Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 315 Digesting Ares, the God of War

Of course, in addition to the development in Gotham City, Luther is also paying attention to the situation of the First World War.

Especially the God of War Ares mixed in.

He is Wonder Woman's number one enemy, born to Zeus, the king of gods, and Hera, the queen of heaven. He is the god of war in Greek mythology, one of the twelve gods of Olympus, and Wonder Woman's half-brother.

He often transforms into a mortal and provokes wars in the world, because the disputes in the human world are the source of his power. The more wars, the stronger Ares' power.

Among the gods of Olympus, the god of war Ares is the most hated. He is described as "a bloodthirsty murderer and a conqueror of defended castles."

Hera just touched a flower on the grassland of Olenos, and gave birth to Ares.

He is a symbol of strength and power, bloodthirsty, bloody, and the embodiment of human disasters.

Ares is immortal, his armor is indestructible, he also has superhuman speed and endurance, as well as great strength, and he is also an excellent strategist.

Ares in the movie universe, the highlight moment is when the gods fought against Apokolips, he slashed Darkseid and forced Darkseid to kneel.

Although Da Zong was only a baby at this time, it was enough to see the special nature of Ares's divine power.

Luther planned to study Ares and then transform the Lutheran Protoss.

The third way to create the Lutheran Protoss is the Lutheran Protoss bred in the Empire Dimension.

Just like Luther turned Qilin into a Lutheran Protoss, combining the power of the Marvel Dimension and the concept and divine power of the old DC Protoss, it is the most powerful Lutheran Protoss.

This kind of Lutheran Protoss can be regarded as the innate gods and creatures born and raised, and naturally very powerful.

In the movie universe, Ares, as the god of war, is portrayed as the unfaithful son of Zeus and the half-brother of Wonder Woman Diana.

After Ares poisoned humans and killed the gods, Zeus fought Ares with all his might, then left the "God Killer" sword in the Amazon that could kill Ares.

Trapped on Earth, Ares spent centuries planning wars and conserving his power.

During World War I, he disguised himself as "Sir Patrick Morgan," a spokesman for the Imperial War Cabinet, manipulating both sides into conflict.

After revealing himself to Diana, Ares destroyed the sword and told her that Diana was the real "God Killer," and tried to convince Diana that humans were not worthy of her protection and should be destroyed to restore Earth to paradise.

Concluding that love is the only way to prevent conflict, Diana used her power as Zeus' last child to destroy Ares.

Anyway, when Luther watched it, he felt very confused, inexplicably sentimental, and inexplicably killed the villain.

I feel that the whole film is too tight, and the gas that Dr. Toxic developed to strengthen the villain has no introduction, and was killed by Diana in a few seconds.

The pace was so slow that it made people yawn, but it suddenly accelerated in the latter part, and a lot of content was crammed into just one-third of the time.

However, after becoming a reality, there was probably no problem in this regard.

Knowing Ares' disguised identity, Luther easily came to Great Britain and became a lord in a low-key manner.

Summoning Sir Patrick Morgan as a lord, Ares was very depressed why a lord summoned him, but he had no way to refuse and could only go to the appointment.

Then he was knocked down when he entered the door.

Luther looked at Ares in amazement.

In the comics, Ares can even fight with Superman, although many villains and superheroes have done this.

"So that's it, this is the power of war, power..."

In Luther's eyes, Ares has no secrets at all, and he is not the flesh and blood in front of him, but has become a kind of world rule rune structure. In other words, the reality of the world is exposed in front of Luther.

Then Luther threw Ares into his own imperial dimension.

The Empire Dimension digested Ares.

Luther was actually curious whether there would be angels to stop him, or any other accidents, but everything was calm.

"Don't you care if a life in a parallel universe is absorbed by me?"

Strictly speaking, Luther's behavior was stealing the source of power of the DC universe, or something called the origin of the universe.

Although it is definitely insignificant, the total amount has decreased, especially after Luther left.

In a big way, this is Nidhogg gnawing at the roots of the world tree, digging the foundation of the world.

In a small way, even if Luther swallowed the entire universe, it would not have much impact, at least it is really insignificant.

Who cares, since he won't stop it, then I'll start.

Luther created the God of War of the Luther Protoss.

The Empire Dimension has completed the digestion and analysis of Ares, and Luther has also mastered the power of Ares, which makes the created God of War of the Luther Protoss also have the power of Ares and the power of the Empire Dimension.

Like Luther, he has a typical oriental face, handsome appearance, tall stature, and a very Hong Kong comic book macho style.

After all, Luther always thinks that a man should look like that to be called heroic and extraordinary, a real man.

His Luther God Clan does not allow sissy men to exist.

"Apophis Luther!"

The Luther God Clan looked at Luther and suddenly said his name.

"Father God!"

Then he said to Luther respectfully.

The Luther Protoss, who are born with knowledge, have Luther's selective inheritance memory, so there is no need to let him grow up slowly like a baby. That is an inefficient way for mortals to grow, because they need to mature slowly.

"Apophis? That's the name."

Luther couldn't help but complain, the magic sword Apophis, right?

But Luther basically has a plan for the candidates of the Luther Protoss.

If I can go to the Devil May Cry world in the future, I will turn Nero into a Luther Protoss, and go to the Final Fantasy world to turn Sephiroth into a Luther Protoss.

Learn from Whitebeard, you are all my children.

Luther explained to Apophis that he didn't plan to let him out, lest Apophis become part of the DC universe after he went out.

Although he also knew that the Empire Dimension could not stop those beings.

On the other side.

On Paradise Island, Diana still missed Luther on the 100th day after he left.

Missing and remembering can beautify a person. To Diana, Luther is just like a fairy descending to earth and now returning to heaven.

In addition, the Amazon warriors have been asking her about Luther's information these days.

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