Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 32 Learning and Mastering

The Red Ribbon Corps headquarters is surrounded by dense forests in the west of the earth, with a total area comparable to a small town.

It is equipped with weapons such as cannons and machine guns. Intruders will be attacked by bullets and missiles when approaching from the air.

Internal movement is carried out by elevators.

However, these are non-existent things for Luther.

"There are intruders!"


"How many intruders are there?"

"Only me."

Luther rushed into the communication room and said with a smile.

He had removed all the obstacles outside in less than a second. If he exerted his super speed, he would not be hit by those attacks at all. The world seemed to be stagnant in his eyes. So why was Superman hit by Batman with kryptonite?

If it is because of his deep love for Batman, then why can the villain hit Superman with kryptonite?

"Black Marshal, right? You have one minute to surrender... Forget it, it's too long, so I'd better kill you directly."

Luther said to the communicator, then felt bored and threw the communicator in his hand in one direction.

The communicator wrapped in air was like an indestructible shell, penetrating all kinds of iron plates, concrete and human tissues, and finally smashed the black marshal to death!

From the discovery of Luther, the intruder, to now, in less than a minute, the Red Ribbon Army headquarters was killed by Luther, and finally the adjutant of the black marshal, Black Blake, surrendered with his men.

"Wait, we are willing to surrender..."

Before Blake finished speaking, his head was evaporated.

"I hate Mo, but I can accept the surrender of others."

Luther said calmly.

The people of the Red Ribbon Army dared not say anything, so they naturally bowed their heads obediently.

Luther asked them to call Dr. Gro over. With him watching, Dr. Gro couldn't run away, but Luther planned to hypnotize Dr. Gro with great strength.

There was no way, this was a real genius, black technology to the extreme, especially the technology of the infinite energy furnace, the output was at the level of exploding planets. According to the combat power of 10,000, King Vegeta easily blew up several planets with a wave of his cloak.

The infinite energy furnace that is comparable to Super Saiyan or even stronger is likely to explode the solar system directly.

How could such a black technology talent be let go?

Dr. Gro was brought to Luther without resistance, mainly because he saw the process of Luther slaughtering the Red Ribbon Army. Even his specially made camera robot could not capture Luther's moving speed. What's more strange is that this moving speed did not cause any sonic boom.

Otherwise, the shock wave alone would be enough to raze the entire Red Ribbon Army headquarters to the ground.

"Dr. Gro, nice to meet you."

Luther smiled at Dr. Gro.

"What do you want to do, rule the world?"

Dr. Gro asked Luther seriously. He didn't have much moral bottom line. He would avenge the Red Ribbon Army later only because Sun Wukong and others destroyed his research support.

"Ruling the world? I'm not very interested. What I need more is your artificial human technology."

Luther shook his head.

"Artificial man?"

Dr. Gero's artificial man at this time was still inclined to the combination of technological weapons and human bodies, but after seeing Luther, Dr. Gero seemed to have burst into inspiration and came up with various new directions for artificial man transformation.

"Artificial man as powerful as me."

Luther said with a smile.

"I understand."

Dr. Gero accepted Luther's rule, but Luther was still worried, so he hypnotized Dr. Gero in the end.

However, because there are too many uncertain superpowers and magic in the Dragon Ball world, Luther is not sure how long this hypnosis can control.

Therefore, he will not commit suicide to give Broly's genes to Dr. Gero for research.

On the contrary, technology must be mastered in his own hands. Luther plans to wait for Dr. Gero to point out the technology of the infinite energy furnace, and then he will learn it himself, and then he will not be afraid of Dr. Gero's betrayal.

Artificial man technology is still very promising, so Luther must learn, master, and have the ability to innovate.

The Red Ribbon Army Corps changed its development route in a short period of time, and the generals of various squadrons outside were called back. They are all the best artificial man materials.

Except for Cell, none of Dr. Gero's androids were created from scratch. They were all modified from human materials. No. 18 and No. 17 were modified from a pair of siblings captured by Dr. Gero.

Luther gave Dr. Gero the Saiyan genes of Sun Wukong that he got while collecting Dragon Balls. If he had the best android materials, he would definitely use them. Would he have to wait for Dr. Gero to slowly point out Android No. 16 with genes from the earth?

Then began a long period of study and research.

All the squadron generals who ran back were controlled, and Luther used all the people of the Red Ribbon Army as materials for modification to speed up Dr. Gero's research progress.

Anyway, they were not good people, so it was best to be consumables.

Finally, after most of the consumables turned into various androids, and a large part of them died due to failed modification, Dr. Gero successfully developed the infinite energy furnace and the modification technology that he called super androids.

In Luther's opinion, Androids 18 and 17 still have some shortcomings, that is, there are still mechanical structures in their bodies, such as this infinite energy furnace which is the most typical example.

Luther doesn’t like machines, or rather, he doesn’t like the mechanical structure in his body. He likes the romance of boys. Of course, he likes steel and mechas, but he can’t let go of mechanical structures + flesh and blood.

He likes Zerg, the pinnacle of flesh and blood evolution. He likes machines like Transformers, but they can’t be mixed together!

It feels too awkward, so he studies this point himself.

“It would be great if the technology of the Infinite Energy Furnace could be transformed into a biological type.”

Luther is in a bit of a dilemma. Even Luther can’t transform the technology of the Infinite Energy Furnace, mainly because it’s too black technology.

However, Luther has already learned Dr. Gero’s super android technology.

The Infinite Energy Furnace is the reason why No. 17 and No. 18 are so powerful. No. 16 is even more powerful than the Super Saiyan. It is speculated that it is very likely that the Infinite Energy Furnace has also been transformed.

But it is still not as powerful as the Super Saiyan 2.

It can be said that at this point, Dr. Gero is no longer valuable to Luther.

However, Luther mercifully spared Dr. Gero's life and only let the modified android monitor Dr. Gero's every move.

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