civilization, but now that the entire Bai Mingxing is gone, the Taotie civilization is left with only sporadic bases on other planets. Facing the roaring army of heaven, they will naturally be crushed to death. .

"Now that we have penetrated deep into the hinterland of the Styx Civilization, we must be careful next."

Pan Zhen conveyed the order.

Suddenly, the battle celestial body of a Tiandao civilization suddenly changed.

The surrounding space compressed instantly, and finally, in just one minute, this combat celestial body turned into a painting!

"Dimensionality reduction strike???"

After Pan Zhen saw this scene, he immediately lost his composure.

"Hahahaha! This king is back again!"

Hua Ye's arrogant and domineering voice appeared in the secret communication channel of the Tiandao army.

Then Pan Zhen and the others saw Hua Ye's figure.

I saw two purple-black energy balls in Hua Ye's hand. After throwing them out, they appeared directly next to the two combat celestial bodies through the wormhole. The speed was so fast that the two combat celestial bodies could not react and were touched. In an instant, it is compressed into a painting!

"It's really a dimensionality reduction blow!"

Pan Zhen looked ugly. Did Death Song Academy actually have a dimensionality reduction attack? Or was it an ability they had only recently mastered?

"General, what should I do?"

Lieyang God said anxiously, they are very aware of the terrifying impact of dimensionality reduction.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a dimensionality reduction attack."

Pan Zhen quickly regained his composure, and then he activated another strike function of the Heavenly Punishment System.

"Regional time rewind!"

Hua Ye was preparing to use a dimensionality reduction strike to shock the Heavenly Dao army, so his targets were all combat celestial bodies.

But at this time, Hua Ye found that the combat celestial body that he had turned into a painting was suddenly covered with a layer of light. This layer of colorful light was like rewinding, restoring the combat celestial body that had turned into a painting little by little.

Hua Ye was stunned.

"No, what is this, Carl!!!"

Hua Ye exploded. After his space engine was completed, his confidence doubled, and he felt that he was invincible again. As a result, the reality was that he had been arrogant for less than a few minutes, and the dimensionality reduction strike lost its deterrent significance.

"... Advanced time definition rewriting technology."

Carl gave the answer quickly.

But just knowing the answer is useless. Carl has a headache. The endless void technology of the Heavenly Dao civilization makes the Death God Carl feel powerless.

The space engine with the dimensionality reduction strike function that had just been urgently analyzed and completed lost its meaning in the blink of an eye in front of this time ability.

"Can you make a time engine?"

Hua Ye quickly drew inferences from his experience and asked.

"No, time technology is Liang Bing's area of ​​expertise."

Death Karl was silent for a long time before speaking.

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